Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

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to develop and successfully administer and market suchfacilities.SM 2<strong>11</strong> Sports Tourism 3-0-3Sport provides a significant impetus for travel incontemporary society, and this course focuses on therelationship between the sports and tourism industries. Thestudy of sports tourism draws from the disciplines ofpsychology, sociology, geography, management, leisure, andrecreation behavior. Typically, the course will include a fivedaytrip (at student expense) to a location such as Orlando,Florida, to visit world-class sports and convention facilities.SM 220 Sports Communications 3-0-3This course seeks to provide the student with anappreciation of the unique dynamics associated with thesports communication field. Students will better understandthe expectations associated with developing a sports story, asports news release, and/or a sports opinion piece, viatraditional print media or electronic media - radio, television,and/or the Internet. A review of journalistic ethics will beincluded. Students will gain first-hand experience with regardto producing television and radio broadcasts of live sportingevents. (Prerequisites: EN 101 and EN <strong>12</strong>0; SM 101 stronglyrecommended)SM 225 Sports Law 3-0-3This course focuses on the legal issues unique to the sportsworld and to sport managers. Numerous case studies andprecedents are examined, as well as how they relate tocurrent situations involving professional, intercollegiate,interscholastic and community sports and athletic activities.SM 250 Sports and Society 4-0-4This course is designed to raise awareness with regard to thesociology of sport and how cultural practices in the world ofsport can have significant social, economic, and politicalconsequences. Discussion and research should give futuresport managers a broader understanding of how sportimpacts different groups of people in different waysthroughout this country and beyond.SM 290 Sports Management Internship 0-9-3This course allows students opportunities to experience reallifesports management situations "in the field." Internshipsare cooperatively sponsored by participating partners. Thecourse approach and content can be designed to match theneeds of the sponsor with the desires of the student, as thestudent gets hands-on opportunities to participate in thepractical application of the sports management concepts andprinciples studied in the classroom. Students have completedsuccessful internships with the Whittemore Center, VerizonCenter, Planet Fitness, New Hampshire InternationalSpeedway, Concord Boys and Girls Club, Concord YMCA andmany other local or regional facilities or organizations thatare sports businesses.SM 293 Managerial Decision-Making 3-0-3This course is designed to be a capstone course for SportsManagement students to enhance and practice their criticalthinking and management skills. Students will be expected touse their previously acquired expertise (in, e.g., marketing,supervision, accounting and management) and apply that tocase studies and computer simulations of companies, bothindividually and in teams. The course will be conductedthrough student presentations and execution of a multi-yearcomputer-based simulation. (Prerequisites: AC 101, SM 101,SM 170 and BU 152 or BU 270)Visual Arts<strong>Course</strong>s will be offered at Smokestack Center on NorthState Street in Concord.VRTS 101 Introduction to Drawing 2-4-4Students in this course will gain the basic skills and insightsnecessary to create drawings that are both accurate andexpressive. Explorations of line, value and form will engagethe eye and the hand as well as the heart. Students will gainconfidence in their own vision and their ability to draw whatthey see.VRTS 102 Introduction to the Visual Arts 3-0-3The purpose of this course is to introduce students to thelanguages, concepts, and practices of art through visual andart historical perspectives. Students will be engaged indiscussion about the elements of art, such as content,composition, style, method and materials. Students will alsobe introduced to all of the visual art practices, includingdrawing and painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography,conceptual and installation art, video art, earthworks, andperformance art, as well as craft and graphic design.VRTS 103 Two-Dimensional Design 2-3-3This course is designed to provide students with a solidfoundation in two-dimensional design and color theory.Students will learn the basic elements needed to form visualpatterns and proceed to explore a variety of approachesrelating to visual organization and pictorial composition. Asection of the course will be dedicated to the fundamentalsof color theory, its function and application.VRTS 104 Three-Dimensional Design 2-3-3This is a foundation course introducing the student to thetechnical and conceptual elements for the organization anddevelopment of three-dimensional structures. Beginningprojects will address the basic elements needed to explore avariety of approaches relating to form and space, then moveto more complex issues involving the relationships betweenform and function.VRTS <strong>11</strong>1 Survey of Western Art History I 3-0-3This course examines the history of western civilizationthrough the study of objects created by people from variouswestern cultures - from the cave paintings of the pre-historicera to the great cathedrals of Europe during the <strong>12</strong>th and13th centuries. Students will study the artifacts, architecture,painting and sculpture that inform understanding of aculture's way of life, beliefs, and priorities. In turn, studentswill gain a deeper understanding of today's culture andsociety. Students will also develop the basic skills andvocabulary necessary to critique a work of art.8/17/20<strong>11</strong> <strong>NHTI</strong>, Concord’s <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Course</strong> <strong>Descriptions</strong> 20<strong>11</strong>-20<strong>12</strong> 57

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