Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

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include: diversity, assimilation, ethnic identity, prejudice,discrimination, racism, class, gender, immigration, inequality,and poverty. This course provides an opportunity to examineideas relating to such diverse issues as the relationshipbetween attitudes and behaviors, the complexity of class,power, and conflict, and the interplay between economicand political systems. (Prerequisite: SO 105 recommended)Special topics courses listed under SO 226 Special Topics inSociology<strong>Course</strong>s under this heading will provide the opportunity tofocus on topical issues in the field of sociology and will bepresented with an interdisciplinary approach. Faculty presentmaterial not normally covered in regular course offerings.(Prerequisite: PY 105 or SO 105 or other social science courseappropriate to the topic)SO 226A Service, Citizenship and <strong>Community</strong> (SRV)3-0-3This course introduces students to the interdisciplinarystudy of community and the particular role citizenparticipation plays in constructing communities andaccomplishing public goals. Students will engage invarious ideas, debates and strategies regarding thedevelopment of communities while engaging in 20hours of community service in area agencies orgrassroots nonprofit community organizations. Thepromises and challenges of civic life will be examinedby focusing on such topics as: the history andphilosophy of community service; processes, structuresand collaboration in community service; the power oflocal associations and organizations to maintain orimprove the quality of life in their communities; theuse of public and private resources for communityservices; the education of real-world problem solvers;energy, technology and transportation; housing, foodand garbage; health and healing; mass media and thearts. Service Learning is a component of this course.(Prerequisite: at least one course in the social sciencesor permission of the Department Head of Social andBehavioral Sciences)SO 240 Marriage, Family and Personal Relationships 3-0-3This course will examine concepts and issues associated withfamily life and personal relationships. A variety of socialproblems that impact personal relationships, marriage, andthe family will be addressed that have resulted from social,cultural, political and economic changes in society. Suchissues as gender role socialization, diversity of family forms,men and women in cross-cultural perspective, men andwomen in the work place, poverty and families, reproductiveand parenting rights, sexuality, mate selection, the internaldynamics of relationships, domestic violence, maritaldissolution, and future family trends will be examinedthroughout the semester. All together, such changes in theworld outside the family have profound impact on whathappens inside the family. Such changes have profoundconsequences on how individuals conduct their personal andsocial lives together. The questions that this course will raiseand attempt to answer will hopefully enable us to livetogether in adulthood with considerably more ease thanmost currently experience. (Prerequisite: An introductorysociology or psychology course is recommended.)SO 250 Conflict Resolution in Modern Society 3-0-3This course provides an overview of theories and researchconcerning the nature of conflict and methods for resolvingconflict. The foundation of the course is social systemstheory; the course examines conflicts among socialinstitutions and conflicts among diverse populations. Theeffects of conflict upon the individual are considered. Thecourse provides the student/practitioner with the theoreticalframework for analyzing and resolving conflict. (This coursedoes not meet the minimum Social Science requirement forthe <strong>NHTI</strong>'s Associate degrees or Professional Certificateprograms.)SO 298 Travel/Study Abroad Experience 3-0-3A travel experience abroad that combines the equivalent ofthree credits of classroom and field experience (at studentexpense) in a foreign country through onsite study, historicsite visitation, libraries, archives, cultural events, museums,and/or field trips to various sites in the country. The courseprovides students with an opportunity to learn about thehistory, culture, economy and politics of the host country. Aproject is required to document the learning experience. Thecourse will provide opportunities for students to increasetheir cultural awareness and cross cultural sensitivity throughexposure to people from different countries/cultures. (Maybe repeated for credit with permission of the DepartmentHead of Social and Behavioral Sciences.)Sports ManagementSM 101 Introduction to Sports Management 3-0-3This introductory course emphasizes basic managementprinciples as they relate to the business of sports. Studentsare introduced to sports marketing, sports law, sportssupervision, sports media, sports ethics, recreational sportsmanagement and other related areas. There is an emphasison developing and improving communication skills. Anoverview is provided with regard to career opportunities inthis field.SM 170 Sports Marketing 3-0-3This course focuses on marketing issues as they relate tosports-related enterprises. A variety of marketing techniquesand approaches are analyzed to broaden students'backgrounds in this area and to better allow them to developeffective and comprehensive sports marketing plans.SM 180 Public Relations and Advertising for the SportsIndustry 3-0-3This course provides a cross-disciplinary approach to avariety of promotional issues that sport managers routinelyconfront. Public relations and advertising professionals offerinsights into how sports-related endeavors and businessescan raise public awareness about products and services.(Prerequisites: SM 101 and EN 101)SM 210 Sports and Fitness Facilities Management 3-0-3This course exposes students to the many elements anddynamics associated with managing a sports or fitnessfacility. Students will visit a variety of structures, arenas, andfacilities and will gain an understanding of what is required8/17/20<strong>11</strong> <strong>NHTI</strong>, Concord’s <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Course</strong> <strong>Descriptions</strong> 20<strong>11</strong>-20<strong>12</strong> 56

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