Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

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with a grade of “C” or higher or permission of theDepartment Head of Hospitality and Tourism Management)HT 2<strong>11</strong> Sports Tourism 3-0-3This course looks at the relationship between the sports andthe tourism industries. Sport has become a motive for peopleto travel, leading to an industry that now focuses on sportsattractions, events, and experiences available to tourists. Thestudy of sports tourism draws upon the disciplines of sportpsychology, sociology, geography, management, leisure andrecreation behavior. As part of the course requirements,students will take a 3-4 night trip to a destination such asOrlando, Florida to visit world class sport and conventionfacilities. This is an additional expense to the student. Thiscourse is team taught by the sports management andtravel/tourism programs.HT 223 Airline Reservation 2-2-3This course provides students with hands-on experience withan airline reservation system. Students will check fees,flights, build a passenger name record (PNR) with car andhotel segments. Students will be using the Worldspan®airline system (NWA, Delta). (Open to Hospitality andTourism Majors only; prerequisite: HT <strong>12</strong>5 or permission ofDepartment Head of Hospitality and Tourism Management)HT 225 Front Office Operations 3-0-3A comprehensive study of the front desk operations from asmall inn to a full-service hotel. The student will explore frontand back office systems. Topics include reservationprocedures, registration, auditing, tour groups and check outprocedures, room control, maintenance on guest accounts,public relations and sales. (Prerequisite: HT 101 or HT <strong>11</strong>0with a grade of “C” or higher or permission of theDepartment Head of Hospitality and TourismManagement/Hotel Administration)HT 227 Legal Issues for the Hospitality Industry 3-0-3Students will review theory and the application of generaland contract law as they relate to business regulations. Afurther study of the legal procedures as they apply to thestatutes and common law governing innkeeper's liability.Students will also learn the legal issues as they relate to thetravel and tourism industry. Additional topics include:disclaimer of liability, safe keeping facilities, guests' rights,personnel issues and other hospitality related issues.(Prerequisite: HT 101 or HT <strong>11</strong>0 with a grade of “C” or higheror permission of the Department Head of Hospitality andTourism Management)HT 229 Hotel Management and Operations 3-0-3This course examines a variety of hotel operations andproperty management issues. Other topics include facilitiesmanagement for both large and small hotels, concierge,housekeeping and restaurant operation management.Students will also explore effective customer relations in ahospitality atmosphere.Special topics courses listed under HT 230<strong>Course</strong>s listed under this heading provide the opportunity tofocus on specialized topical issues encompassing thetourism/hospitality industry and will be offered with aninterdisciplinary approach. Faculty will be presentingmaterial not normally covered in regular course offerings.(Prerequisite: HT 101 or HT <strong>11</strong>0 with a grade of “C” or higheror permission of the Department Head of Hospitality andTourism Management)HT 230A Writing for the Travel Professional 3-0-3Travel writing provides some of the most powerful,elegant, and descriptive forms of writing. Travel writingranges across the whole of the modern world, dealingwith issues as varied as environment, culture, history,geographic, and political issues. The first part of thecourse will review the evolution/history of travelwriting. The second part will review current trends intravel writing for many types of media: TV; radio; printadvertisements; short stories; and essays. The studentwill write an article for publication. (Prerequisite: HT101 or HT <strong>11</strong>0 with a grade of “C” or higher orpermission of the Department Head of Hospitality andTourism Management)HT 245 Event, Meeting and Convention Planning 3-0-3This course gives students the experience in developing anevent, meeting and/or conference program. Students will gothrough the step-by-step process of pre-planning,budget/agenda preparation, and marketing the event. Othertopics include sales, negotiations and contracts. Students willcomplete a portfolio to include an agenda, floor plan, budgetand brochure. (Prerequisite: HT 101 or HT <strong>11</strong>0 with a gradeof “C” or higher or permission of the Department Head ofHospitality and Tourism Management)HT 260 Hospitality Sales and Marketing 3-0-3This course focuses on the hospitality markets and products.The student will analyze the organization of the hotel salesand marketing department by looking at the importance ofincreasing revenue through special market segment,planning itineraries with tour operators, brochure design andadvertisement. (Prerequisite: HT 101 or HT <strong>11</strong>0 with a gradeof “C” or higher or permission of the Department Head ofHospitality and Tourism Management)HT 261 Principles of Corporate Travel 3-0-3This course provides an overview of travel within thebusiness community. Emphasis is on interpretation ofbusiness policies, procedures of a corporate travel agent,supervisor and manager in a travel or business environment.Additional topics include developing incentive, promotionalmeetings and convention travel. This course is not offeredeach year.HT 263 Tour Planning and Cruise Sales 3-0-3The first half of the class is devoted to planning, guiding andescorting tours. Students will develop a tour, budget andmarketing plan. Additional areas covered are group behavior,ethics and dealing with the unexpected disasters. The secondhalf will focus on the cruise industry. Knowledge of cruiselines, destination, amenities and marketing/sales isexamined. Students' understanding of the relationshipgeography has to identification of cruise ports is also studied.Sales skills and qualifying the client in selecting of cruise isreviewed. (Prerequisite: HT 101 with a grade of "C" or higher8/17/20<strong>11</strong> <strong>NHTI</strong>, Concord’s <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Course</strong> <strong>Descriptions</strong> 20<strong>11</strong>-20<strong>12</strong> 33

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