Info on Manly Juhan Breaker from his daughter Mary B. Baker

Info on Manly Juhan Breaker from his daughter Mary B. Baker Info on Manly Juhan Breaker from his daughter Mary B. Baker


'u$"IXI[ir hnuh is dBdicated in lurring mpmorg tc SSarg p- paftn$SZn-nZll- $errring runtinuuuslg in $undag $c\uul furDrilir atinnotrBr sBbenlgUrl:s, &t"- paher aftBnded ler rftildrar,s rhssonlg u fufu dags befnre fer drat[.per fait\ful dBdiralion ta 0llist,etridenced itr t[e urganizafiunuf t[r $apane*r 0\urc! fulir\ rninistttl uber fuurfg Vtnrr,l1rr rnnrern fur rnissiung uround tfe fuurld, and ler loufurgintBrest in rl1ildren, is still an inrpiration tu all-

'u$"IXI[ir hnuh is dBdicated in lurring mpmorg tc SSarg p- paftn$SZn-nZll- $errring runtinuuuslg in $undag $c\uul furDrilir atinnotrBr sBbenlgUrl:s, &t"- paher aftBnded ler rftildrar,s rhss<strong>on</strong>lg u fufu dags befnre fer drat[.per fait\ful dBdirali<strong>on</strong> ta 0llist,etridenced itr t[e urganizafiunuf t[r $apane*r 0\urc! fulir\ rninistttl uber fuurfg Vtnrr,l1rr rnnrern fur rnissiung uround tfe fuurld, and ler loufurgintBrest in rl1ildren, is still an inrpirati<strong>on</strong> tu all-

a)co(c er,,,C@ C',)co(:( or';lco(,c o(.lc,a(IYIAF('E. EA|\EF(. The highest of distincti<strong>on</strong>s is service to others.-King George VI.In t<strong>his</strong> short space <strong>on</strong>e can <strong>on</strong>ly touch up<strong>on</strong> some of the highlights in the Iife of tlri.amazing woman. Following the example set by her forefathers, <strong>Mary</strong> B. <strong>Baker</strong> is oftt,ncalled "Mrs, Baptist" because her life has been so fully dedicated to serving others. 01Feb' 13, 1964, she will have completed seventy-five years as a Sunday School.teacher in.the Baptist church.<strong>Mary</strong> B. <strong>Baker</strong> was born February 13. l8?4. to <strong>Manly</strong> <strong>Juhan</strong> <strong>Breaker</strong> of So. Carolinrrand <strong>Mary</strong> Elizabeth Timms of W. Virginia. <strong>Manly</strong> <strong>Breaker</strong>, eldest child of Rev. Jacolr<strong>Manly</strong> canty <strong>Breaker</strong> and Emma Juliette (<strong>Juhan</strong>) <strong>Breaker</strong>. was born March g. lg.i0.Aftc; ai'":nc!ng c rcligious schcc!, l.{anly Breekcr studic.d at \\rofrord Ccllege;t<strong>on</strong> r.r,/nsl.:in;:University; Witliam Jewell College. Liberty. Ir{o.; and the Southern B-aptist Tho.,.logical Seminary at Greenville. S. C. He became a pastor and "loved and faithfullr.served the Lord with a c<strong>on</strong>suming zeal." He was president of Mt. Pleasant College inHuntsville, Mo., builder of the Missi<strong>on</strong>ary Plan. and served as Secretary of the Horn,'arid Foreign Board for twelve years until <strong>his</strong> sudden death <strong>on</strong> Oct. 1. 1908. The MissouriB-aptist4..". gsslga a memorial to Dr. <strong>Breaker</strong>'s memory in shanghai. cF'-i4e. irirTi;Ii was ndffid BTeaI-erRaIIl-: -afiil attefiln-g Fd- schools, <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Baker</strong> grbduated <strong>from</strong> the Baptist LadiesCottage in Lexingt<strong>on</strong>, Mo.. in 1893.Mrs. <strong>Baker</strong> taught school in many locati<strong>on</strong>s in Missouri before coming to Californi:r<strong>on</strong> Jan. 1, 1902. she was married sept. 28. 1898. in St. Louis to Laws west <strong>Baker</strong> ofMissouri. Rev. <strong>Breaker</strong> performed the cerem<strong>on</strong>y. Mr. <strong>Baker</strong>, born Aug. 19. 1872. diecl in1930, in an automobile accident. He owned lem<strong>on</strong> and orange groves in upland. s,as amember of the Pom<strong>on</strong>a Lodge B.P.O.E.. and was secretary and treasurer of the Upland.Lem<strong>on</strong> Hts. & Cucam<strong>on</strong>ga Water Co. for many years.Mr. and Mrs. <strong>Baker</strong> had two children. Horace West <strong>Baker</strong>. born Sept. 22. 1899. sa.a brilliant engineering student in <strong>his</strong> senior year at California Institute of Technolo:).engaged to.a young lady. when he was killed in an accident Sept.8. 1922. I\la1.dt,ll,,<strong>Baker</strong> was a stockholder and director of Mullen & Bluett clothing stores in Los Anr:cl,'.<strong>from</strong> 1932 ,i,r'oil iirey *ere suld irr i957. She '!hen became a travel c<strong>on</strong>sultant at \\:ii.<strong>on</strong>'.Travel Agency in Beverly Hills. Until 1957 "clothes were her business and travel h.rhobby, now travel is her business and clothes her hobby." She has visited 107 countri,.since she was a student at the University of Redlands and plans to visit eight more thi.fall. She is active in John Tracy Clinic (for hlrd-of-hearing children) and <strong>on</strong> thlAlumnus Board of University of Redlands and is recreati<strong>on</strong>al director for the Baltti.tChildren's Home.As a member of the First Baptist Church at Holt & Garey. Mrs. <strong>Baker</strong> has h,', n\ilomen's Missi<strong>on</strong>ary Society president. superintendent of Beginners and Juniors Bilrl,'school,and is now a teacher in the Primary Dept. She has been chairman of devotir'n f,'r'T-"^*r, 'i-'-",tgti ; p."'tu^+u,tX,t^r.u. t'?t;?''3t?'?.r*?'w*irE. .wn^v>,r' - -d.r-_)=. ):_J:j:-lj-)1OO(c{ri.f t}*.Cu1f+t lgte v^ LA-Vor* l,rv1.b'o*';.rruuf |'t':'-f i.' )J l:f-O OU,",,,^} rrr,*^cxW" (w*e r l:i ltl,,,,,l3f ",#ir-rjr,r,r rrirL.jJ*R^rn 8,(9fo ,- (.,r.rrzl.tu- , S c. ,L-n-i' 0.*- lr lflog' ^ l-O.O- l. _): -)_O O (7t Qz"rp,l , ilu-Lnatiu)' :).3' l: l; l'o O O') ),.D3:J )aO(

