Fooder scam Judgement given by Sri G. K. Singh Spl. Judge VII CBI ...

Fooder scam Judgement given by Sri G. K. Singh Spl. Judge VII CBI ...

Fooder scam Judgement given by Sri G. K. Singh Spl. Judge VII CBI ...

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89infirmities and discrepancies. He facilitated in withdrawals of illegalamount from the Government Treasury and violated the Rules of TreasuryCode and Bihar Financial Rules. It is well known to him about the financialpowers of D.D.Os but this was over looked and no objection was raised andBills were passed under conspiracy.It is important to mention here that according to the Ext. 15/31, LetterNo. 3697 dated 25.3.77 issued <strong>by</strong> the Finance Department, the financialpower of the District Animal Husbandry Officer and the Regional Directorof AHD has been fully described. According to this Letter, the financialpower of District Animal Husbandry Officer was Rs. 5,000=00 per day. Butknowing this fact, the bills of Ext. 3 Series, fully described earlier, have beenpassed <strong>by</strong> him. This act was done under conspiracy to facilitate the other coaccusedpersons to withdraw the government money from the GovernmentTreasury. It also appears from perusal of Ext. 3 Series (C. N. C. Bills) thatall are split up Bills. According to the Treasury Code, split up bills cannot bepermitted but in spite of that split up bills have been passed.Considering all these evidences, I find and hold accused VijayKumar guilty and convict for the offence punishable U/Sec. 120-B read withSection 420 of the Indian Penal Code and he has also committed criminalmisconduct of offence specified in Section 13(1)(d) of the Prevention ofCorruption Act, 1988 punishable U/Sec. 13(2) of the P.C. Act.42. Accused S. N. Jha is also a Treasury Officer of SahebganjTreasury, Sahebganj in the year 1991-92 and 1995-96. In the same manner,as discussed in accused Vijay Kumar, Treasury officer, Sahebganj, it wasfound that he over looked the financial power of Distirct Animal HusbandryOfficer, as described in Ext. 15/31 and also passed the split up bills of theDistrict Animal Husbandry Office, Sahebganj, as described earlier. No anyobjection was raised and he facilitated the co-accused persons in illegalwithdrawals of Government money.I also find and hold accused S.N. Jha guilty and convict for theoffence punishable U/Sec. 120-B read with Section 420 of the Indian PenalCode and he has also committed criminal misconduct of offence specified inSection 13(1)(d) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 punishableU/Sec. 13(2) of the P.C. Act.

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