Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

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percents, linear equations and inequalities, polynomials,exponents, graphing, applications of algebra. The fourinstitutional credits awarded for this course do not counttoward graduation requirements but are calculated intoGPA. Prerequisite: <strong>NHTI</strong>'s MT <strong>11</strong>1 with a grade of “C” orhigher or recommendation by the Math Department basedon <strong>NHTI</strong> placement testing. Completion of this course with agrade of “C” or higher and MT 104 with a grade of “C” orhigher will satisfy the math prerequisite for MT <strong>12</strong>4.MT 104 Algebra I - Part II 4-0-4The second in a sequence of preparatory courses forstudents planning to major in: health sciences, business, orcomputer information systems. Topics will include: rationalexpressions, systems of linear equations, radical expressions,quadratic equations, applications of algebra. The fourinstitutional credits awarded for this course do not counttoward graduation requirements but are calculated intoGPA. Completion of this course with a grade of “C” or higherand MT 103 with a grade of “C” or higher will satisfy themath prerequisite for MT <strong>12</strong>4. (Prerequisite: <strong>NHTI</strong>'s MT 103with a grade of “C” or higher or recommendation by mathdepartment based on <strong>NHTI</strong> placement testing)MT 108 Introductory Technical Mathematics I 5-0-5The first in a sequence of preparatory courses for studentsplanning to major in the engineering technologies. Topics willinclude: fractions, decimals, percents, exponents, operationswith signed numbers, introduction to algebra, linearequations, factoring, graphing, elementary geometricconcepts and formulas. The five institutional creditsawarded for this course do not count toward graduationrequirements but are calculated into GPA. Completion ofthis course with a grade of “C” or higher and MT 109 with agrade of “C” or higher will satisfy the math prerequisite forMT 133.MT 109 Introductory Technical Mathematics II 5-0-5The second in a sequence of preparatory courses forstudents planning to major in the engineering technologies.Topics will include: quadratic equations, logarithms, graphingof functions, systems of linear equations, radicals,Pythagorean theorem, similar figures, elementarytrigonometry. A graphing calculator* will be required. Thefive institutional credits awarded for this course do notcount toward graduation requirements but are calculatedinto GPA. Completion of this course with a grade of “C” orhigher and MT 108 with a grade of “C” or higher will satisfythe math prerequisite for MT 133.MT <strong>11</strong>1 Pre-Algebra 5-0-5This course will review the essential math skills required forsuccess in an elementary algebra course. Topics will include:basic arithmetic operations with whole numbers, decimals,fractions, signed numbers, percent, ratio and proportion,systems of measurement and conversions, introduction tobasic algebra and geometry. The five institutional creditsawarded for this course do not count toward graduationrequirements but are calculated into GPA. Completion ofthis course with a grade of “C” or higher will satisfy theprerequisite for MT 103.MT <strong>11</strong>3 Accelerated Introductory Mathematics 6-0-6This course is designed for those students who are startingengineering technology or information technology programsand need a review of high school algebra, algebra II, orgeometry. Topics include: introduction to algebra, solutionsof linear equations, factoring algebraic fractions, exponents,quadratic equations, properties of logarithms, basic conceptsof geometry including the Pythagorean theorem, similarfigures and solid geometry, trigonometry. A graphingcalculator* will be required. The six institutional creditsawarded for this course do not count toward graduationrequirements but are calculated into GPA. Completion ofthis course with a grade “C” or higher will satisfy the mathprerequisite for MT 133. (Prerequisite: high school Algebra I)MT <strong>11</strong>5 Practical Mathematics in Electronic Technology4-1-1This course is designed to reinforce basic mathematicalconcepts and introduce terminology and problem solvingwith applications employed in Engineering Technology tostudents planning to enter the Electronic and ComputerEngineering Technology curriculums. Topics covered include:engineering notation; precision and accuracy of numbers;use of the TI-86 calculator and order of operations; solutionof literal equations; units of measure; and conversion withinand between systems of units. Also included are: anintroduction to basic electric circuits; componentidentification; and measurement techniques. Exercises andlaboratory experiments will concentrate on developingmethods of analysis employed in problem solving. Emphasisis placed on terminology and development of methods andanalytical skills applied in engineering technologies. Theorywill be reinforced through laboratory experiments. (Theinstitutional credit awarded for this course does not counttoward graduation requirements but is calculated into GPA;grading will be Pass/Fail.)MT <strong>12</strong>0 Topics in Applied <strong>College</strong> Mathematics 4-0-4This course is designed to expose the student to a wide rangeof general mathematics. Problem Solving and CriticalThinking skills, along with the use of technology, will beemphasized and reinforced throughout the course as thestudent becomes actively involved in solving appliedproblems. Topics to be covered include: Number Theory andSystems, Functions and Modeling, Finance, Geometry andMeasurement, Probability and Statistics, and selectedsubtopics related to the student’s major field of study.(Prerequisite: <strong>NHTI</strong>’s MT 103 with a grade of “C” or higher orthe high school equivalent with a grade of “C” or higher)MT <strong>12</strong>4 <strong>College</strong> Algebra 4-0-4Topics will include: Linear equations and inequalities andtheir graphs; systems of linear equations and inequalities;quadratic (and higher degree) equations; linear, quadratic,and higher degree models and applications; rational andradical equations and functions; exponential and logarithmicfunctions; conic sections; sequences, series, and the binomialtheorem. A TI-83(+) or TI-84(+) graphing calculator isrequired. (Prerequisite: High school Algebra I with a grade of“C” or higher OR <strong>NHTI</strong>’s MT 103 and MT 104, both withgrades of “C” or higher.)8/17/20<strong>11</strong> <strong>NHTI</strong>, Concord’s <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Course</strong> <strong>Descriptions</strong> 20<strong>11</strong>-20<strong>12</strong> 40

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