Circular Ceiling Diffusers - Air Diffusion

Circular Ceiling Diffusers - Air Diffusion

Circular Ceiling Diffusers - Air Diffusion


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DJ 318028/08/2013Diário da JustiçaREPÚBLICA FEDERATIVA DO BRASIL – ESTADO DO TOCANTINSSEÇÃO ITRIBUNAL DE JUSTIÇACRIADO PELO ATO 02/89 DE 17/01/1989–ANO XXV–DIÁRIO DA JUSTIÇA Nº 3180–PALMAS, QUARTA-FEIRA, 28 DE AGOSTO DE 2013 (DISPONIBILIZAÇÃO)SEÇÃO I - JUDICIAL2ª CÂMARA CÍVEL ............................................................... 1RECURSOS CONSTITUCIONAIS ..................................... 191º GRAU DE JURISDIÇÃO ................................................ 20PUBLICAÇÕES PARTICULARES .................................... 165SEÇÃO II - ADMINISTRATIVAPRESIDÊNCIA ................................................................. 165CORREGEDORIA GERAL DA JUSTIÇA ......................... 167DIRETORIA GERAL ......................................................... 168DIVISÃO DE LICITAÇÃO, CONTRATOS E CONVÊNIOS 173CENTRAL DE COMPRAS ................................................ 174PAUTA Nº 32/2013SEÇÃO I – JUDICIAL2ª CÂMARA CÍVELSECRETÁRIA: ORFILA LEITE FERNANDESPautaSerão julgados pela 2ª CÂMARA CÍVEL do egrégio Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Tocantins, na 32ª (trigésima segunda)Sessão Ordinária Judicial, aos 04 (quatro) dias do mês de setembro de 2013, quarta-feira, ou nas sessões posteriores, a partirdas 14 horas, os seguintes processos:01. AGRAVO DE INSTRUMENTO - AI 5002215-80.2013.827.0000ORIGEM: TRIBUNAL DE JSUTIÇA DO ESTADO DO TOCANTINSREFERENTE: AÇÃO REVISIONAL C/C CONSIGNAÇÃO EM PAGAMENTO CONTRATUAL COM PEDIDO DE TUTELAANTECIPADA N o 5000147-27.2013.827.2727, DA ÚNICA VARA CÍVEL DA COMARCA DE NATIVIDADE-TOAGRAVANTE: NÉLIO GONZAGA DE SOUSAADVOGADOS: HILTON PEIXOTO TEIXEIRA FILHO E OUTROSAGRAVADO: BV FINANCEIRA S/AADVOGADO: CELSON MARCONRELATOR: DESEMBARGADOR MOURA FILHO1ª TURMA JULGADORADesembargador Moura FilhoJuiz Nelson Coelho FilhoDesembargador Marco Villas BoasRelatorVogalVogal

<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>ContentsPageIntroduction Page 3Models OD-1 and OD-2 Pages 4 – 11Model OD-10 Pages 12 – 15Model DE Pages 16 – 23Ordering Information Pages 24 – 252 www.air-diffusion.co.uk

<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>Introduction<strong>Circular</strong> cone ceiling or duct mounteddiffusers, are capable of a high aspirationrate and have the capacity to handlelarge volumes of air at relatively lowsound levels for supply and extractapplications, making these diffusersparticularly useful for installation in openplan areas such as auditoriums, airportlobbies, supermarkets and factories.Four separate model types are available,Model OD-1, Model OD-2, Model OD-10and Model DE.Model OD-1 is a fixed horizontal airpattern diffuser having flush inner cones.Model OD-2 is a fixed horizontal airpattern diffuser with projecting innercones. Model OD-10 has an adjustableflat central disc for horizontal throw orvertical discharge.Models OD-1, OD-2 are fabricated fromsteel whilst the Model OD-10 isconstructed from a combination of bothaluminium and steel. All model types arefinished in White polyester powder asstandard, other colours are available asan optional extra.Model DE has a versatile inner coneproviding 5 adjustment positions, wherethe air pattern can be altered fromhorizontal throw to vertical projection. Inaddition the inner cone is easily removedfor access or cleaning.To complement the usual Model DEcircular diffuser format the assembly canbe incorporated into a square ceilingpanel, to act as a tile replacement andco-ordinate with a 600 x 600mm ceilinggrid system.Fabricated in steel as standard withaluminium available as an extra costoption. Finished in White polyesterpowder as standard. Other colours areavailable as an optional extra.Model OD-1Model OD-10Model OD-2Model DEModel DE100P Tile Replacement Panelwww.air-diffusion.co.uk 3

