Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Course Descriptions 11-12 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

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Business AdministrationBU 101 Introduction to Business 3-0-3An introduction to the general concepts of business,including organization, forms of ownership, finance,management, marketing, production and the relationshipbetween business and society. The current business climateand attitudes will also be examined through the use ofbusiness publications and articles.BU <strong>12</strong>0 Principles of Banking 3-0-3A descriptive course presenting the fundamentals of bankingfunctions. Topics include banks and the monetary system,negotiable instruments, the relationship of the commercialbank to its depositors, types of bank accounts, the depositfunction, the payments function, bank loans andinvestments, other banking services, bank accounting andmarketing, external and internal controls, and the publicservice obligations of banks.BU <strong>12</strong>1 Money and Banking 3-0-3This course presents the practical application of theeconomics of money and banking to the individual bank.Coverage is given to the structure of the commercial bankingsystem, the nature and functions of money, banks and themoney supply, cash assets and liquidity management, bankinvestments, loans, earnings, and capital, the FederalReserve System and its policies and operations, TreasuryDepartment operations and the changing national monetarysystem.BU 152 Foundations of Leadership 3-0-3In this course, students will examine the outlook, skills, andbehavior essential to successful leadership. Topics includeleadership theory, motivation, group dynamics,communication, management, status, power and politics, aswell as organization culture and ethics. Students will developan approach to the leadership style that works for themwhile at the same time exploring techniques to developleadership skills in others. The focus of the course is to bridgethe distance between leadership theory and managementpractice.BU 170 Principles of Marketing 3-0-3An introductory course presenting such topics as the sevenmanagerial functions of marketing, problem-solving,decision-making, marketing research, ethics in marketing,new product development, price determination, marketingchannels and advertising.BU 174 Principles of Sales 3-0-3A study of the selling process as it relates to trainingprofessional sales people and the basic elements of thepersuasion process. A systematic approach will be used todevelop techniques to adjust to individual styles. Studentswill also study the tasks of the sales manager and techniqueswhich are used to hire, train, and compensate the salesforce. (Prerequisite: BU 170)BU 180 Principles of Retailing 3-0-3This course provides the basis for understanding the world ofretailing. Topics include retail strategy, store location, buyingmerchandise, assortment planning, inventory management,retailing, customer service and store layout. (Prerequisite: BU170)BU 220 Entrepreneurship 3-0-3The course provides an overview of the excitement andchallenges of starting a new venture. It examines the issuesof developing a new venture and the concerns in managingthe venture once it becomes operational. The course willhelp the new entrepreneur explore the environment for newopportunities; help the new entrepreneur match her/hisskills with new opportunities; and examine the viability of thenew venture and the possibilities of financing. Finally, aseries of cases will be examined that illustrate why some newventures become successful and why some do not.(Prerequisite: BU 170)BU 221 Health Care Management in the U.S. 3-0-3This course will examine health care trends within the UnitedStates. The focus will be on the evolving nature of healthcare and current debates. Students will explore such topicsas: history of health care, hospital reorganization, caredelivery settings, administrative and caregiver role changes,reimbursement, managed care and governmentalinterventions.BU 225 Business Law I 3-0-3Law I is the study of the fundamental principles of law asthey apply in the business world. The course examines legalrights and remedies and contracts. Students will gain adetailed understanding of the law of Torts and Contracts, andwill learn business law through related textbook readings andresearch on the Internet. This course emphasizes therelationship of business law to an individual's personal life aswell as occupational life. Applications of the laws as theyaffect the individual in a moral society are featured.BU 226 Business Law II 3-0-3Focuses on various forms of legal entities and Articles 2 and 9of the UCC. The major laws governing securities, entities,antitrust, bankruptcy, and environmental issues arereviewed. Special emphasis is given to the legal liability ofthe professional. This course is designed for the futurebusiness manager, entrepreneur, or professional who wishesto have information regarding laws governing business.(Prerequisite: BU 225)BU 240 Small Business Management 3-0-3This course is designed for the student who is primarilyinterested in the ownership and management of the smallbusiness enterprise. It examines and analyzes the managerialfunctions of planning, organizing, staffing, direction, andcontrolling as applied to the small business. Students alsostudy retailing, wholesaling, manufacturing, and service typebusiness organizations. (Prerequisite: AC 101 or BU 101)BU 242 Business Ethics 3-0-3An introductory study of classical and contemporary ethicalphilosophies and how these philosophies apply to currentbusiness practices. The course stresses analytical andproblem solving skills to comprehend the ethical dimensions8/17/20<strong>11</strong> <strong>NHTI</strong>, Concord’s <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>Course</strong> <strong>Descriptions</strong> 20<strong>11</strong>-20<strong>12</strong> 9

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