The Coton Malgache - Canadian Coton De Tulear Club

The Coton Malgache - Canadian Coton De Tulear Club

The Coton Malgache - Canadian Coton De Tulear Club


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A Show StoryBy Diane BenarochI will never forget the first time that I attended a dog show with my sevenmonth old <strong>Coton</strong> de <strong>Tulear</strong> puppy—Vega, my pride and joy! We hadpreviously attended puppy classes, followed by conformation classes attendedreligiously. I had read show magazines, watched the "Best in Show" movie acouple of times, but never with the intention of showing my own dog!Walking into the show facility with my husband leading the way, beautifuldogs of all breeds were coming and going from the building. <strong>The</strong>ir ownerswere focused, looking very serious and busy. I held my precious little girltightly under my arm with no real idea of what was going to unfold. I felt likeit was my first day at kindergarten, but all that mattered is that I wanted to do this!We found a corner in the huge building, away from a door and near the bathrooms! My whole body felt tight and Iworried that my dog would sense my nervousness about this new event. I brought most all of my grooming tools, not tomention pads, blankets, and bottled water enough for an elephant in the Sahara. I brought toys and the “pee pee” litterbox. That in itself was a huge endeavor-- first, the plastic on the floor, then the box and then the litter. Of course myVega thought that the wood shavings were the greatest things to throw around. Did I bring a broom? Well of course,along with a few chairs for my husband and myself, knowing that I would probably never sit in it, but, we might have afew friends dropping by to give us support.As the clock is advancing, my heart is beating a little harder. Vega is lying on the grooming table like a princess. All ofmy grooming tools are around me – so much stuff that I don't know where to put it. Grooming my girl is a normal partof my day, but at this first show, boy I became clumsy!!! Of course, the usual conditioner is not working as well in thisbuilding…should have thought about that and I am now fighting "static electricity" - well that is all we need!!!While I was 100% sure that I was not going to see any other <strong>Coton</strong>s in this huge building, I was still hoping for amiracle. (Later on I learned about the "judges' schedule" which would have told me exactly which and how many dogswere in each group. Oh, silly me!) After asking at least 4 people where my ring was, I walked by Number 1, takingdeep breaths while trying to envision my little girl walking straight and happy, smiling for the judge and being the bestlooking little <strong>Coton</strong> he would ever see in his whole career! This is where it was all going to unfold: little white fencesaround the ring, carpet runners and a table for gifts, along with a table for the examination of my dog.We did our class alone as the only entered <strong>Coton</strong> de <strong>Tulear</strong>. <strong>The</strong> judge then told me to come forward and handed me"THE RIBBON". Well my gosh. I started crying with emotion! We had done it, and now one little blue ribbon all of asudden becomes the end of our world. My darling girl is "something" and has been "shown," and next, we have "<strong>The</strong>Group at 3 o'clock". OH MY! That means that we will be among all the best dogs of the entire Toy Group. Reality issetting in….By that time my husband and I were hungry since we had left the house quite early. So Vega goes on the leash as wego to grab a light snack. No hot dogs for me as these were "my bait" for Vega! (Oh boy, I am also learning a newlingo!) Now I have time to relax and watch all that is going on around us. Poodles standing on their individual tablesgetting so much specialized grooming. Little dogs, bigger dogs, and so many breeds I had not seen before. As I goaround with my girl, we stop and chitchat with different dogs' owners. Everybody is nice. I see so many new combs,scissors, shampoos-- products of all sorts, and I am thinking "I just HAVE to try that stuff on my baby”…especially afterwatching the Maltese & Bichon ladies who are true experts in keeping their dogs so white. Many breeders ask, "Whatkind of dog is this?" “Can I touch your dog?” How precious to tell them a little bit about the history of our <strong>Coton</strong>s alongwith their wonderful attributes.<strong>The</strong> Group competition was very professional and as a “newbie”, I was not quite sure about distances and protocol. Butmy girl was well behaved and did not seem to mind the other, unfamiliar dogs behind us. When the four best dogs inthe group were chosen, it was a relief. We did not make the top four– but my gosh we had done something more: we

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