Models OD-1 and OD-2 <strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong><strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>AccessoriesDeflector and single flapcontrol damper with centralteleflex screw operation,type E2. Butterfly damperhaving individual bladeoperation, Type J2.Butterfly control damperhaving uniform bladeoperation with centrallylocated screw, Type J3.Spigot collar for installationusing a cross member forcentral fixing type L2.Model OD-1Model OD-2DescriptionModels OD-1 and OD-2circular ceiling diffusers arecapable of handling greater airvolumes and largetemperature differentials dueto the high induction rates(mixing of supply and roomair) with relatively low noiselevels.Model OD-1 is a fixedhorizontal air pattern diffuserhaving flush inner cones.Model OD-2 is a fixedhorizontal air pattern diffuserwith projecting inner cones.Optional butterfly and controldeflectors are available.Both Model types may beused for supply or extractsystems and are suitable forinstallation in mostcommercial and residentialapplications.MaterialSteel as standard.ConstructionFabricated from pressed steelhaving an outer flange conicalsection with inner coneassembly mechanically joinedby rods.Standard InstallationMethodCentral screw fixing located indiffuser face using crossbarsecured into duct abovediffuser neck (Type 7).Alternatively by using threescrews for a peripheral fixingthrough the diffuser facedirectly into the ceiling (Type X).Cross bar fixing Type 7Installation OptionsWhen using a damper ordeflector unit, installationshould be either by centralscrew fixing through thediffuser face into the damperwith the damper fixed inposition by angles (Type 8).Alternatively by using threescrews for a peripheral fixingthrough the diffuser facedirectly into the ceiling(Type V) with the damperalready secured into the duct.FinishStandard is White polyesterpowder to RAL 9010 (30%gloss) alternative finishes toRAL colours also available asan optional extra.Standard Model TypesModel OD-1; Fixed horizontalair pattern circular diffuserwith inner cones flush withouter flange.Model OD-2; Fixed horizontalair pattern circular diffuserwith inner cones projectingbelow outer flange.Deflector and Flap control damper Type E2Butterfly and Deflector control damper Type J3Butterfly damper Type J2Spigot connection forinstallation incorporating across member for centralfixing Type L24 www.air-diffusion.co.uk

<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>Installation GuideInstallation 7Installation with crossbar.Designation: OD-1/7, OD-2/7Installation 8Installation on register fastened in the duct. Register has threefixing legs.Designation: OD-1/8 (L2, J2), OD-2/8 (L2, J2)Ø D+11 Ø D+11105105Built in DuctDuct through the panel ceilingInstallation X (without opening in the middle)Direct installation in the ceiling with three screwsDesignation: OD-1/X, OD-2XInstallation V (with opening in the middle)Direct installation in the ceiling with three screws, Register ispreviously fastened in the duct.Designation: OD-1/V (E2, J3), OD-2/V (E2, J3)Ø D+11Dimensions of volume control dampersL2, J2, J3, E2 for OD-1 and OD-2Size ∅ D-52 ∅ D+24 ∅ D+11(mm) (mm) (mm)1 140 216 2032 196 272 2593 252 328 3154 308 384 3715 364 440 4276 420 496 4837 476 552 5398 532 698 595Model L2Model J2Model J3Model E2www.air-diffusion.co.uk 5

<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>DimensionsØ D – 55Ø DØ AØ AØ D – 55H39Ø DOD-1 and OD-2 dimensionsSize D (mm) A (mm) H (mm) OD-1 OD-2A ef (M 2 ) A ef (M 2 )1 192 244 30 0.0085 0.00902 248 300 45 0.0157 0.01673 304 356 60 0.0257 0.02824 360 412 75 0.0381 0.04225 416 468 90 0.0536 0.06186 472 542 98 0.0730 0.08127 528 598 112 0.0955 0.10378 584 654 126 0.1150 0.12356 www.air-diffusion.co.uk

