Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

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influence the sustainability of the designed landscape.(Prerequisites: LD 102, LD <strong>11</strong>2, and LD 220)LD 290 Senior Project/Internship 0-<strong>12</strong>-4As the capstone course of the Landscape and EnvironmentalDesign curriculum, this course will require the student todemonstrate integration and application of the knowledgeand skills from all courses in the program. This may beachieved either through a comprehensive senior designproject developed by the student under the guidance of afaculty member or through participation in a field internshipwith an approved industry partner. In either case, studentswill be required to provide regular and ongoingdocumentation of the learning experience to ensure that allcourse and program goals are met. (Prerequisite: LD 102, LD<strong>11</strong>2, LD 220 with grades of “C” or higher and the approval ofthe Department Head of the Landscape and EnvironmentalDesign program)Learning SupportIndividualized learning support courses for students whoneed structured guidance, applied study skills, andinstruction in time management strategies.Students enroll in LC courses to help them progress towardindependent, self-directed learning and the rigors of collegework. LC courses must be taken in conjunction with coursesbeing taken for credit; earn institutional credit only; maynot be taken as electives to meet graduation requirements,and are not eligible for financial aid. In addition, students inthe AGS/AGS* programs must either be concurrentlyenrolled in or have already successfully completed GS 102(Study Strategies).Students must register with permission of the Coordinatorof Disabilities Services or the Director of the LearningCenter for any combination of up to 3 total LC courses, notto exceed a maximum of 6 credits toward GPA duringenrollment at <strong>NHTI</strong>.At the conclusion of any LC course enrollment, students areencouraged to use the academic supports available to allstudents, such as Math Lab, Writing Center, Computer Lab,request for tutor, assistive technology, and computer-aidedinstruction. See the "Learning Center" section elsewhere inthis catalog.LC <strong>11</strong>1 Learning Skills Support 1-0-1Students complete individual contracts consisting of a totalof 15 contact hours. Students can register for LC <strong>11</strong>1 byWeek 7 of the semester.LC <strong>11</strong>2 Structured Learning Support 2-0-2Students complete individual contracts consisting of a totalof 30 contact hours. Students can register for LC <strong>11</strong>2 byWeek 4 of the semester.LC <strong>11</strong>3 Intensive Learning Support 3-0-3For students who need significantly more time than thetypical one to two hours of independent work required foreach hour of class time. Academic guidance for those whohave not demonstrated successful progress in the past willinclude addressing reasons for lack of success, such as fitwith program requirements, goals, need for additionalstructure, and formal support. Students complete individualcontracts consisting of a total of 45 contact hours. Studentscan register for LC <strong>11</strong>3 by Week 3 of the semester.Legal Nurse ConsultantLNC 101 Legal Nurse Consulting 1-0-1This course is the introduction course for the Legal NurseConsulting program and provides a comprehensive programfor the principles and practices of Legal Nurse Consultingtoday. This course examines issues of health care and nursinglaw, as well as the judicial system. This course utilizes themost current and authoritative textbook in the specialty oflegal nurse consulting and presents all facets of the practiceLNC 102 Risk Management 1-0-1The student will define and exam risk management as well asbe provided with the legal knowledge to assess and reducerisks to patients, visitors, staff and institution. The studentwill develop the tools for formulation of plans aimed atreduced risks.LNC 103 Administrative Law 1-0-1The course covers the delegation of power to agencies, theprocedures followed by agencies, and judicial and otheroversight of agencies. The power of agencies to promulgaterules, decide individual cases, and conduct investigations iscarefully studied.LNC 104 Healthcare Law 2-0-2The course focuses on issues in the healthcare industry suchas organization, treatment, staff requirements, regulatorycompliance and record management. Topics include thedelivery of healthcare services, private and public financing ofhealthcare services and ethical considerations.LNC 105 Legal and Healthcare Ethics 1-0-1Examination of ethical issues. Topics include legalprofessional ethical rules, healthcare ethical issues withemphasis on skills necessary to guide self and others inprocess of ethical decision making.LNC 106 LNC Internship 0-9-3The internship offers the opportunity to combine thetheoretical and practical issues of the classroom in theworkplace setting. Students are required to complete aspecified number of hours in a law-related environment orhealthcare setting. Meetings will be held with the internshipcoordinator to discuss the ongoing experience.MathematicsMT 103 Algebra I - Part I 4-0-4The first in a sequence of preparatory courses for studentsplanning to major in health sciences, business, or computerinformation systems. Topics will include: fractions, decimals,8/17/20<strong>11</strong> <strong>NHTI</strong>, Concord’s <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Course</strong> <strong>Descriptions</strong> 20<strong>11</strong>-20<strong>12</strong> 39

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