NCAE - DepEd Naga City

NCAE - DepEd Naga City NCAE - DepEd Naga City
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• Likewise, the TVA score is the composite of the CA and VMSscores.• Additionally, the NCAE reports scores for LRA, NVA and ES.• The level of preference for each area of occupational interest isdisplayed based on percentage score which is as follows: high (76-100), moderate (51-75), low (26-50) and very low (0-25)• Examinees can gauge their individual strengths and weaknessesin every domain/area measured based on the test results.14

Facsimile of the NCAE COR (2012)FRONTBACKTDPU-pjdc/7/16/12Potentials/Inclinations of Students Based on NCAE ResultsScientific A bility (SA ). This is an assessment of the individual'sscientific abilities and skills to adopt scientific methods, procedures andC lerical A bility (C A ). This is a test of ability and skill to encodeprocesses constructing knowledge and solving experimental or real-lifedata/information and file office records, as well as ability to note details. High CAproblems. One who has high SA has greater probability to excel in academicis the requisite skill for secretariat jobs for these jobes require good manualprograms that work mostly onscientific methodologies (e.g. medical allieddexterity; thus individuals with high CA are potential computer operators.professions). Those with average SA can be successful in the field ofencoders, and stenographers.chemistry, physics, zoology, botany, biology, and other courses related toR eading C o mprehensio n (R C ). This measures the ability tounderstand what has been stated directly; to anlayze, interpret, and criticizewhat has been read; to recognize reasonable application of principles oropinions expressed by the author. A student with hig RC has the potentialto make sound inferences, syntheses, generalizations, or conclusions onwhat he/she read. Students who possess the skills will most likely succeedin courses that involve public speaking and even writing such as masscommunication, teaching, theology, and law.Verbal A bility (VA ). This subtest measures the assertive ability of aperson in view of grammatical rules and logical arrangement of ideas.Individuals with hig VA have high sense of analogy; hence, they havepotential in mass communication, law, teaching, and preaching vocation.Those with average VA can be developed in advertising careers.M athematical A bility (M A ). This subtest is used to assessquantitative abilities and computational skills, particularly, on working withnumbers, perceiving relationship between two quantities and solving wordproblems. One with high MA has high sense of mathematical calculus, arequisite skill in engineering courses, aeronautics and marine courses.Visual M anipulative Skills (VM S). This subtest measures abilities thatrequire perceptual and visual judgment in determining figures, symbols, andnature of space as well as skills in mentally manipulating objects and concretematerials. M anipulative skills are required in occupations such as machinetechnicians, jewelers, watchmakers, engravers, handicraft makers, and the like.N o nverbal A bility (N VA ). This tests a person's reasoning ability to identifypatterns presented in diagrammatic form. The series of figures presented in eachitem requires the perception of an operating principle underlying the changes inthe figures. In each instance, the examinee must discover the principle'sgoverning change/s of the figures and give evidence of his understanding byindicating the diagram that should logically follow. It tests abilities required in jobssuch as engineering, science, architecture and any other jobs which involveworking with diagrammatic and similar visual information.Lo gical R easo ning A bility (LR A ). This measures an individual's ability tounderstand and analyze complex written material and derive correct conclusionsfrom it. Those with high LRA are likely to succeed in courses which require highanalytical/critical thinking skills like law, economics, theology, social science andmedical allied professions.AN INVENTORY OF OCCUPATIONAL INTERESTSA. SCIENCES B. ENGINEERING D. PROFESSIONAL F. CYBERSERVICES GarmentsHealth - Medical B1 Mechanical Engineer SERVICES (cont...) F1 Web Designer G27 Shoe Maker**A1 Doctor of Medicine