<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>Performance Guide Model OD-1Diagram for determining the size, induction and temperature of the air jet flow to the circular diffusers OD-1876Effective discharge velocity v ef (m/s)10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 240003500300025005Induction i10 20 3040520004150031000250040010.1300200 150<strong>Air</strong> flow Q (m 3 /h) 0.05 0.02Δt LTemperature quotientΔt L0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10<strong>Air</strong> jet velocity vL (m/s)<strong>Air</strong> jet width b ?? (m)10543210.5Throw distance (m)Q (m 3 /h)L (m)V ef (m/s)V L (m/s)V h (m/s)Δt L (K)iB 0.2 (m)<strong>Air</strong> flowThrow distanceEffective discharge air velocityMax. air velocity at the throwdistance LVertical velocity at distanceh from ceiling by combiningtwo counterdirectionalair jetsTemperature difference between airjet and room temperatureInduction ratio = total airstreamvolume flow/volume flow atdiffuser dischargeWidth of air jet is measured at adistance from ceiling where air flowvelocity is 0.2 m/swww.air-diffusion.co.uk 7

0.2<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>Performance Guide Model OD-1L = C + ECv L (m/s)Δt L (C)b 0.2Q (m3s)Δt Z (C)ExampleGiven:<strong>Air</strong> flow: Q = 1000 m 3 /h, L = 3m<strong>Air</strong> jet velocity: V L = 0.3 m/sTemperature difference: Δt z = 5 °CSolution:From the diagram selected the diffuser OD-1 size 4.Ev L = 0.2m/sL(m)effective outlet velocity V ef = 7.2 m/stemperature quotient Δt L/ Δt z = 0.08temperature difference Δt L = 0.08 x 5 = 0.4 °Cinduction i = 16width of the air jet b 0.2 = 0.22m2.0Diagram for determination of vertical velocityLL1.5v LDistance from ceiling h (m)<strong>Air</strong> jet velocity VL(m/s) h (m/s)Δt z (C)Max temperature quotient Δt h/ Δt z determined using thediagram 1 for temperature quotient:0.3L diagram = L + h0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7Vertical jet velocity vh (m/s)8 www.air-diffusion.co.uk

<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>Performance Guide Model OD-114132000Room attenuation diagramRoom attenuation (dB(A))121110987654321Volume Q (m 3 )10005002001005020Q9 (m 3 )Q (m 3 )calculated volume, depending on room reflectanceactual room volumeThe following data are necessary to calculate the volume Q9.1. Normal rooms Q9 = Q2. Rooms with highly reflective walls Q9 = 0.5Q3. Rooms with absorption walls Q9 = 2QΔP cel (Pa)L wA(db(A))N RPressure dropSound power levelMax. value according to ISO0.7 12Distance from opening (m)3 4 510025% Opened50%Pressure drop diagram (Valid for volume control damper J2)100%50pressure drop Δp cel (Pa)40302010N R = 25 30 35 40 4525 30 35 40 45L WA (db(A))regulation set-upΔp cel52 3 4 5 6 10Effective discharge velocity v ef (m/s)10025% 50% Opened100%Pressure drop diagram (Valid for volume control damper E2)pressure drop Δp cel (Pa)504030201030LR35 40 45N R = 2525 30 35 40 45L WA (db(A))regulation set-upΔp cel52 3 4 5 6 10Effective discharge velocity vef (m/s)www.air-diffusion.co.uk 9

<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>Performance Guide Model OD-2Sizing diagram for circular diffusers OD-2876543124000350030002500200016001400Effective discharge velocity v ef (m/s)10 8 6 5 4 3 2 1210008006001500400 300 200 1400.1<strong>Air</strong> flow Q (m 3 /h)70.2650.30.44<strong>Air</strong> jet velocity v L (m/s)0.50.751.032Throw distance L (m)1Key to symbolsQ (m 3 /h)L (m)V ef (m/s)V L(m/s)V h (m/s)Δt z (K)Δt L(K)ib 0.2 (m)ΔP cel (Pa)L wA(db(A))N R<strong>Air</strong> flowThrow distanceEffective discharge air velocity Max. air velocity atThe throw distance L vertical velocity atDistance h from ceiling by combining two counter directional air jetsTemperature difference between supply and room airTemperature difference between air jet and room temperatureInduction ratio = total airstream volume flow/volume flow at diffuser dischargeWidth of the air jet is measured at a distance from ceiling where air flow velocity is 0.2 m/sPressure dropSound power levelBorder value according to ISO10 www.air-diffusion.co.uk

