Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

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MT <strong>12</strong>5 Finite Mathematics 4-0-4Topics include: matrices, linear programming, countingtechniques, sets, probability, statistics, mathematics offinance, logic, Markov chains, game theory. Applications willbe emphasized. A graphing calculator* will be required.(Prerequisite: MT <strong>12</strong>4)MT <strong>12</strong>9 Math for Allied Health 3-0-3This course is designed for students in the allied health fields.Topics covered will include: basic arithmetic operations;basic topics from geometry; conversion of units; dosagecalculations; linear functions, statistics and probability asthey relate to the study of health data; inductive anddeductive reasoning for the purpose of drawing validconclusions. (Prerequisite: High school algebra I with a gradeof “C” or better or <strong>NHTI</strong>'s MT 103 and MT 104 with grades of“C” or better) Please note that this course does not meet theminimum math requirement for the Associate in Science inGeneral Studies and Associate in Arts with a major in LiberalArts programs; it may, however, be used as a liberal artselective in those programs.MT 133 Elementary Functions 4-0-4Topics will include: algebraic concepts and operations; linear,quadratic and trigonometric functions; vectors; systems oflinear equations; exponential and logarithmic functions; andratios, proportion and variation. A graphic calculator* will berequired. Prerequisite: prior knowledge of algebra I, algebraII and geometry is assumed)problems. A graphing calculator* will be required.(Prerequisite: MT 206 Calculus II with a grade of “C” or higheror permission of the Department Head of Math/Physics)MT 251 Statistics 4-0-4Topics include: basic measurements of central tendency andvariability; frequency distributions; probability; binomial,Poisson, and normal distributions; sampling distributions;estimation of parameters; hypothesis testing; simple andmultiple regression; correlation. A graphing calculator* willbe required. (Prerequisite: MT <strong>12</strong>4)* A Texas Instruments model TI-83+ is required for MT 109,MT <strong>11</strong>3, MT <strong>12</strong>4, MT <strong>12</strong>5, MT 133, MT 134, MT 205, MT 206and MT 251.Manufacturing EngineeringTechnologyMF <strong>11</strong>1 Manufacturing and Materials Processing 3-2-4The course is designed to provide a basic understanding oftraditional methods of materials processing used in productmanufacturing. Through lectures, demonstrations, andfirsthand laboratory exposure, the student is given thetheory and applications of each process. The following arecovered: casting, extruding, forging, molding, forming, heattreating, joining, and an introduction to machining methods,both conventional and numerically controlled.MT 134 Pre-Calculus 4-0-4Topics will include: complex numbers; trigonometricidentities and equations; polynomial and rational functions;conic sections; non-linear systems; non-linear inequalities;sequences and series; limits and continuity; and probabilityand statistics. A graphing calculator* will be required.(Prerequisite: MT 133)MT 205 Calculus I 4-0-4This course in the calculus of one variable will include: limits;derivatives of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential andlogarithmic functions; antiderivatives; and an introduction tointegration. Applications will be stressed throughout thecourse including: velocity, acceleration, curve sketching,optimization and related rates. A graphing calculator* will berequired. (Prerequisite: MT 134)MT 206 Calculus II 4-0-4Topics will include: indefinite integration; the definiteintegral; the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus; integrals ofelementary transcendental functions; techniques ofintegration; polar coordinates; and power series includingTaylor series. Applications will be stressed throughout thecourse including: area; volumes of revolution; centroids; andmoments of inertia. A graphing calculator* will be required.(Prerequisite: MT 205)MT 210 Differential Equations 4-0-4This course in differential equations will include: methods ofsolving and applications of ordinary first- and second-orderdifferential equations; Laplace Transformations; seriessolutions; basics of linear algebra; and boundary valueMF 202 Measurement and Control 3-2-4The course begins with the study of basic electronics (analogand digital) and electronic components (transistors, op-amps,SCR's). Electromechanical principles are introduced, leadingto consideration of sensors and transducers used inproduction processes. Paralleling this sequence is thedevelopment of programming in Visual Basic. These twopaths join during the second half of the course whereprogramming logic controllers (PLC's) and relay ladder logic(RLL) are presented. In the laboratory, students gain handsonexperience with all hardware and software covered in thecourse. (Prerequisites: IT 102, PH 135 (or basic AC/DCtheory))MF 220 Manufacturing Processes and Machine Tools 3-3-4A technical study of the theory, equipment and application ofmachine tool and metal removal processes. In addition tounderstanding machining methods, the economics andcomparison between machining methods are stressed.Processes covered are turning, milling, drilling, broaching,abrasive machining, finishing, numerical control as well aselectrical and chemical machining. Theory is applied throughactual machine operation in laboratory. (Prerequisites: EN<strong>12</strong>5, MF <strong>11</strong>1 and MC 102)MF 230 Production Systems 3-2-4A study of the organization of the production system as wellas the techniques used to control its operation. Topicscovered include production planning, plant layout, inventorycontrol, work measurement, job sequencing, and operationscheduling. The laboratory sessions will apply the techniquesstudied through a series of integrated projects which develop8/17/20<strong>11</strong> <strong>NHTI</strong>, Concord’s <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Course</strong> <strong>Descriptions</strong> 20<strong>11</strong>-20<strong>12</strong> 41

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