Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

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of business relationships: employer and employee; managersto owners; manufacturers to consumers; and corporations tothe environment. This course does not meet therequirement for PI 242 Ethics or any other humanitieselective. (Prerequisite: BU 101)BU 245 Organizational Behavior 3-0-3This course helps students to develop a more completeunderstanding of the distinctively human dimensions ofmanagement. Emphasis is placed upon the allocation oftheory to real world problems as well as the development ofinterpersonal skills. Topics include such issues as motivation,leadership, group dynamics, and interpersonalcommunication. (Prerequisite: BU 152 or BU 270)BU 250 Principles of Finance 3-0-3A study of the planning and control involved in financialstatement analysis, working capital management, cashbudgets, cash flows, and break-even analysis within acorporate environment. (Prerequisite: AC 102)BU 255 Personal Financial Planning 3-0-3Provides an effective learning experience in personal finance.Emphasis is on helping students make sound financialdecisions in the areas of budgeting, insurance, taxes, credit,investment, real estate, and retirement planning.(Prerequisite: AC 101 or BU 101)BU 257 Investments 3-0-3This course introduces students to the world of investments,including various types of investment vehicles, techniques,and strategies. Students will study the investmentenvironment, role and scope of investments, risk and return,and types of investment markets and transactions.Traditional short- and long-term investment instruments willbe analyzed; higher-risk, more complex investments will alsobe reviewed. (Prerequisite: AC 102; BU 250 stronglyrecommended)BU 261 Advertising 3-0-3This course provides a thorough introduction to manyaspects of advertising. Discussion includes how advertising iscreated, the media in which it appears, and the laws andethics governing advertising professionals. Careers inadvertising are also discussed. (Prerequisite: BU 170)BU 262 Consumer Behavior 3-0-3In this course, students concentrate on the ultimate or finaluser, examining anticipatory and consummatory, rationaland emotional, instinctive and collectivist behavioralvariables in the light of conceptual contributions fromeconomics, psychology, sociology, and anthropology.(Prerequisite: BU 170)BU 265 Marketing Research 4-0-4In this course, students learn to develop the informationnecessary for marketing decision-making. The courseemphasizes a management-oriented analysis of marketingphenomena including the following: identifying and definingmarketing problems; designing research; acquiringinformation; evaluating data; and presenting research in aprofessional and ethical manner. The purpose of this courseis three-fold: 1) to familiarize the student with the commonlyused techniques in the collection and analysis of marketingresearch information; 2) to have the student gain perspectiveand practice in applying these techniques and report findingsthrough a research project; and 3) to develop anunderstanding of decision-making in marketing, its inherentdifficulties and pitfalls and the importance of information inmarketing research. (Prerequisite: BU 170)BU 270 Principles of Management 4-0-4The course provides an understanding and appreciation oforganizational structures and the role of the manager withinthese structures, with emphasis on the influence of the socialsciences upon current management theory. (BU 152recommended prior to taking BU 270)BU 273 Human Resource Management 3-0-3A study of human resource management including theevolution of the personnel process, organizational models,leadership patterns, and issues touching upon planning,assessment, staffing, training, development, andenvironmental issues. Emphasis is placed on the applicationof theory and practice so that students will gain a usefulunderstanding of human resource management whetherthey seek careers in that field or in other disciplines.(Prerequisite: BU 152 or BU 270)BU 275 Labor-Management Relations 3-0-3The development of unions, collective bargaining, laborlegislation, the main issues confronting labor andmanagement (e.g. OSHA, pension plans, rights of publicemployees and productivity) constitutes the initial part of thecourse. The practical aspects of the course are coveredthrough an intensive study of the negotiation, grievanceprocedure, arbitration, conflict resolution and behavioralaspects of union and management. The course includes casesin which students must prepare and, where possible, roleplay collective bargaining and union-management positions.(Prerequisite: BU 273 strongly recommended)BU 278 International Business 3-0-3This course provides an overview of international business:organizational, social, cultural, and economic variables thatcreate change in the international marketplace. Includesexchange rates, resource allocation, import quotas andexport controls, balance of payments, and free trade versusprotectionism. (Prerequisites: BU 101)BU 280 Marketing Management 3-0-3This course enhances student knowledge and skill inspecialized topic areas, including new product development,direct marketing, media selection, copy creation, advancedmarketing, research techniques, sales communication andinteraction. All students write in-depth research reports.(Prerequisite: BU 170; Senior standing required)BU 290 Management Internship 0-9-3Students in this course engage in individually supervisedemployment within an area of management requiringapplications of management theory and principles to thework environment. Students must work at least ten hoursper week on the job, meet periodically with a supervising8/17/20<strong>11</strong> <strong>NHTI</strong>, Concord’s <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Course</strong> <strong>Descriptions</strong> 20<strong>11</strong>-20<strong>12</strong> 10

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