<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>Performance Guide Model OD-2L = C + ECv L (m/s)Δt L (C)b 0.2Q (m 3 /h)Δt Z (C)ExampleGiven:<strong>Air</strong> flow volume: Q = 1000 m 3 /h, L = 2.4m<strong>Air</strong> jet velocity:V L = 0.3 m/sTemperature difference: Δt z = 5 °CEvL(m/s)v L = 0.2m/sL(m)Solution:From the diagram selected the diffuser OD-2 size 3.Effective discharge velocityV ef = 9.8 m/sΔt L (C)Sound attenuation L WA (dB(A))1413121110987654322000100050020010050020Pressure drop diagram (Valid for volume control damper J2)Q9 (m 3 )Q (m 3 )calculated volume, depending on room reflectanceactual room volumeThe following data are necessary to calculate the volume Q9.1. Normal rooms Q9 = Q2. Rooms with highly reflective walls Q9 = 0.5Q3. Rooms with absorption walls Q9 = 2Q10.7 1 2 3 4Distance from diffuser (m)5Pressure drop diagram (Valid for register J2)Pressure drop diagram (Valid for register E2)10025%Δp celΔp celOpenedOpened50%10025%50%50%Pressure drop Dp cel (Pa)50403010N R = 25 30 35 40 4525 30 35 40 45L WA (dB(A))100%regulation set-upPressure drop Dp cel (Pa)50403010N R = 25 30 35 40 25 L WA (dB(A))35 4545 4540 30 100%regulation set-up552 3 4 5 6 10Effective discharge velocity v ef (m/s)2 3 4 5 6 10Effective discharge velocity v ef (m/s)www.air-diffusion.co.uk 11

<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>Model OD-10 <strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> DiffuserFrontSideBackWith Type 1 fixingDescriptionModel OD-10 circular ceiling diffuser isdesigned for supply air temperaturedifferences up to 10K and for mountingheights of 2.6m to 4m. Model OD-10incorporates an adjustable flat inner discsection, by rotating the inner disc eitherhorizontal throw or vertical projection isachieved.Optional fixing methods are available.Model OD-10 may be used for supply orextract systems and is suitable forinstallation in most commercial andresidential applications.Diffuser SpecificationMaterialAluminium and Steel as standard.ConstructionOuter casing from aluminium with innerdisc fabricated from steel.Standard Installation MethodSurface mounting using location section(Type 1).Installation OptionsDirect screw fixing into ceiling throughdiffuser with inner disc removed (Type 2).AccessoriesLocation section for installation.FinishStandard is White polyester powder toRAL 9010 (30% gloss) alternative finishesto RAL colours also available as anoptional extra.Standard Model TypesModel OD-10 circular diffuser withadjustable inner disc.12 www.air-diffusion.co.uk

<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>Dimensions4 5Ø D36021Component parts:1. Housing2. Inner Disc3. Holder4. Spring5. Retention CordCFØ D1Ø D2Ø BSize ∅B ∅D ∅D1 ∅D2 C F A ef s = -5 A ef s = +580 197 78 128 163 25 20 0.00435 0.00498100 215 98 146 181 25 20 0.00486 0.00556125 249 123 180 215 25 20 0.00582 0.00666160 308 158 204.5 264 35 25 0.01173 0.01236200 364 198 260.5 320 35 25 0.01437 0.01514250 444 248 306 390 45 30 0.02434 0.02507315 535 313 397 481 45 30 0.03034 0.03119A ef Effective area (m 2 )Installation GuideOD-10/1 Type 1Installation with fastening sectionOD-10/2 Type 2Direct installation to ceiling using screwsInner Disc for Heating and CoolingVertical discharge for heatingHorizontal discharge for coolingS = – 5mmS = +5mmChart ARefer to Performance Guide for dimensionsDim. Sizes Sizes SizesS 80, 100,125 160, 200 250, 3155 1.05 1.04 1.03 A10 0.95 0.97 0.98 A5 -6.0 –5.5 –5.0 B10 2.0 1.5 1.5 B5 1.17 1.11 1.08 C10 0.90 0.92 0.94 Cwww.air-diffusion.co.uk 13

<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>Performance GuideHLQΔtzA,B∗V H1Δt LQΔtzLx1.8mH1V LΔt L∗Q (m 3 /h) <strong>Air</strong> flowx (m) Horizontal distance to the wallH (m) Room heightH1 (m) Distance from ceiling to occupied zoneL (m) Throw distance (L=H1 + x)V L (m/s) <strong>Air</strong> velocity at the throw distance LΔt z (K) Temperature difference between the supplyand room airΔt L (K) Difference between the core and room airtemperatureΔp t (Pa) Pressure dropL WA (db(A)) Sound power levelV H1 (m/s) <strong>Air</strong> velocity at the H1 distanceA, B (m) Distance between diffusers by length andby widthΔt L / Δt L0.300.200.100.05Size80100125160200250315A = velocity corrections V H1 in V L :V H1 = ( V H1 from diagram) x AV L = (V L =from diagram) x AB = sound power corrections:L WA = (L WA from diagram) – B0.030.02C = pressure drop corrections:Δp = (Δp from diagram) x C12 3 4 5 8Distance (m)For Details see Chart A14 www.air-diffusion.co.uk