758 Los ANcnr,es CouNry Hrsr<strong>on</strong>rcll, Voluue III(co(ol ic o(ten years, holds weelitl, prayer meetings in her home every l\{<strong>on</strong>day morning, is adeac<strong>on</strong>ess, <strong>on</strong> the Advisory Comnrittee, White Cross chairman, and a member"ftf,"Women's Uni<strong>on</strong>. In 1914 she met with Oriental workers at night, teaching tt,em Ensfi.iand the Bible, and founded the Japanese Missi<strong>on</strong> group. Theynow have a large rn.-ior_ship ctmposed of third generati<strong>on</strong> members. Mrs. <strong>Baker</strong> is aiso a Nati<strong>on</strong>al Life m"mb".of W.C.T.U.Travel and sewing are her hobbies. Her sewing has a purpose and she works to me!:et<strong>his</strong> prayer come true:Now I lay_me- down to sleep, I pray the Lord the souls to keepof other children far away who have no home in which to stay.Now in her eighty-ninth year, Iv{rs. <strong>Baker</strong> sews about 80 dresses a year for kindergartengirls in an orphanage in H<strong>on</strong>g K<strong>on</strong>g, makes shirts and shifts for children in theBelgian C<strong>on</strong>go, quilts and other items for Hopi Indians in Ariz<strong>on</strong>a, stufied toys for thegeneral hospital' and miscellaneous items for the Baptist Children's Home in Inglewood.Mrs. <strong>Baker</strong> 'had d<strong>on</strong>e much traveling-to Alaska in l92B to visit the KodiakOrphanage <strong>on</strong> Kodiak Island, remote and diffcult to reach; they had to travel <strong>on</strong> a salm<strong>on</strong>freighter. In 1936 she went to the Orient and visiied missi<strong>on</strong>aries in Japan. Cfrina, H""sK<strong>on</strong>g' Philippine Islands, and attended a memorial service for her faiher in ShanghaiChina, at the Boys' Dormitory at the University of Shanghai. She traveled through thePanama Canal and South America in 1928 and was a delegate to the Baptist fuorl

