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BIOL 232 - <strong>Sample</strong> <strong>Questions</strong> #51. Type O blood is <strong>the</strong> most common blood type in <strong>the</strong> world.A) trueB) false2. Functions of <strong>the</strong> lymphatic system includeA) transport of excess tissue fluid to <strong>the</strong> brain.B) transport of extracellular fluid to <strong>the</strong> blood vascular system.C) maintenance of blood pressure in <strong>the</strong> veinous circulation.D) Two of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.E) None of <strong>the</strong> above3. The term given to <strong>the</strong> shape of <strong>the</strong> leukoocyte in humans isA) dual convex disk.B) bioconcave disk.C) sickle shaped cell.D) myopic disk.E) None of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.4. The regulation of calcium metabolism is best described asA) <strong>the</strong> parathyroid produces thyroxine and triiodothyronine to maintain calciumhomeostasis.B) <strong>the</strong> thyroid produces calcitonin and <strong>the</strong> parathyroids produce PTH tomaintain calciumhomeostasis.D) <strong>the</strong> thyroid produces PTH and <strong>the</strong> parathyroids produce calcitonin tomaintain calciumhomeostasis.C) <strong>the</strong> thyroid produces thyroxine and triiodothyronine to maintain calciumhomeostasis.E) Two of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.5. Lymph enters a lymph node viaA) efferent lymphatic vessels.B) afferent lymphatic vessels.C) entronodal arch.D) <strong>the</strong> subscapular sinus.E) Two of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.6. Prolactin is important forA) sweating.B) milk production.C) uterine contractions.D) Two of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.E) All of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.7. Which of <strong>the</strong> following is NOT a category of endocrine gland stimulus?A) NeuralB) HumoralC) EnzymeD) Hormonal8. What is true about cholesterol?A) It is a percursor to hormones like insulin and epinephrine.B) It is a molecule important for cell membrane structure.C) If it is found in too high a concentration, it can contribute to heartdisease.D) Two of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.

E) All of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.9. Chemical substances, secreted by cells into <strong>the</strong> extracellular fluids, thatregulate <strong>the</strong> metabolicfunction of o<strong>the</strong>r cells in <strong>the</strong> body are calledA) enzymes.B) antibodies.C) proteins.D) hormones.10. The name of <strong>the</strong> thin slice of pituitary that produces MSH isA) <strong>the</strong> melanochorion.B) <strong>the</strong> pars intermedia.C) <strong>the</strong> hypothalamic tract.D) <strong>the</strong> hypophyseal portal.E) Two of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.11. Hormones used in <strong>the</strong> long term stress response would beA) aldosterone and norepinephrine.B) epinephrine and cortisol.C) epinephrine and norepinephrine.D) aldosterone and adrenalin.E) None of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.12. Hemoglobin is <strong>the</strong> compound in <strong>the</strong> leukocyte responsible for gas exchange.A) TrueB) False13. Which of <strong>the</strong> following is likely during vigorous exercise?A) You will feel very hungry during <strong>the</strong> exercise.B) Blood will be diverted away from <strong>the</strong> digestive organs.C) The skin will be cold and clammy.D) Capillaries of <strong>the</strong> active muscles will be engorged with blood.E) Two of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.14. Elevated ACTH will cause <strong>the</strong> release of <strong>the</strong> stress hormones aldosteroneand cortisol.A) TrueB) False215. The immune system is designed and placed so as to most readily come intocontact wi<strong>the</strong>xtracellular fluids...<strong>the</strong> sight of entry for most infectious agents.A) TrueB) False16. Which of <strong>the</strong> following is true of ACTH?A) It is a hormone of <strong>the</strong> posterior pituitary gland.B) Stands for adrenocothyroid hormone.C) It is a hormone that will stimulate production of hormones in <strong>the</strong> cortex of<strong>the</strong> brain.D) Two of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.E) None of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.17. Choose <strong>the</strong> most accurate statement about blood hemoglobin.A) The blood of a person who has committed suicide using <strong>the</strong> exhaust from anautomobile wouldhave a high concentration of carbon dioxide.