<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>Performance GuideTechnical data for horizontal discharge (central disc adjustment s = 10mm)Size 80Size 100H=1 1.2 1.6 2H=1 1.2 1.6 2V H1 (m/s) Δp LWA100 59 4175 33 3150 14 1840 9 L (m/s)V H1 (m/s) Δp LWA150 64 43100 26 2275 16 1050 9 1.5 2 3 4Distance L (m)1 1.5 2 3 4Distance L (m)Size 125H=1 1.2 1.6 2Size 160H=1 1.2 1.6 2V H1 (m/s) Δp LWA100 59 4175 33 3150 14 1840 9 L (m/s)V H1 (m/s) Δp L WA400 74 45300 41 36200 19 22150 11 1.5 2 3 4Distance L (m)1.5 2 3 4 5 6Distance L (m)Size 200H=1 1.2 1.6 2Size 250H=1 1.2 1.6 2V H1 (m/s) Δp L WA500 57 40400 36 33300 21 24200 9 L (m/s)V H1 (m/s) Δp L WA800 56 41600 31 31300 7 10200 2 5400 14 2 3 4 5 6Distance L (m)2 3 4 5 6 7 8Distance L (m)Size 315V H1 (m/s)H=1 1.2 1.6 Δp L WA1200 61 411000 42 36800 27 29600 16 20400 6 L (m/s)0.10.12 3 4 5 6 7 8Distance L (m)www.air-diffusion.co.uk 15

<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>Model DE <strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> DiffuserModel DEDescriptionModel DE has a versatile inner coneproviding 5 adjustment positions, wherethe air pattern can be altered fromhorizontal throw to vertical projection. Inaddition the inner cone is easily removedfor access or cleaning.To compliment the usual Model DEcircular diffuser format the assembly canbe incorporated into a square ceilingpanel, to act as a tile replacement andco-ordinate with a 600 x 600mm ceilinggrid system.Fabricated in steel as standard withaluminium available as an extra costoption. Finished in White polyesterpowder as standard. Other colours areavailable as an optional extra.Model DE100PSpecificationMaterialSteel as standard, Aluminium on specialrequest.ConstructionFabricated from pressed steel conicalsections with inner cones joined bymechanical device located in diffuserneck.Standard Installation MethodUsing rigid duct, screw fix throughdiffuser neck direct to duct with innercore removed.Installation OptionsWhen using flexible duct, diffusersupports required (by others), withdiffuser neck fixed and sealed to flexibleduct.An extension spigot required to allowclearance to ensure damper notobstructed when core in highest positionusing vertical projection.AccessoriesOptional radial opposed blade damperaccessed through diffuser face, steelconstruction, painted black to (RAL9005).FinishStandard is White polyester powder coatto RAL 9010 (20% gloss) alternativefinishes to BS or RAL colours alsoavailable as an optional extra.Standard Model TypesModel DE100 – <strong>Circular</strong> diffuser onlyModel DE103 – <strong>Circular</strong> diffuser withradial opposed blade damperModel DE100P – <strong>Circular</strong> diffuser only insquare tile replacement panelModel DE103P – <strong>Circular</strong> diffuser withradial opposed blade damper in squaretile replacement panelSize RangeModel DE100 Model DE100PSize 160 Size 160 - 594Size 200 Size 200 - 594Size 250 Size 250 - 594Size 315 Size 315 - 594Size 355Size 400Size 450Size 500Size 630Discharge PositionsVertical <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Diffusion</strong> Pattern(core in highest position)Horizontal <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Diffusion</strong> Pattern(core in lowest position)16 www.air-diffusion.co.uk

