Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

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faculty member, research related literature in theemployment field, and prepare a substantive report on thework experience and the studies involved. This course islimited to seniors and requires the approval of a supervisingfaculty member and the Department Head. (Prerequisite: 2.8G.P.A. and approval of department head of BusinessAdministration)BU 293 Managerial Decision-Making 2-2-3This course is designed to be a capstone course for BusinessAdministration students to enhance and practice their criticalthinking and management skills. Students will be expected touse their previously acquired expertise (in, e.g., marketing,supervision, accounting and management) and apply that tocase studies and computer simulations of companies, bothindividually and in teams. The course will be conductedthrough student presentations and execution of a multi-yearcomputer-based simulation. (Prerequisites: AC 101, BU 101,BU 170 and BU 152 or BU 270)BU 295 Marketing Internship 0-9-3In this supervised internship, students apply the principles ofmarketing in a position requiring at least ten hours per week.This course requires a written report and is open to seniors.Students must have the approval of the supervising facultymember and the Department Head. (Prerequisites: 2.8 G.P.A.and approval of department head of BusinessAdministration)ChemistryCH 100 Introductory Chemistry 3-2-4An introductory course in chemistry intended to satisfy thechemistry admission requirement for <strong>NHTI</strong> health-relateddegree and certificate programs. Consideration will be givento fundamental atomic theory, chemical arithmetic, kinetictheory, solution chemistry, acids, bases and salts, andintroductory organic chemistry. Lab included. (Proficiencywith the mathematical operations of high school algebra I orMT 103 strongly recommended) (For institutional credit only;does not count toward graduation requirements but iscalculated into GPA; not intended for transfer)CH 103 General Chemistry I 3-2-4Fundamental laws and concepts of chemistry, includingelements, atomic structure, the periodic table, chemicalbonding, compounds, chemical equations, andstoichiometry. Laboratories are used to reinforce conceptspresented in lectures and to develop skills in scientificthought and common procedures used in chemicalexperimentation. With CH 104, intended to provide afoundation for further study in life sciences and physicalsciences. (Prerequisites: high school chemistry with lab,algebra, and ability to use exponents and logarithms)CH 104 General Chemistry II 3-2-4A continuation of CH 103. Topics include gases and gas laws,solutions, acid-base chemistry, oxidation-reductionreactions, chemical equilibrium and thermodynamics. Alsoincludes an introduction to organic chemistry andbiochemistry. Laboratories are used to reinforce conceptspresented in lectures and to develop skills in scientificthought and common procedures used in chemicalexperimentation. (Prerequisite: CH 103 or permission ofdepartment head of Chemistry and Biological Sciences)CH 105 Chemistry 3-2-4This is an introductory chemistry course in which thefundamental principles of the subject are developed.Included are topics in atomic structure, chemical bonding,periodic table, solutions, reactions, corrosion, and anintroduction to organic chemistry. Appropriate laboratoryexperiments will complement the lectures. (Prerequisite:Algebra I)CH <strong>11</strong>0 Introduction to Biochemistry 3-2-4A course designed to provide allied health students with thebasic principles of the chemistry of living processes. Includesthe study of macromolecules, metabolic pathways, energytransformations, and enzyme action. (Prerequisite: highschool chemistry with lab or permission of department headof Chemistry and Biological Sciences)CH <strong>12</strong>0 Introduction to Forensic Science 3-2-4An introduction to the expanding field of forensic science.This course emphasizes forensic methodologies and theimportance of proper collection and handling of specimensto ensure the integrity of evidence collected at crime scenes.Although primarily a chemistry course, aspects of biology,physics, geology and various medical fields will beincorporated into instruction. Lab.CH 205 Organic Chemistry 3-3-4An introduction to the nomenclature, structure, andreactions of organic compounds. Lab. (Prerequisites: CH 103and 104, or CH 105, or permission of department head ofChemistry and Biological Sciences)<strong>Community</strong> Social ServiceCS <strong>11</strong>1 Introduction to <strong>Community</strong> Social Services 3-0-3Provides an introduction to the history of care provided topeople with a variety of disabilities and challenges. Presentsand describes the principles of community integration andsocial role valorization, discusses client rights, quality of life,guardianship, and emerging issues in community socialservices. Presents a model for evaluating the quality ofcommunity social services.CS <strong>11</strong>2 Supportive Communication Skills 4-0-4A study of the knowledge, skill, and personal characteristicsthat are needed in today's professional world of helpingcareers will be examined. Students will learn the purpose andskill of interpersonal communication techniques throughvarious didactic and experiential methods. Coverage willinclude documentation, verbal and nonverbalcommunication, along with time management, selfmanagement, and successful work practices. Dynamics ofhuman behavior, culture, and specific needs seen in theworkplace will be explored.CS <strong>11</strong>5 Learning and Behavior 3-0-3This course discusses the history and principles of8/17/20<strong>11</strong> <strong>NHTI</strong>, Concord’s <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Course</strong> <strong>Descriptions</strong> 20<strong>11</strong>-20<strong>12</strong> <strong>11</strong>

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