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elektronická verzia publikácie - FIIT STU

elektronická verzia publikácie - FIIT STU


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Annual report 2011 45−Žiak, Slavomír: Push Technology as Means of Real-Time Notification andSynchronization of Mobile Clients. Supervisor: P. VilhanDoctoral (PhD.) ThesesStudent name: Peter KapecDegree program: Applied InformaticsThesis title: Knowledge-Based Software Representation, Querying and VisualizationSupervisor: Martin Šperka, Assoc. ProfessorDefended on: April 7, 2011Annotation: In the recent years information visualization became very important asit allows us to gain insight into large amounts of data. Better informationcomprehension can be obtained by observing graphical representationsof data, which may reveal hidden patterns. Among variousdata types that can be visualized, software is a suitable candidate dueto software's intangibility. In our work we focused on the visualizationof software artifacts and their interconnections. We propose a softwarevisualization method that uses a hypergraph-based data model as aunifying representation that is used in the whole visualization process:from artifacts extraction and representation, trough filtering and queryingto visualization. Inspired by the knowledge representation fieldwe propose a modified hypergraph-based representation that enhancedby incidences that are suitable to represent roles objects play in relations.We also propose a query language in which queries and queryresults are hypergraphs, thus making the approach transparent for visualization.The visualization of the hypergraphs representing the extractedsoftware artifacts and their relations is based on the wellknown force-based graph layout algorithms. The proposed methodwas implemented in a software visualization prototype and verified byvisualizations of an existing software project.Student name: Alena KovárováDegree program: Applied InformaticsThesis title: Special Interaction Approaches and their Impact on UsabilitySupervisor: Martin Šperka, Assoc. ProfessorDefended on: September 26, 2011Annotation: The present work examines various interaction styles. It is dividedinto three parts, introducing three proposals for enhancement of existinginteraction methods. The rst proposal focuses on applying thecommon hardware to a new style of interaction -the interaction withobjects in the outdoor environment. To verify this method we haveimplemented the pilot system icPoint, which enables the user to interactwith a night sky. The second proposal relates to the streamlining ofthe information retrieving from the Internet. We propose a method foraccelerating this process. It is based on the user model utilization. Inorder to verify this method we have implemented a widget, which assistsin searching for departure times of public transportation. Wehave achieved considerably better times in obtaining the requested information.The third part deals with the enhancement of a graphic user

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