<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>Performance GuideModel DESelection ProcedureMethodSelections are made by means of a straight read-off the tabulateddata.1. Determine the air volume flow rate per outlet.2. Establish required throw.See note (b) if ceiling effect is not being utilised.Opposing diffusers: maximum throw for each diffuser should beno more than 75% of half of the distance between them.ExampleSelect a diffuser to handle 0.4 3 /s with a throw of 4.1m whenmounted in a 3.3m high ceiling.From the selection table it can be seen that a 355mm neckdiameter diffuser throws 4.5m when installed in a 2.7m highceiling.Applying the factor from the <strong>Ceiling</strong> Height Correction Factorchart: 4.5 x 0.9 = 4.05m, an acceptable throw figure is obtained,with a pressure drop of 14Pa and noise of NC40.A 355mm DE diffuser therefore meets the duty required.Notes to Selection DataThe selection data is based on the following parameters:a. Terminal velocity within occupied zone of 0.35m/s wheninfluenced by ceiling effect.b. If ceiling effect is not being utilised in a particular application,throw data should be reduced by 40%. (The actual throw x 1.67enables a direct selection to be made).c. Throw data is based on diffusers being mounted in a 2.743mhigh false ceiling. For other ceiling heights the following correctionfactors should be applied to the throws:d. Isothermal conditions – however, acceptable conditions withinthe occupied zone could be expected for heating and coolingtemperature differentials up to 10k.e. Pressure drops indicated are for diffusers fitted with a damper(damper fully open).f. Sound ratings are given with fully open dampers and are basedon an average room having a floor area approximately 96m 2 .g. The NC values given in the Selection Data are based on anabsorption of 9dB re 10 -12 Watts and diffuser fitted with a damper,fully open.<strong>Ceiling</strong> Height Correction FactorsHeight – m Factors Height – m Factors2.44 1.10 3.35 0.902.74 1.00 3.66 0.853.00 0.95Horizontal Supply<strong>Air</strong> Neck Neck Pressure SoundVolume Size Velocity Throw Drop Levelm 3 /s mm m/s m Pa NC0.04 160 2.16 1.10 4 –0.06 160 3.24 1.50 7 –0.07 160 3.78 1.90 14 360.08 160 4.32 2.20 16 40200 2.43 1.60 5 250.10 160 5.40 2.60 25 46200 3.04 2.00 8 320.125 200 3.79 2.60 13 37280 2.43 1.90 5 260.15 200 4.56 3.10 16 42250 2.92 2.60 8 320.175 200 5.32 3.40 24 46250 3.40 3.00 10 35315 2.35 2.20 5 270.20 250 3.89 3.20 13 37315 2.70 2.60 6 280.25 250 4.86 3.80 19 44315 3.37 3.20 10 35355 2.48 2.70 5 280.30 315 4.04 4.00 14 35400 2.27 3.00 5 260.35 315 4.72 4.50 19 44355 3.46 3.60 10 36400 2.65 3.20 6 310.40 315 5.39 5.00 25 47355 3.96 4.50 14 40400 3.03 3.70 8 340.45 355 4.45 4.80 17 42400 3.41 4.30 10 36450 2.69 3.80 6 270.50 355 4.95 5.40 20 46400 3.78 4.80 12 39450 2.99 3.90 8 340.60 400 4.53 5.50 18 38450 3.58 4.90 11 33500 2.68 4.50 7 340.75 450 4.49 6.50 16 45500 3.35 5.70 9 30630 2.53 4.90 6 341.00 500 4.47 7.90 17 48630 3.37 6.40 9 411.25 630 4.22 8.00 15 471.50 630 5.06 9.60 21 52www.air-diffusion.co.uk 17

Performance Guide<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>Model DEHorizontal Throw– with ceiling effect– damper fully open5810V T4000L Tm 3 /h q v m 3 /sV R k6000H c50001.82 10: k m/s9876NR 5046815000.50.65NR 4532.5254365440050080010000.256000.18 40NR 35NR 30NR 251.52.533002NR 2022.525011.522000.81.51500.650.51V T 0.75 0.50 0.37 m/sv T 0.25 0.17 0.12 m/sThrow correction factor for exposed ductmounting: L T x 0.7<strong>Air</strong> flow rate measurementSupplyVelometer jet 2220A 05 6070qv = V k x A k(m 3 /s) = (m/s) x (m 2 )qv = V k x A k x 3600(m3/h) = (m/s) x (m 2 ) x (s/h)160 200 250 315 355 400 500 630 200A k and A n – values (m2)Valid for cooling up to Δt s x -16kValid for heating up to Δt s x +30kSize 160 200 250 315 355 400 450 500 630A k hor. 0.014 0.026 0.042 0.062 0.085 0.112 0.143 0.177 0.257A k vert. 0.011 0.019 0.027 0.043 0.058 0.080 0.087 0.112 0.158A n 0.020 0.031 0.049 0.078 0.099 0.126 0.159 0.196 0.312Key to symbolsqv = Supply air volume in 3 /s, m 3 /hΔP t = Total pressure loss in pascal (Pa)V k = Supply air velocity in m/s (velometer reading)A k = Area factor m 2 , relative to V kA n = Neck area (m 2 )L T = Throw in mV T = Envelope velocity in m/s (terminal velocity)vR = Room air velocity in m/s (residual velocity)NR = Noise level index according to ISO, based on L w without room attenuationL w = Sound power level index in dB (ref. 10 -12 W)H c = <strong>Ceiling</strong> height in mΔt s = Temperature differential between supply air and room air temperature (K)t R = Room air temperature in CD = Damper Throttling (% open)Δt L = Maximum temperature differential between jet – and room air temperature (K)18 www.air-diffusion.co.uk

