Fooder scam Judgement given by Sri G. K. Singh Spl. Judge VII CBI ...

Fooder scam Judgement given by Sri G. K. Singh Spl. Judge VII CBI ...

Fooder scam Judgement given by Sri G. K. Singh Spl. Judge VII CBI ...

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5614) and Preparation of Requisition of Bank Drafts (Ext. 8 to 8/14) and sendit to the Bank along with Bills were also his duty.On behalf of the prosecution a large number of Bills have been filedfrom Ext. 3 to Ext. 3/146 and it is alleged that without supply of medicine <strong>by</strong>T.V.O. under conspiracy, vouchers were deposited <strong>by</strong> the Suppliers and onthe basis of these forged vouchers, forged Bills were prepared <strong>by</strong> thisaccused and with the connivance of Treasury Officer and employees theseforged Bills have been passed and Drafts had been received <strong>by</strong> this accused.In support of this fact vouchers filed <strong>by</strong> the Suppliers from Ext. 2/873 to2/882; Ext. 2/894 to 2/898/ Ext. 2/1017 to 2/1018; Ext. 2/1144 to 2/1147;Ext. 1187 to 2/1189 and Ext. 2/1332 to 2/1335 have been proved. It appearsthat on all these exhibits no any certificate has been <strong>given</strong> <strong>by</strong> the T.V.O.(M), Sahebganj for receiving of materials but in spite of that on the basis ofthese vouchers Bills from Ext. 3/86 to 3/88; Ext. 3/89, Ext. 3/103; Ext.3/117; Ext. 3/123; Ext. 3/145 and Ext. 3/146 were prepared and presentedbefore the Treasury office and co-operation was <strong>given</strong> in illegal withdrawalsof government money. By misusing his post forged Bills were prepared <strong>by</strong>him and illegal withdrawals were done of government money.It appears from perusal of vouchers Ext. 2 Series, which arementioned above, that there is no any certificate has been <strong>given</strong> <strong>by</strong> theT.V.O. (M), about receiving of materials but in spite of that for withdrawalof voucher’s amount Bills of Ext. 3 series, fully described above, have beenprepared <strong>by</strong> this accused for withdrawals of government money from theTreasury. It was his duty to verify and send all the vouchers and to ensurethat materials have been actually received and thereafter he was entitled toprepare the Bills. But he failed to discharge his duty and without anycertificate of TVO (M) about receiving of goods he has prepared the Billunder conspiracy. A sum of Rs. 6,74,989=22 has been illegally withdrawnon the basis of forged bills, which were prepared <strong>by</strong> accused SudarshanRam.P.W. 76 Tribhuwan Prasad proved the Sanction Order against thispetitioner i.e. Ext. 28/4. The Sanction Order has been <strong>given</strong> <strong>by</strong> <strong>Sri</strong> ShivBalak Choudhary, Director, AHD, Patna.17. The other set of accused persons are Vijay Kumar, TreasuryOfficer, Sahebganj; <strong>Sri</strong> S.N. Jha, Treasury Officer, Sahebganj; Alok Kuamr

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