Fooder scam Judgement given by Sri G. K. Singh Spl. Judge VII CBI ...

Fooder scam Judgement given by Sri G. K. Singh Spl. Judge VII CBI ...

Fooder scam Judgement given by Sri G. K. Singh Spl. Judge VII CBI ...

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83any Branch at Sahebganj for carrying the goods. He further proved todelivery Register of Truck. The Delivery Register is Ext.-21 and page No.23 and 118 of this Register have been marked as Ext. 22 and 22/1.This goes to show that on 11.1.92 this Truck was engaged fortransportation of goods from Tata-Ranchi to Patna. Further he proved Ext.22/1 and 22/1 that goes to show that on 10.2.92 Truck No. BEA 4711 wasnot in Patna. Truck was reached Patna on 9.2.92 from the trip of Tata-Ranchi to Patna. He also proved Ext.22/4 and 22/5 i.e. page Number ofDelivery Register of Head Office i.e. Ext. 21/1. This goes to prove that on11.1.92 and 10.2.92 the said truck was in Patna.P.W. 31 Gurudayal <strong>Singh</strong>, employee of Auto India. He is the owner ofLML Scooter bearing No. BPJ 8157. In para-3 he stated that this Scooterwas never used to carry any goods of M/s Baishnav Enterprises, Ranchifrom Khunti to Sahebganj. It is impossible to carry the goods on LMLScooter from Khunti to Sahebganj. In para-4 he further stated that from thisScooter he had never carry 80 quinttal of Mineral Mixture on 11.1.92.P.W. 43 is senior Assistant in State Bank of India. In para-8 he proved33 Bank Drafts of M/s Baishnav Enterprises that Bank Drafts are from Ext.30/5 to 30/37. Further in para-9 he stated that out of 33 Bank drafts ofBaishnav Enterprises, eight Bank drafts are for 11.3.92. Twenty-four Bankdrafts are of 14.3.92 and One Bank Draft is of 17.3.92. Ext. 30/10 is ofamount of Rs. 37,760=00; Ext. 30/19 is for amount of Rs.27.680=00; Ext.30/20 is for amount of Rs.51,920=00 and Ext. 30/37 is for amount ofRs.14,160=00 and rest other Bank Drafts are for the amount of Rs.47,200=00.P.W. 44 Sapan Kuamr Naredi, Manager, Punjab National Bankproved the Current Account No. 1553 of M/s Baishnav Enterprises. Furtherhe stated that on 21.1.97 D. Bhattacharya, Inspector of <strong>CBI</strong> has seized all therelevant Bank documents of this Current Account No. 1553 and a seizure listwas prepared and that seizure memo is Ext. 16/9. The Account OpeningForm of Current Account No. 1553 is Ext. 31/2. The specimen signatureCard of this firm has been marked as Ext. 38. In para-6 he stated thatProprietor of M/s Baishnav Enterprises was D.P. Kashyap. He has filed apetition dated 21.4.92 for closure of this Current Account. That applicationhas been marked as Ext. 15/24. Ext. 32/2 is the Ledger Sheet of M/sBaishnav Enterprises bearing Current Account No. 1553. Further in para-8

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