<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>Performance Guide-10 -5 0 5LT (m)(vT = 0.25 m/s)15109876101520Δ ts544.53.532.521.5630500Q(m 3 /s) 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10vk(m/s)www.air-diffusion.co.uk 19

<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>Performance GuideExampleSelection data:<strong>Air</strong> flow rate qv = 0.25m 3 /sThrow L T = 2.5m at V T = 0.5m/sVTΔ tLqvΔ tsSelectionSizeSupply air velocity V k = 4 m/sNoise level NR 35Total pressure loss with damper type DT003100% open: ΔP t = 14PaLTtRInduction and temperature quotient fordiffusers with ceiling effectInductionTemperature Quotienti30252018161412109876160 200 250315355400450500630Δ tLΔ tL0.Δ t LΔ t s63050045040035550.0531540.0430.032502.520.0250.022001.5LT(m)0.0151 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5LT(m)16020 www.air-diffusion.co.uk

<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>Performance GuideDampersDamper type DT003Radial opposed blade damper accessiblethe diffuser face.Steel construction, finish black paint (RAL9005).75Ø NSize ØN H160 160 55200 200 69250 250 89315 315 109355 355 124400 400 139450 450 157500 500 175600 630 221N = duct sizeH = expected duct height3820Pressure loss with damper type DT003Example:V k = 5 m/s with damper 50% openpressure loss = 40Pa, NR + 71009080706050Δ p t (pa)4030252015109876543NR + 15NR + 725%150% 100%2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7 8 10v k (m/s)www.air-diffusion.co.uk 21

<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>DimensionsDetails and DimensionsDE100Vertical <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Diffusion</strong> Pattern(core in highest position)FDCAdjustable CoreHorizontal <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Diffusion</strong> Pattern(core in lowest position)Ø NØ AØ BGNominalModel DE100 ∅A ∅B C D E F G ∅NSize 160 279 323 12 35 30 85 46 160Size 200 375 428 10 51 35 101 55 200Size 250 467 538 14 67 45 117 68 250Size 315 557 635 10 85 50 138 80 315Size 355 648 743 18 96 60 146 86 355Size 400 740 856 14 116 60 166 92 400Size 450 832 970 14 135 85 185 110 450Size 500 924 1081 17 149 85 199 116 500Size 630 1103 1286 18 182 85 232 116 630N = Nominal size – duct sizeG = Clearance for removal of centre coreE = Clearance for core one lowest positionEDE100PDetail and Dimension<strong>Circular</strong> Cone Diffuser in PanelThe DE100P is designed to fit in place ofa ceiling tile in a 600 x 600 grid in onepiece.Ø DFor other sizes contact Sales Office.Model DE100P ∅A ∅D HSize 160 – 594 270 158 96Size 200 – 594 365 198 111Size 250 – 594 457 248 131Size 315 – 594 548 313 145HØ A594 x 5941122 www.air-diffusion.co.uk

