Junior School Sandringham Campus - Firbank Grammar School

Junior School Sandringham Campus - Firbank Grammar School

Junior School Sandringham Campus - Firbank Grammar School

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From the Acting Head of <strong>Campus</strong>“Good things come to those who wait” AnonOver the last two weeks the <strong>Sandringham</strong> <strong>Campus</strong> has been a buzz of activity.Building Update‘We are in!!!’ It is with great excitement that I can announce that we are now moving into thenew Learning Hub. The teachers and maintenance staff are working tirelessly to ensure theclassrooms are set up and are looking their best. The classrooms provide excellent flexibilityto ensure an ideal learning environment can be provided for our students. It is a spectacularbuilding and there is a wonderful sense of enthusiasm from all community members. Please takethe time to visit the classrooms as they are magnificent.The focus will now be directed to the relocation of the Music and Year 3 Classes and thereclaiming of the school oval.Art ShowLast week we celebrated the visual arts at our annual Art Show. The diversity of the work wastruly amazing. Those of you who visited will appreciate the effort and dedication required by thestudents to produce such inspiring work. Thank you to all the parents and staff who assistedin the setup of the Social Centre. I would like to congratulate Wendy Fletcher for, once again,raising the bar and coordinating a spectacular celebration of student creativity.NEWSLETTER<strong>Junior</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>Sandringham</strong><strong>Campus</strong>16 August 2013House Athletics CarnivalOn Thursday, Year 3-6 students competed in the House Athletics Carnival. With thunderstormspredicted on Wednesday and Friday we were a little apprehensive about the likelihood of theCarnival going ahead. As it turned out they were bookends to a spectacular winter’s day. Thestudents were well prepared and completed with the right balance of competitiveness andfun. The Sandy Spirit award was again highlighted as the students worked towards fairness,encouragement and teamwork. Congratulations to Mrs Tanya Brookes for her attention to detailand hard work in preparing the carnival and the students to ensure a successful day. As always,our staff and parents were totally supportive in ensuring all students went home beaming after abrilliant day.Outdoor EducationLast week we announced a new initiative across the junior campuses. In conjunction withthe outdoor education department we are introducing an Outdoor Education Certificate. Thiscertificate will be available to students in Years 5 and 6. To achieve the certificate, the studentswill be involved in a variety of outdoor activities over the two years. We already have somewonderful outdoor initiatives running including the Ski Trip and Sailing and this year haveintroduced a Snow Trip (overnight hike). It is another great way to celebrate the diversity ofactivity at <strong>Sandringham</strong> <strong>Campus</strong>.Una Festa di MusicaLast month our Year 5/6 choir students, band and orchestra students worked together with ourBrighton <strong>Grammar</strong> and Brighton <strong>Campus</strong> friends to put together the <strong>Junior</strong> <strong>School</strong>s’ contributionto this wonderful showcase of music. Last Monday evening we were treated to an inspiredperformance by all students. In addition to the outstanding performances from our students, itwas a wonderful opportunity to see student performance in the context of a whole school musicaljourney. Congratulations must go to Simon Marsden, Lisa Sheppard, Kim Morley and all theinstrumental staff for preparing our students so thoroughly. It was well worth the effort.<strong>Firbank</strong>.Aspire.Achieve.LeadershipThis week we inducted the Semester two leaders. One of the many benefits of belonging tothe <strong>Sandringham</strong> campus is the opportunity to become a student leader. Leadership skills arestrengthened during the Years 3-6 and it is wonderful to provide the opportunity to so manyof our students. Leadership skills are encouraged through the PYP as students are explicitlytaught qualities such as empathy, commitment and communication all with the aim of developingstudents’ ability to make a difference in our world and take action.

Please join me in congratulating the following students on their leadership positionsfor Semester 2, 2013:Year 3SClass CaptainVice CaptainEnvironmental CaptainSocial Service CaptainYear 3WClass CaptainVice CaptainEnvironmental CaptainSocial Service CaptainYear 4MClass CaptainVice CaptainEnvironmental CaptainSocial Service CaptainYear 4SClass CaptainVice CaptainEnvironmental CaptainSocial Service CaptainYear 5BClass CaptainVice CaptainEnvironmental CaptainSocial Service CaptainYear 5KClass CaptainVice CaptainEnvironmental CaptainSocial Service CaptainAidan WrigleyQasim BaderAlessia RootLucy ThomsonJonathan PascuzziJessie Zheng & Alex FaulknerCarlos ReynoldsHarris LaszloLily RobinsonDanielle RoodeNatalie ComanAneirin Galloway-MacLeanRuby WolfeHarriet PollittDe-arne BakerZali ReynoldsHugh McClymontLiana SharpBlake AllanDaniel SmithAdara CerviJack BrownrightKeirath SinghThomas Plant ChaneySupervisionOver the past few weeks we have seen an increase in student play after school. While weencourage friendship raising and love the fact that our community enjoy our space so much thatthey like to stay for a chat, it is very important that students who have been picked up by theirparents are supervised at all times. If a child is travelling home independently then he/she isexpected to do so immediately after school. We would also ask for parent support during After<strong>School</strong> Sport. Oval space is limited at the moment so please ensure your child is not interferingwith the program. Thanks for your support.COMING EVENTSSaturday & Sunday 17-18 AugustMonday, 19 AugustTuesday, 20 AugustTournament of Minds Regional FinalsMID TERM BREAKBook WeekAustralian Girls Choir Years 1-6,Music Room 2:15pmSandy House Combo rehearsals Lunch time,Music RoomYears 3 & 4 After-<strong>School</strong> Sport

