elektronická verzia publikácie - FIIT STU

elektronická verzia publikácie - FIIT STU

elektronická verzia publikácie - FIIT STU


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Annual report 2011 93tor accompanies students to maintain their motivation within thelearning environment. The agent can hold off-task conversations andguide students to appropriate learning opportunities. Its tutoring strategyis devised by a reinforcement learning control method that operateson socially motivated state and action spaces induced by thehuman wizard whose interface facilitates rapid prototyping of relevantstates and taking appropriate actions. To make the learning algorithmfeasible, states are grouped into equivalence classes according to wizardselected state features, and contextual and linguistic reection isemployed to adjust the immediate action to the current learner's situation.The feasibility study of the socially intelligent agent demonstratedthat students who engaged with the agent attained higher learninggains and liked the system more. The bootstrapping of the socially intelligenttutoring strategy was evaluated in simulated student scenarios.Evaluations suggest that our approach for using computers tosupport students in the learning process is technologically viable.Student name: Michal TvarožekDegree program: Software EngineeringThesis title: Exploratory Search in the Adaptive Social Semantic WebSupervisor: Mária Bieliková, ProfessorDefended on: February 10, 2011Annotation: Effective search and access to information on the Web and the SemanticWeb is still an open problem with direct consequences for our society.We improve the current state of the art in information accesscapabilities by devising an original multi-paradigm exploratory searchapproach combining keyword-based, view-based and content-basedsearch with advanced visualization approaches including graph visualizationand specialized result overviews. We address informationoverload and the navigation problem via personalization of navigationand presentation, and orientation and guidance support via facet, restrictionand result recommendation for individual users. The access toSemantic Web information is facilitated by dynamic user interfacegeneration using descriptive metadata about the structure of the informationspace, and using visual semantic query construction. Wesuccessfully validated the usefulness and practicality of the proposedapproaches in multiple domains including job offers, scientific publicationsand digital images.Student name: Ľubomír MajtásDegree program: Software EngineeringThesis title: Contribution to the Creation and Recognition of the Design PatternsInstancesSupervisor: Pavol Návrat, ProfessorDefended on: March 15, 2011Annotation: Design patterns introduced very useful way of improving the qualityof the software development processes. There were introduced severalsolutions trying to support developers with their utilization. In ourwork we will describe two approaches supporting their employment:first one is dealing with their instantiation, the second one is dealing

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