B) A droplet of blood that fell onto a tabletop in lab would most likely bindwith carbondioxide.C) A red blood cell near <strong>the</strong> center of <strong>the</strong> gastrocnemius muscle would mostlikely bind withcarbon dioxide produced in muscle cell respiration and release oxygen for usein <strong>the</strong>muscle.D) Two of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.E) All of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.18. The physician that performed <strong>the</strong> first heart transplant wasA) William Harvey.B) Norman E. Shumway.C) John Jacob Landsteiner.D) William Einthoven.E) None of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.19. Thinking logically...immune response cells will frequently phagocytizeliving erythrocytes.A) TrueB) False20. Which of <strong>the</strong> following is true of lymphatic vessels?A) They are similar in structural design to arteries and veins.B) Their middle muscle layer is <strong>the</strong> thickest of <strong>the</strong> three types of vessels.C) Their muscle layer is comprised of smooth muscle.D) Two of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.E) All of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.21. What is <strong>the</strong> main function of <strong>the</strong> binocular vision?A) Depth perceptionB) Color visionC) Vision in dim lightD) Accommodation for near visionE) Two of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.22. Which of <strong>the</strong> following is produced by <strong>the</strong> pituitary gland?A) ADHB) GHRHC) OxytocinD) Two of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.E) All of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.23. The vessels that directly occur before <strong>the</strong> capillary beds are calledA) muscular arteries.B) lymphatuoles.C) arterioles.D) venules.E) Three of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.24. When we speak of a second messenger system, which of <strong>the</strong> following istrue?A) It is a system of action used by steroidal hormones.B) The most common type of second messenger is endocine.C) The second messenger will cause changes in <strong>the</strong> production of proteinswithin <strong>the</strong> cellmembrane.D) Two of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.

E) None of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.25. The types of receptor cells for color that are found in <strong>the</strong> human eyeincludeA) <strong>the</strong> yellow rods.B) <strong>the</strong> green cones.C) <strong>the</strong> red rods.D) Two of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.E) All of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.26. Blood within <strong>the</strong> pulmonary arteries travels next to <strong>the</strong>A) right atrium.B) lymphatic vessels near cisterna chyli.C) right ventricle.D) capillaries surrounding alveoli.E) Two of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.27. Approximately what proportion of <strong>the</strong> volume of blood consists of <strong>the</strong>erythrocytes?A) 1%B) 25%C) 45%3D) 55%E) 70%28. Tonsils are thought to be important parts of <strong>the</strong> immune response in <strong>the</strong>body.A) TrueB) False29. Why is locking yourself in a garage with a running automobile anunfortunately effective methodto commit suicide?A) Because poisonous gasoline from <strong>the</strong> automobile will kill you as it leaksout of <strong>the</strong> tank.B) Because <strong>the</strong> products of combustion produce carbon dioxide.C) Hemoglobin will more tightly bind with CO than to ei<strong>the</strong>r 0 or COD) Both a and b are correct.E) Both b and c are correct.30. Which scientist is most famous for his invention of <strong>the</strong> spygmanometer?A) Benjamin CummingsB) William EinthovenC) Étienne-Jules MareyD) Karl E. ShumwayE) None of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.31. Which statement best describes arteries?A) All carry oxygenated blood away from <strong>the</strong> heart.B) All carry oxygenated blood.C) All contain valves to prevent <strong>the</strong> back-flow of blood.D) Two of <strong>the</strong> above are descriptive of arteries.E) None of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.32. Steroid hormones exert <strong>the</strong>ir action byA) finding an appropriate cell receptor and initiating cAMP activity.B) acting on <strong>the</strong> nucleus of a cell and initiating or altering <strong>the</strong> expressionof a gene.