76{ BIOGRAPIIIC{L.Brother A;-r'es is now an oltl man, having seen seyenty-fouf*'inters, anti is rvniting rvith grcat lcsignati<strong>on</strong> to closs thc river.JI.tNr,y J. Bnc,r.xnn.-T<strong>his</strong> gifted rntl brilliant young p:rstorcomes of a lamily of Brilttist prcachcrs. IJis grandfather. wss rrBaptist prcacher'; and lris lathcr', Rcv. J. l[. C. <strong>Breaker</strong>, D. D.higlii5- estccmed nnd *-ell linorvn, is the able pastor of tlie FirsiBaptist Church, Ifoust<strong>on</strong>, Tcxas.The subjcct of tiris notice rvas born in \crv Bcrne, North Carolina, 9, 1850, butwas brought up itr South Calolina,as <strong>his</strong>father so<strong>on</strong> I'eturnerl to that statc. IIc 1y&s ccllvel'terl in Scptcnber,1865, baptizcd by <strong>his</strong> fathcr', ancl uuitcd rvith Spalt:rnbursBaPtist clrurclr in sorrth ca'olirra. Ilis ed'c.litiorr *':rs lrul'sut,lat \Yollord College, S. C., \\rashi.gto' tI,ive'sit)-, ]Io.. T\-illiarr-Jcwell College, 1Io., and the Southerrr Baptist Theoiogical Serninarv.At t<strong>his</strong> last instituti<strong>on</strong> he gllduatetl in full in Ma1-, 1g7B;and so<strong>on</strong> after manied }Iiss <strong>Mary</strong> Timms, Libertt, Mo. IIisfirst pastoratc l'as at Glasgow, rvhich he left to take thc prcsidcncyof llount Pleasant Oollege, I{untsville. T<strong>his</strong> he lesignedand bccanre pnstor of the Baptist church at Fayctte, IIorvar.dCounty, llo., to rvhicb, arid somc neighboling churclies, he hnspreached erer since, cxcept tlilee m<strong>on</strong>ths that he spent at Austin,Texas. Ile has d<strong>on</strong>e somc writing for. thc prcss, and espcciall;'hashe renclered valuable assisttnce in the editorial workof lhe Centrul Baptist, having for some time c<strong>on</strong>ducted the Sundovschooidepaltmcnt of that paper. Ilis prcaching is very largelyexpository; in style he is clear antl fbrciblc. No <strong>on</strong>e qucsti<strong>on</strong>shig devoti<strong>on</strong> to the interests of the Baptist den<strong>on</strong>.rin:rti<strong>on</strong>. IIcis fully identifietl with the rvorir of the llissouri Baptist Ge nertlAssociati<strong>on</strong> and of tlie Southeln Bantist C<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>. As l thcologiealthinkcr he is independcnt nn,l recognizes no llastcr butChlist.Seuunr, Dnrsxor,r,-was born in Roclringharn County, NorthCaroiina, Decernber 10, 1799. IIis early reiiqious c<strong>on</strong>victi<strong>on</strong>swere dcep and pungent, antl follorved him for many J'eals. At<strong>on</strong>e time <strong>his</strong> c<strong>on</strong>victi<strong>on</strong> of sin was so helry as to cause sick.ness, rcquiring the attendance of thc phl-siciarr, who bled him,but to no purpose. Gettin{-{ no better, hc rcmovcd to Tennessoe,where he succcedcd in partially throrving off <strong>his</strong> c<strong>on</strong>victi<strong>on</strong>s folthree years. Ile then moved to Green County, Illinois, wherohe remained <strong>on</strong>ly four )'e&rs, and <strong>from</strong> thele to l{organ County,Missouri.lbout t<strong>his</strong> time, at thirty-fve years of age, he lost two chil':$*iitt-l"r l\r.\ 'Sl.i-^ft/ Di j , a- ,vl t5!

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