B2 Electrical Engineer D11 Registrar F2 Analy st G28 Furniture Maker**A2 Dentist B3 Civ il Engineer D12 Values Teacher F3 Programmer G29 Pottery Maker**A3 Pharmacist B4 Safety Engineer D13 College Professor F4 Instructor G30 Beadw orks Maker**A4 Medical Technologist B5 Mining Engineer D14 Non-Formal Educ Teacher F5 Transcriptionist G31 Jew elry Maker**A5 Nurse B6 Metallurgical Engineer D15 Tech-Vocational Aide** F6 Data Encoder** G32 Silk Screen Maker**A6 Orthodentist B7 Marine Engineer D16 Book Author F7 Cartoonist** G33 T-shirt Designer**A7 Optometrist B8 Agricultural Engineer D17 Composer F8 Animator** G34 Wood Carv er**A8 Cardiologist B9 Chemical Engineer D18 Guidance Counselor F9 Illustrator** G35 Art Painter**A9 Geneticist B10 Electrician** D19 School Head F10 Clerk** G36 Caricaturist**A10 Laboratory Technician** B11 Technician** D20 Assistant Principal F11 Repairman**A11 Radio Technician** B12 Car-auto Machinist** D21 School Clerk** F12 Radio Technician** H. ENVIRONMENTB13 CP-radio Technician** D22 School Aide** F13 Online Sales Agent** H1 Urban PlannerSpecialized Areas B14 Heav y Equip Operator** D23 Janitor** F14 Technician** H2 Real Estate Broker**A12 Geologist B15 Gardener** D24 Security Officer** F15 Call Center Agent** H3 Designer**A13 Actuarial Mathematician B16 Hobby ist** F16 Database** H4 Sales Representativ e**A14 Biologist B17 Goldsmith** E. PERSONAL SERVICES F17 Adv ertising Agent** H5 Driv er**A15 Marine Biologist E1 Av iation-Pilot F18 Computer Aide** H6 ForesterA16 Food Technologist C. COMMERCE E2 Stew ardess F19 Drafters**A17 Radiologist C1 Marketing Officer E3 Ground Crew I. MILITARY TRAININGA18 Chemist C2 Banker E4 Radio Comptroller G. AESTHETICS I1 Armed Forces OfficerA19 Botanist C3 Budget Officer E5 Technician** Cosmetics I2 Military OfficerA20 Statistician C4 Financial Analy st E6 Tow er Technician** G1 Make-up Artist** I3 Police OfficerA21 Zoologist C5 Accountant E7 Maritime-Ship Captain G2 Hair Cutter** I4 Police Aide**A22 Volcanologist C6 Bookkeeper E8 Chief Mate G3 Manicurist** I5 Desk Officer**A23 Doctor of Veterinary Med C7 Businessman E9 Marine Engineer G4 Hair Sty list** I6 Air Force OfficerA24 Seismologist C8 HR Manager E10 Messman/Cook** G5 Hair Spa Aide** I7 Traffic Enforcer**A25 Laboratory Aide** C9 Sales Manager E11 Seaman** I8 Barangay Tanod**A26 Laboratory Assistant** C10 Economist E12 Trav el Agent House Construction I9 Inv estigatorC11 Adv ertising Ex ecutiv e E13 Tour Guide** G6 Architect I10 Labor LeaderAllied Medical Science C12 Stockroom Superv isor** E14 Photographer** G7 Surv ey or I11 Training OfficerA27 Speech Pathologist C13 Salesclerk** E15 Ticketing Clerk** G8 Interior Designer I12 StrategistsA28 Occupational Therapist C14 Storekeeper** E16 Hotel-HRM G9 Foreman I13 Barangay Officer**A29 Therapy Assistant** C15 Cashier** E17 HR Superv isor G10 Building Aide** I14 Rescue Volunteer**A30 Medical Representativ e C16 Records Officer** E18 Maintenance Superv isor G11 Painter** I15 Barangay Aide**A31 Medical Superv isor C17 Clerk** E19 Chef G12 Driv er** I16 Barangay Cleaners**A32 Barangay Health Official** C18 IT Sales Clerk** E20 Attendant** G13 Pipe Welder** I17 Clerk**A33 Hospital Manager C19 Security Officer** E21 Clerk** G14 Carpenter** I18 ForensicA34 Laboratory Utility ** C20 Sales Promo** E22 Baker** G15 Mason** I19 DNA Analy stsA35 Caregiv er** C21 Warehouse Superv isor** E23 Elev ator Man** I20 Fingerprint Ex pertE24 Chambermaid** Theater/Movie I21 Laboratory Technician**Medical Tourism/Wellness D. PROFESSIONAL E25 Barista** G16 Artist/Actor I22 Laboratory Encoder**A36 Cosmetic Surgeon SERVICES E26 Reserv ation Clerk** G17 DirectorA37 Dermatologist D1 Legal-Judge E27 Billing Clerk** G19 Set Designer** J. SPIRITUAL VOCATIONA38 Orthopedic Doctor D2 Law y er E28 Mass Comm-Journalist G20 Lights Designer** J1 Priest/PastorA39 Herbologist D3 Clerk of Court E29 New s Editor G21 Entertainer**A40 Chiropractor D4 Legal Assistant** E30 Cameraman** K. AGRICULTURE & FORESTRYA41 Optical Aide** D5 Legal Secretary ** E31 Voice Ov er Talent** Garments K1 Canning WorkerA42 Nursing Aide** D6 Clerk** E32 Technician** G22 Tex tile Technician K2 Agriculutural WorkerA43 Spa Aide** D7 Pre-School Teacher E33 Operator** G23 Fashion Designer K3 Fish Hachery TechnicianA44 Gy m Instructor** D8 Teacher Aide** E34 Telephone Operator** G24 Wholesaler** K4 AquaculturistA45 Medical Secretary ** D9 Elementary Teacher E35 Proofreader** G25 Dressmaker**A46 Sales Representativ e** D10 High School Teacher E36 Dubber** G26 Bag Maker**15