<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>Ordering Information: Models OD-1, OD-2 and OD-10ExampleModel Installation Method Damper Size FinishOD-2 7 J2 Size 3 WhiteModel OD-1 – <strong>Circular</strong>diffuser only having innercones flush with outercasing flange.Model OD-2 – <strong>Circular</strong>diffuser with inner conesprojecting below outercasing flange.Model OD-10 – <strong>Circular</strong>diffuser with adjustableinner disc.Models OD-1 and OD-27 – Central screw fixingthrough the diffuser faceusing crossbar (withoutdamper).8 – Central screw fixingthrough the diffuser faceinto the damper.X – Three screws for aperipheral fixing throughthe diffuser face directlyinto the ceiling (withoutdamper).V – Three screws for aperipheral fixing throughthe diffuser face directlyinto the ceiling with thedamper already securedinto the duct.Models OD1 and OD2OnlyL2 – Spigot connectionfor installationincorporating a crossmember for centralfixing.J2 – Butterfly damper.J3 – Butterfly andDeflector controldamper.E2 – Deflector and flapcontrol damper.Models OD-1 and OD-2Size Nominal Neck SizeSize 1 140mmSize 2 195mmSize 3 250mmSize 4 305mmSize 5 360mmSize 6 420mmSize 7 475mmSize 8 530mmModels OD-10Size 80Size 100Size 125Size 160Size 200Size 250Size 31583 – White RAL9010polyester powder (30%gloss).Other colours onrequest as optionalextra please stateseparately full details ofcolour code and finishtype required at time ofordering.Model OD-101 – Surface mountingusing location section.2 – Direct screw fixinginto ceiling throughdiffuser.Important Note: If the overall size is critical then it must be clearly stated on the order.All orders must be addressed to AIR DIFFUSION, Ruskin <strong>Air</strong> Management Limited.24 www.air-diffusion.co.uk

<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>Ordering Information: Models DE100 and DE100PExampleModel Damper Size FinishDE100 3 250 83ModelDE100 - <strong>Circular</strong> DiffuserDE100P - <strong>Circular</strong>Diffuser in Square600 x 600mm <strong>Ceiling</strong>Panel.0 – No Damper3 – With Radial OpposedBlade Damper.Model DE -Neck Size 160mm Diameter200mm Diameter250mm Diameter315mm Diameter355mm Diameter400mm Diameter450mm Diameter500mm Diameter630mm Diameter83 – White RAL 9010polyester powder(20% gloss)6 – Special finish tocustomers order. Fulldetails of colour codeRAL Reference andfinish type required attime of ordering.Model DE100P -Neck Size Panel size160mm Diameter 594200mm Diameter 594250mm Diameter 594315mm Diameter 594Important Note: If the overall size is critical then it must be clearly stated on the order.All orders must be addressed to AIR DIFFUSION, Ruskin <strong>Air</strong> Management Limited.Ordering InformationExampleModel Size FinishDT003 250ModelDT003 - Radial opposedBlade Damper only.As diffuser neck size.4 – Black paint to RAL 9005.Important Note: If the overall size is critical then it must be clearly stated on the order.All orders must be addressed to AIR DIFFUSION, Ruskin <strong>Air</strong> Management Limited.www.air-diffusion.co.uk 25

<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>Product RangeSwirl, Displacement and High Induction <strong>Diffusers</strong><strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong> and <strong>Air</strong>ValvesPerforated and Louvre Face <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>Slot and Fixed Blade <strong>Diffusers</strong>Cylinder and Jet Nozzle <strong>Diffusers</strong>Floor Grilles26 www.air-diffusion.co.uk

<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>Product RangeLinear GrillesWall and <strong>Ceiling</strong> GrillesExternal LouvresMiscellaneous● Swirl, Displacement and High Induction<strong>Diffusers</strong>● Perforated and Louvre Face <strong>Ceiling</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong>● Slot and Fixed Blade Linear <strong>Diffusers</strong>● Cylinder and Jet Nozzle <strong>Diffusers</strong>● <strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Diffusers</strong> and <strong>Air</strong> Valves● Floor Grilles● Linear Bar Grilles● Grilles● External Louvres● Miscellaneouswww.air-diffusion.co.uk 27

<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>Ceiling</strong> DiffuserRuskin <strong>Air</strong> Management Limitedis a BS EN ISO 9000 registeredcompany.The statements made in this brochure or by ourrepresentatives in consequence of any enquiriesarising out of this document are given for informationpurposes only. They are not intended to have anylegal effect and the company is not to be regardedas bound thereby. The company will only acceptobligations which are expressly negotiated for andagreed and incorporated into a written agreementmade with its customers.Due to a policy of continuous product developmentthe specification and details contained herein aresubject to alteration without prior notice.Comprehensive and detailed informationis available for all <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Diffusion</strong> products.Visit our website at www.air-diffusion.co.ukRuskin <strong>Air</strong> Management LimitedStourbridge Road, Bridgnorth, Shropshire,WV15 5BB England.Tel: 01746 761921Fax: 01746 760127Email: sales@air-diffusion.co.ukWebsite: www.air-diffusion.co.uk

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