C) stimulating <strong>the</strong> cell via <strong>the</strong> plasma membrane receptors.D) increasing blood pressure.E) Two of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.33. The hypophyseal portal system refers to <strong>the</strong>A) <strong>the</strong> blood communication system of <strong>the</strong> posterior pituitary.B) <strong>the</strong> neural communication system of <strong>the</strong> anterior pituitary.C) <strong>the</strong> blood communication system of <strong>the</strong> anterior pituitary.D) <strong>the</strong> neural communication system of <strong>the</strong> posterior pituitary.E) None of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.34. The scientist that is most renowned for his work on blood dialysis isA) Étienne-Jules Marey.B) Norman Einthoven.C) John Jacob Abel.D) Benjamin Cummings.E) None of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.35. The positive feedback loop involving <strong>the</strong> placenta and uterus uses whathormone?A) ProlactinB) ADHC) PlacentocinD) TriiodothyronineE) None of <strong>the</strong> above36. Small organs associated with lymphatic vessels are termedA) lymph nodes.B) lymph otoliths.C) axillary nodes.D) cisterna chyli.E) immune nodes.37. The type of cells in <strong>the</strong> retina that helps an individual see light anddark is/areA) <strong>the</strong> nasal rodentia.B) <strong>the</strong> rods.C) <strong>the</strong> cones.D) <strong>the</strong> retinofunnel cells.E) Two of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.38. When it becomes necessary to start <strong>the</strong> “fight or flight” response, ahormone that is released isA) epinephrine.B) angiotensinogen.C) adrenalin.D) stressopressin.E) Two of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.39. Which of <strong>the</strong> following is NOT a formed component of blood?A) RBC’sB) LeukocytesC) PlasmaD) PlateletsE) Two of <strong>the</strong> above are not cellular components of blood and <strong>the</strong>refore Iselect this answerinstead.40. Lymph in lymph vessels flows towards <strong>the</strong> heart just like arteries.A) True

4B) False41. The pulmonary veins carry deoxygenated blood away from <strong>the</strong> heart.A) TrueB) False42. Because lymph vessels are very low pressure conduits, movements ofadjacent tissues are importantin propelling lymph through <strong>the</strong> lymphatic vessels.A) TrueB) False43. Permitting <strong>the</strong> exchange of nutrients and gases between <strong>the</strong> blood andtissue cells is <strong>the</strong> primaryfunction ofA) veinuoles.B) lymphatuoles.C) capillaries.D) arterioles.E) Two of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.44. Death from carbon monoxide poisoning would be due toA) <strong>the</strong> body’s destruction of hemoglobin.B) <strong>the</strong> strong affinity of hemoglobin for carbon monoxide.C) formation of poisonous ATP.D) inability to form hemoglobin.E) Two of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.45. The scientist renowned for <strong>the</strong> discovery of and identification of <strong>the</strong> ABOblood groupings isA) John Jacob Abel.B) William Harvey.C) Benjamin Jules-Marey.D) Karl Landsteiner.E) None of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.46. In lecture we talked about <strong>the</strong> relationship of modern society to hormonesecretions. Which bestdescribes this relationship?A) Pollutants in modern society, such as lead and mercury, cause <strong>the</strong> adrenalglands to shutdown and decrease life expectancy.B) In modern society, medical intervention allows <strong>the</strong> administration ofmelatonin to pregnantwomen to assist in creating uterine contractions to speed childbirth...savinglives.C) Modern life is quite stressful and results in an increased production ofboth cortisol andaldosterone.D) The secretion of thymosin and GH result from <strong>the</strong> busy nature of modernsociety.E) Two of <strong>the</strong> above are accurate.47. Plasma is going to containA) hormones.B) functional DNA.C) nutrients.D) Two of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.

E) All of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.48. Which of <strong>the</strong> following hormones is produced by <strong>the</strong> posterior pituitarygland?A) Growth HormoneB) OxytocinC) Antidiuretic HormoneD) Two of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.E) All of <strong>the</strong> above are correct.49. The blood flow in <strong>the</strong> pulmonary circuit is different..... blood flows awayfrom <strong>the</strong> heart in bluearteries.A) True B) False50. Thinking logically, <strong>the</strong> blood pressure in <strong>the</strong> vena cava is greater than in<strong>the</strong> aorta.A) True B) False

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