Facsimile of the <strong>NCAE</strong> COR (2012)FRONTBACKTDPU-pjdc/7/16/12Potentials/Inclinations of Students Based on <strong>NCAE</strong> ResultsScientific A bility (SA ). This is an assessment of the individual'sscientific abilities and skills to adopt scientific methods, procedures andC lerical A bility (C A ). This is a test of ability and skill to encodeprocesses constructing knowledge and solving experimental or real-lifedata/information and file office records, as well as ability to note details. High CAproblems. One who has high SA has greater probability to excel in academicis the requisite skill for secretariat jobs for these jobes require good manualprograms that work mostly onscientific methodologies (e.g. medical allieddexterity; thus individuals with high CA are potential computer operators.professions). Those with average SA can be successful in the field ofencoders, and stenographers.chemistry, physics, zoology, botany, biology, and other courses related toR eading C o mprehensio n (R C ). This measures the ability tounderstand what has been stated directly; to anlayze, interpret, and criticizewhat has been read; to recognize reasonable application of principles oropinions expressed by the author. A student with hig RC has the potentialto make sound inferences, syntheses, generalizations, or conclusions onwhat he/she read. Students who possess the skills will most likely succeedin courses that involve public speaking and even writing such as masscommunication, teaching, theology, and law.Verbal A bility (VA ). This subtest measures the assertive ability of aperson in view of grammatical rules and logical arrangement of ideas.Individuals with hig VA have high sense of analogy; hence, they havepotential in mass communication, law, teaching, and preaching vocation.Those with average VA can be developed in advertising careers.M athematical A bility (M A ). This subtest is used to assessquantitative abilities and computational skills, particularly, on working withnumbers, perceiving relationship between two quantities and solving wordproblems. One with high MA has high sense of mathematical calculus, arequisite skill in engineering courses, aeronautics and marine courses.Visual M anipulative Skills (VM S). This subtest measures abilities thatrequire perceptual and visual judgment in determining figures, symbols, andnature of space as well as skills in mentally manipulating objects and concretematerials. M anipulative skills are required in occupations such as machinetechnicians, jewelers, watchmakers, engravers, handicraft makers, and the like.N o nverbal A bility (N VA ). This tests a person's reasoning ability to identifypatterns presented in diagrammatic form. The series of figures presented in eachitem requires the perception of an operating principle underlying the changes inthe figures. In each instance, the examinee must discover the principle'sgoverning change/s of the figures and give evidence of his understanding byindicating the diagram that should logically follow. It tests abilities required in jobssuch as engineering, science, architecture and any other jobs which involveworking with diagrammatic and similar visual information.Lo gical R easo ning A bility (LR A ). This measures an individual's ability tounderstand and analyze complex written material and derive correct conclusionsfrom it. Those with high LRA are likely to succeed in courses which require highanalytical/critical thinking skills like law, economics, theology, social science andmedical allied professions.AN INVENTORY OF OCCUPATIONAL INTERESTSA. SCIENCES B. ENGINEERING D. PROFESSIONAL F. CYBERSERVICES GarmentsHealth - Medical B1 Mechanical Engineer SERVICES (cont...) F1 Web Designer G27 Shoe Maker**A1 Doctor of Medicine B2 Electrical Engineer D11 Registrar F2 Analy st G28 Furniture Maker**A2 Dentist B3 Civ il Engineer D12 Values Teacher F3 Programmer G29 Pottery Maker**A3 Pharmacist B4 Safety Engineer D13 College Professor F4 Instructor G30 Beadw orks Maker**A4 Medical Technologist B5 Mining Engineer D14 