elektronická verzia publikácie - FIIT STU

elektronická verzia publikácie - FIIT STU

elektronická verzia publikácie - FIIT STU


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82 <strong>STU</strong> Faculty of Informatics and Information TechnologiesThe Institute of Informatics and Software Engineering fulfils the mission by the researchactivities relevant both in a national and international context and by extending, deepeningand improving the offer of courses provided to students at all the three levels of universitystudies.The Institute endeavours actively to cooperate. It includes interdisciplinary research andstudies at other similar institutes, institutions and departments of its Faculty, its University,in Slovakia, in Europe and throughout the world. In particular, in 2007 the Institute wasinvited to join the international consortium of research institutions devoted to Web Intelligence.The Institute represents Slovakia in the consortium and contributes to promotingresearch in Web Intelligence worldwide. In 2009 the Institute has become partner of EuropeanNetwork of Excellence on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, AOSD-Europe,which integrates and coordinates research, education and dissemination activities of itsmembers in the area of aspect oriented development of software. Originally, it has been a7 th Framework Programme project.The Institute aims at becoming the leading Slovak institution in the areas of its competencieswith ambitions to positively influence their development. The Institute is conscious ofits high responsibility to the public and it provides expert services to it, thus improving lifeof the town, the region, the country and the mankind. The Institute looks for synergieswith industry and enterprise community, and jointly tries to raise research and educationquality in the areas of informatics and information technologies.9.1 StaffDirectorPavol Návrat, ProfessorDeputy DirectorMária Bieliková, ProfessorViera Rozinajová, Assoc. ProfessorAdministrative DepartmentZuzana MackováAlexandra ZakalováTeaching StaffNadežda Andrejčíková, PhD. (part time)Michal Barla, PhD.Pavel BartošMária Bieliková, ProfessorAnna Bou Ezzeddine, PhD.Peter Brusilovsky, visiting Professor (part time)Ivana Budinská, PhD. (part time)Andrej Danko, PhD. (part time)Iveta DekýšováPavol Frič, PhD. (part time)Marta Gnipová (part time)Nikoleta HabudováDaniela Chudá, Assoc. ProfessorIvan Kapustík

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