Fooder scam Judgement given by Sri G. K. Singh Spl. Judge VII CBI ...

Fooder scam Judgement given by Sri G. K. Singh Spl. Judge VII CBI ...

Fooder scam Judgement given by Sri G. K. Singh Spl. Judge VII CBI ...

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59P.W. 4 Satya Sadhan Chatterjee is a retired Accountant of SahebganjTreasury. He proved the Payment Schedule Register i.e. Ext. 16. Thewithdrawal extract for the year 1983-84 to 1995-96 is Ext. 16. The otherPayment Schedule Registers are Ext. 18, Ext. 18/1, Ext. 18/2, Ext. 18/3, Ext.18.4 and Ext. 18/5.The defence Ext.’F’ is order of Departmental Proceeding which wasstarted against accused S.N. Jha and he was exonerated from the charge ofDepartmental Proceeding. Ext. 5 is Government order on Ext. F. Ext. H isorder of the Hon’ble Court passed in Cr.W.C.C. No. 631 of 2008. Ext. I iscertified copy of deposition of P.W. 59 of R.C. No. 46(A)/96 and Ext. J andJ/1 are copies of Ext. B and B/1 of R.C. 47(A)/96.It is important to mention here that Departmental Proceeding is quite adifferent thing and it cannot demolish the criminal proceeding against theaccused. The criminal conspiracy was not the subject matter of theDepartmental Proceeding.19. In respect of accused Alok Kumar Gupta. According to theprosecution case while functioning as Accountant, Sahebganj Treasuryduring 1991 to 1996 he processed all the Bills of AHD Suppliers involved inthis case without raising any question about the allotment, though it wasunusually high. He processed as many as six (6) vouchers involving Rs. 4.5lakhs on a single day which is 6.7.1991. Fifteen (15) vouchers involved Rs.7,00,000=00 in a single day which is 2.3.1992. Eleven (11) vouchersinvolved Rs.4,00,000=00 in a single day i.e. 7.3.1992. Twenty-five (25)vouchers involving lakhs of rupees on the single day i.e. 14.4.1992. Hecleared payment of Bills bearing T.V. No. 30 dated 6.7.1991, T.V. NO. 81dated 20.7.1991 and T.V. No. 82 dated 20.7.1991, which did not mention ofthe details classification. For these irregularities these Bills deserve to besent back to the D.D.Os. for clarification. He blindly passed the bills. Fromperusal of Ext. 3 to Ext. 3/136, it appears that a number of discrepancies andview was apparent on Bills but in spite of that Bills were presented beforethe Treasury Officer for passing of it and for withdrawals of amount. FromExt. 15/31, it is well apparent that the financial power of the District AnimalHusbandry Officer as D.D.Os was Rs. 5,000=00 per day. But lakhs ofrupees were passed in one day beyond financial power of D.D.Os. TheSanction Order is Ext. 28/3 against this accused.

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