Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

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HS 104 Health Care Data Content and Delivery Systems3-0-3This course will introduce the generic components of thecontent, use and structure of health care data and data sets,how these components relate to primary and secondaryrecord systems and to introduce legal and ethical issuesapplicable to health information. Discussions will includehealth record content, documentation requirementscomparing the various regulatory agency requirements andintroduction to payment and reimbursement systems. Theorganization, financing and delivery of health care services inboth the hospital and the medical office practice will also bediscussed.HS <strong>11</strong>6 Introduction to Hospital Coding 4-0-4The course provides an introduction to hospital codingconcepts, nomenclature and classification systems. Itincludes discussion of inpatient reimbursement systemsincluding prospective payment, managed care and otherthird party payers. An introduction to basic current hospitalcoding systems principles in assigning valid diagnostic andprocedural codes is presented. "Official Inpatient CodingGuidelines" developed by the American Hospital Association(AHA) are utilized for accurate coding assignment ofdiagnoses and procedures. (Prerequisites: successfulcompletion of HS 101, BI <strong>12</strong>0, and BI <strong>12</strong>2, or permission ofthe Program Coordinator of Medical Coding)HS <strong>11</strong>7 Intermediate Hospital Coding 3-0-3Presented in this course will be higher level current hospitalcoding systems principles in assigning valid diagnostic andprocedural codes, expanding on and further applyingconcepts learned in Introduction to Hospital Coding. “OfficialInpatient Coding Guidelines” developed by the AmericanHospital Association (AHA) are utilized for accurate selectionof principal diagnosis and procedure and determining otherdiagnoses or procedures that will be coded. An introductionto the 3-M computerized grouper and encoder will bepresented. (Prerequisite: completion of Introduction toHospital Coding (HS <strong>11</strong>6) with a grade of “C” or higher.)HS <strong>11</strong>8 Advanced Hospital Coding 3-0-3This is an advanced coding course which presents morecomplex cases using medical record reports. Students mustread and interpret data utilizing prior learned skills from HS101, BI <strong>12</strong>0, BI <strong>12</strong>2. The 3M computerized encoding andgrouping system will be employed to provide experience inutilizing technology to select codes and to calculate DRG(diagnosis related groups) payments for prospective paymentsystems. The student will expand on and apply the principlesof reimbursement and coding derived from Introduction toHospital Coding and Intermediate Hospital Coding at anadvanced level. The student will use the AHA “OfficialInpatient Coding Guidelines” to accurately identify andsequence the principal diagnosis and procedure. Codingdiscussions will include determining which diagnoses orprocedures should be included as secondary. (Prerequisite:completion of Intermediate Hospital Coding (HS <strong>11</strong>7) with agrade of “C” or higher.)HS <strong>11</strong>9 Ambulatory Coding 4-0-4This course presents hospital ambulatory coding usingCurrent Procedural Terminology (CPT) coding systems forprocedures and the current hospital coding system fordiagnoses. Ambulatory reimbursement and payment systemsare presented including prospective payment system andregulatory compliance issues. The course will include anintroduction to ambulatory coding and applying theprinciples to medical record documentation. The 3Mcomputerized encoding and grouping system will beemployed to provide experience in utilizing technology toselect codes and to calculate payments for prospectivepayment systems. (Prerequisite: completion of AdvancedHospital Coding (HS <strong>11</strong>8) with a grade of “C” or higher.)HS 150 Introduction to Personal Wellness 1-1-1This course will help students to make thoughtful lifestylechoices regarding exercise and diet. Students will learn tomeasure fitness levels using objective measures and toinfluence personal fitness levels with wise nutritional choicesand regular exercise. Introduction to Personal Wellness is"active." Students should expect movement, exercise, fun,and play.HS 152 Personal Trainer <strong>Course</strong> 3-2-4This course addresses pertinent topics for the fitnessprofessional and bridges the gap between theory andpractice through practical hands-on training performedwithin the classroom and lab portions of the course.Following a structured "read, write and apply" format,students will attain the knowledge and abilities necessary tocompetently perform the tasks required of successful fitnessprofessionals. Upon completion of the course, studentsshould be well prepared to take the National Council onStrength and Fitness NCSF-CPT examination.HistoryHI 104 Western Civilization: Antiquity to 1650 3-0-3This is the first of a two-course sequence about Westerncivilization. Study of history addresses the goals of being aneducated person by liberating the learner from a narrowedperspective. Thinking about and understanding the pastclearly provides for better alternatives in the present and thefuture. This course provides opportunities to learn aboutmajor historical events and trends from the earliestcivilizations up to the Reformation which have shaped thepast, present and will impact on the future. Social, political,intellectual and economic changes will be among the topicsexplored, as will critical scrutiny of Western tradition.HI 105 Western Civilization: 1650 to Present 3-0-3Study of history addresses the goals of being an educatedperson by liberating the learner from a narrowedperspective. Thinking about and understanding the pastclearly provides for better alternatives in the present andfuture. This course provides opportunities to learn aboutmajor historical events and trends since the mid fifteenthcentury which have shaped the past, present and will impacton the future. Social, political, intellectual and economicchanges will be among the topics explored, as will criticalscrutiny of Western tradition.HI <strong>12</strong>0 United States History to 1870 3-0-3This is a course that explores the critical historical events that8/17/20<strong>11</strong> <strong>NHTI</strong>, Concord’s <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Course</strong> <strong>Descriptions</strong> 20<strong>11</strong>-20<strong>12</strong> 31

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