Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

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AccountingAC 101 Accounting I 3-0-3An introduction to accounting procedures and principlescovering the accounting cycle, accounting for amerchandising business, special journals, control over cash,receivables, and inventories. A grade of C- or higher must beachieved to continue with the next accounting course.AC 102 Accounting II 3-0-3A continuation of the fundamentals of accounting conceptsand procedures, including the following topics: depreciation,payroll, notes payable, bonds, partnerships and corporations.A grade of C- or higher must be achieved to continue withthe next accounting course. (Prerequisite: a grade of C- orbetter in AC 101)AC 205 Intermediate Accounting I 4-0-4A review of the overall accounting cycle, followed by an indepthstudy of accounting concepts and FASB statementsdealing with topics to include balance sheets, incomestatements, receivables, inventories, and cash flows.(Prerequisite: AC 102)AC 206 Intermediate Accounting II 4-0-4A study of accounting principles dealing with assetacquisition and retirements, long term investments, currentand contingent liabilities, debt securities and equitysecurities, capital structure of corporations, revenuerecognition, and leases. (Prerequisite: AC 205)AC 230 Taxes 4-0-4A study of the Internal Revenue Tax Code as it relates toindividuals and small businesses. This course will include anexamination of income recognition, deductions for and fromAGI, tax credits, depreciation calculations and analysis ofcapital gains and losses. The student will apply thisknowledge in preparation of income tax returns and relatedforms. (Prerequisite: AC 102 or permission of departmenthead of Accounting)global individual service plans for use in course andmandated treatment will be studied. Patient monitoring andlogical consequences methodology for clients will be learned.(Prerequisites: CJ 101, AD <strong>12</strong>0 and MH 187)AD <strong>12</strong>0 Survey of Addictive Behaviors and Treatment 3-0-3A study of addictive behaviors and treatment from a multimodalpresentation of historical, sociological, political andmedical issues and their importance relative to thetreatment of addictive behaviors in today's society.AD 205 Fundamentals of Dependency Counseling Skills3-0-3This course includes a comprehensive and detailed study ofapplication both in documentation and treatment of the <strong>12</strong>core functions. Emphasis will be on preparation for on-sitepractice and for eventual state and national licensure andcertification. (Prerequisite: AD <strong>12</strong>0 or permission ofdepartment head of Human Service)AD 215 Internship: Orientation to Addictive BehaviorsCounseling with Criminal Justice Clients 2-8-4This internship experience offers 30 hours of classroombasedclinical supervision in support of <strong>12</strong>5 hours of fieldwork in an approved criminal justice addiction treatmentsetting. The student, supervised by a Licensed Alcohol andDrug counselor experienced in criminal justice treatmenttechniques will, through observation and actual clinicalcontact, practice the fundamental skills of counselingaddictive behaviors with criminal justice clients.(Prerequisites: CJ 101, AD <strong>12</strong>0, MH 187, CJ 150, CJ 215 andAD <strong>11</strong>5, with a minimum combined GPA of 2.0)AD 235 Physiology and Pharmacology of Addiction 3-0-3An in-depth study of psychopharmacological aspects of drugsis covered including a study of brain and body drugmetabolism, medical complications and the treatment ofpsychiatric disorders as outlined in the DSM-IV. Alcohol anddrug detoxification and sobriety maintenance and practiceswill be addressed. (Prerequisite: BI <strong>12</strong>0 or permission ofdepartment head of Human Service)AC 250 Cost Accounting 3-0-3Provides cost accounting fundamentals includingmanufacturing statements, job cost systems, process costsystems, standard costs and cost analysis. (Prerequisite: AC102)Addiction CounselingAD 270 Advanced Seminar in Addictive BehaviorsCounseling 3-0-3A study of addictive behaviors counseling modalities andskills appropriate to the specific needs of variedclient/patient populations in different treatment settings.Clinical case study will be directed toward familiarizationwith the process of state Licensed Alcohol and DrugCounseling (LADC) application, written case formatsubmission, and the written and oral credentialingexaminations. (Prerequisites: all AD courses; corequisite: AD295)AD <strong>11</strong>5 Fundamentals of Criminal Justice-OrientedAddiction Treatment 3-0-3The course will focus on those modalities of addictiontreatment that are conducted with the criminal justiceAD 294 Internship I: Orientation to Addictive Behaviorspopulation. The student will be prepared for employment inCounseling* 2-<strong>12</strong>-6diversion programs, drug courts, prison-based treatmentThe first internship experience offers 30 hours of classroombasedgroup clinical supervision in support of 180 hours ofprograms, multiple offender programs, prison-based halfwayhouses, therapeutic communities, methadonefield work in an approved clinical setting. The student initiallymaintenance and other detoxification programs. Appropriatelearns to integrate into an agency atmosphere within whichinteraction with criminal justice/addiction treatmentthey may research, observe, role-play and practice thepersonnel will enable the student to work cooperativelyfundamental skills of screening, intake, orientation,within their shared systems. The writing of assessment and8/17/20<strong>11</strong><strong>NHTI</strong>, Concord’s <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Course</strong> <strong>Descriptions</strong> 20<strong>11</strong>-20<strong>12</strong> 1

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