Non-Formal Educ Teacher F5 Transcriptionist G31 Jew elry Maker**A5 Nurse B6 Metallurgical Engineer D15 Tech-Vocational Aide** F6 Data Encoder** G32 Silk Screen Maker**A6 Orthodentist B7 Marine Engineer D16 Book Author F7 Cartoonist** G33 T-shirt Designer**A7 Optometrist B8 Agricultural Engineer D17 Composer F8 Animator** G34 Wood Carv er**A8 Cardiologist B9 Chemical Engineer D18 Guidance Counselor F9 Illustrator** G35 Art Painter**A9 Geneticist B10 Electrician** D19 School Head F10 Clerk** G36 Caricaturist**A10 Laboratory Technician** B11 Technician** D20 Assistant Principal F11 Repairman**A11 Radio Technician** B12 Car-auto Machinist** D21 School Clerk** F12 Radio Technician** H. ENVIRONMENTB13 CP-radio Technician** D22 School Aide** F13 Online Sales Agent** H1 Urban PlannerSpecialized Areas B14 Heav y Equip Operator** D23 Janitor** F14 Technician** H2 Real Estate Broker**A12 Geologist B15 Gardener** D24 Security Officer** F15 Call Center Agent** H3 Designer**A13 Actuarial Mathematician B16 Hobby ist** F16 Database** H4 Sales Representativ e**A14 Biologist B17 Goldsmith** E. PERSONAL SERVICES F17 Adv ertising Agent** H5 Driv er**A15 Marine Biologist E1 Av iation-Pilot F18 Computer Aide** H6 ForesterA16 Food Technologist C. COMMERCE E2 Stew ardess F19 Drafters**A17 Radiologist C1 Marketing Officer E3 Ground Crew I. MILITARY TRAININGA18 Chemist C2 Banker E4 Radio Comptroller G. AESTHETICS I1 Armed Forces OfficerA19 Botanist C3 Budget Officer E5 Technician** Cosmetics I2 Military OfficerA20 Statistician C4 Financial Analy st E6 Tow er Technician** G1 Make-up Artist** I3 Police OfficerA21 Zoologist C5 Accountant E7 Maritime-Ship Captain G2 Hair Cutter** I4 Police Aide**A22 Volcanologist C6 Bookkeeper E8 Chief Mate G3 Manicurist** I5 Desk Officer**A23 Doctor of Veterinary Med C7 Businessman E9 Marine Engineer G4 Hair Sty list** I6 Air Force OfficerA24 Seismologist C8 HR Manager E10 Messman/Cook** G5 Hair Spa Aide** I7 Traffic Enforcer**A25 Laboratory Aide** C9 Sales Manager E11 Seaman** I8 Barangay Tanod**A26 Laboratory Assistant** C10 Economist E12 Trav el Agent House Construction I9 Inv estigatorC11 Adv ertising Ex ecutiv e E13 Tour Guide** G6 Architect I10 Labor LeaderAllied Medical Science C12 Stockroom Superv isor** E14 Photographer** G7 Surv ey or I11 Training OfficerA27 Speech Pathologist C13 Salesclerk** E15 Ticketing Clerk** G8 Interior Designer I12 StrategistsA28 Occupational Therapist C14 Storekeeper** E16 Hotel-HRM G9 Foreman I13 Barangay Officer**A29 Therapy Assistant** C15 Cashier** E17 HR Superv isor G10 Building Aide** I14 Rescue Volunteer**A30 Medical Representativ e C16 Records Officer** E18 Maintenance Superv isor G11 Painter** I15 Barangay Aide**A31 Medical Superv isor C17 Clerk** E19 Chef G12 Driv er** I16 Barangay Cleaners**A32 Barangay Health Official** C18 IT Sales Clerk** E20 Attendant** G13 Pipe Welder** I17 Clerk**A33 Hospital Manager C19 Security Officer** E21 Clerk** G14 Carpenter** I18 ForensicA34 Laboratory Utility ** C20 Sales Promo** E22 Baker** G15 Mason** I19 DNA Analy stsA35 Caregiv er** C21 Warehouse Superv isor** E23 Elev ator Man** I20 Fingerprint Ex pertE24 Chambermaid** Theater/Movie I21 Laboratory Technician**Medical Tourism/Wellness D. PROFESSIONAL E25 Barista** G16 Artist/Actor I22 Laboratory Encoder**A36 Cosmetic Surgeon SERVICES E26 Reserv ation Clerk** G17 DirectorA37 Dermatologist D1 Legal-Judge E27 Billing Clerk** G19 Set Designer** J. SPIRITUAL VOCATIONA38 Orthopedic Doctor D2 Law y er E28 Mass Comm-Journalist G20 Lights Designer** J1 Priest/PastorA39 Herbologist D3 Clerk of Court E29 New s Editor G21 Entertainer**A40 Chiropractor D4 Legal Assistant** E30 Cameraman** K. AGRICULTURE & FORESTRYA41 Optical Aide** D5 Legal Secretary ** E31 Voice Ov er Talent** Garments K1 Canning WorkerA42 Nursing Aide** D6 Clerk** E32 Technician** G22 Tex tile Technician K2 Agriculutural WorkerA43 Spa Aide** D7 Pre-School Teacher E33 Operator** G23 Fashion Designer K3 Fish Hachery TechnicianA44 Gy m Instructor** D8 Teacher Aide** E34 Telephone Operator** G24 Wholesaler** K4 AquaculturistA45 Medical Secretary ** D9 Elementary Teacher E35 Proofreader** G25 Dressmaker**A46 Sales Representativ e** D10 High School Teacher E36 Dubber** G26 Bag Maker**15

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