Wednesday, 21 AugustThursday, 22 AugustFriday, 23 AugustJoe KennyBook WeekLunchtime: Guitar Ensemble – Specialist roomDance Oz Prep-Year 4, Social Centre,3:40pm-4:40pmSnow Camp Information Evening, 7:00pmLearning HubELC Animals on the move visitBook WeekChamber Concert, 5:00pm-6:00pm, CCAYear 3-6, 8:00am Choir, Music RoomAerobics Training, Lunchtime in Social CentreKarate lesson after school in Social CentreKelly Sport, after school, on OvalYear 5 & 6 After <strong>School</strong> SportNO ASSEMBLYAuthor Visit, Year 3-610:30am Book Week ParadeSHPA Class Rep Lunch (venue TBC)Around the <strong>School</strong>ELCThe children in the ELC have been inquiring into sharing the planet with animals. To highlightthe learning in relation to our responsibilities towards animals, each class has introduced aclass pet. ELC 4 students have a new class member called Larry Lightning – he is a bluetongue lizard. The children are taking on the responsibility of feeding Larry. He likes to eat livecrickets and meal worms as well as banana and strawberries. Through this process they havediscovered that Larry doesn’t like to eat tomatoes. ELC 3 students have a fish tank in theirclassroom with two goldfish. They have named them Goldie and Gilbert and each day one of thechildren takes on the responsibility of feeding the fish - just a little bit, not too much.A community project begins in the Early Learning CentreOn Friday 3 August the foyer in the ELC was busy with families completing their contribution forour first ELC community project. This involved families bringing in a wooden or metal kitchenimplement and some interesting things to thread around it. The families had a lovely timeworking together sharing ideas and materials. In the next couple of weeks we plan to install thispiece of art work in the foyer area near the kitchen. The purpose of this activity was to bringfamilies together and to allow them to participate in creating a visual reminder of their time in theELC. When they return for a visit in the future hopefully this will trigger lots of positive memories.Participating in something like this allows children and adults to leave part of themselves with usand shows that we value their contribution to our setting. One of the words that features stronglyin our philosophy statement is one that comes from the Early Years Learning Framework –Belonging. We hope that, by contributing to a project like this, our ELC community will feelwelcome and have a sense of belonging whenever they visit this space. Other members of ourschool community have also contributed including Dr Sarros and Mr Kenny. We would like tothank all members of the ELC who contributed so enthusiastically. There is certainly a great dealof artistic flair and creativity within our community. We look forward to sharing the end productwith you.Mary GrummetELC Director

YEAR 1WOW! What an exciting time it is in Year 1. We are moving into the new Learning Hub this weekand we can’t wait to start in our new rooms next week.Our current Unit of Inquiry, ‘Sharing the planet’ is well underway. The Central Idea: An ecosystemis a changing community of living things interacting with one another. At the beginning of theunit we went for a walk to the grasslands across the road from the school to investigate whatexists in that ecosystem. We found many living things such as; a centipede, caterpillars, beetles,worms, a lizard, grass, and trees. We have each started an inquiry into a chosen ecosystem.Many of the favourites are the desert, ocean, wetlands, tundra and pond. We are using ourResearch Skills to find information about our ecosystem and creating an Information Report.We are transferring this information into a PowerPoint which we will present at our Student LedConferences. They are looking fabulous.We have discovered that the equal sign also means ‘the same as’. We have created lots ofnumber sentences to show this.“The answers have to be the same as the other side. E.g. 7 + 7 = 10 + 4. It’s 14 on each side.”Year 1 students have been very lucky to have Mr Dobbyn show us about Book Creator on theIPad. In this App we can add text, photos and sound to each page. We have each created ‘ABook About Me’ and we have completed these during Literacy Groups. Thank you Mr Dobbyn!YEAR 3Last week, students participated in a variety of track and field events at the local running trackfor the House Athletics Carnival. It was a fabulous day and all students gave their best. Studentsin 3S reflected on their performance using the PYP attitudes and thinking skills as guidelines.Katia 3SAt the athletics carnival yesterday I was balanced so that I wouldn’t get too nervous before myrace.I was excited when it was my turn for the 200 m sprint because it is my favourite sprint of the dayluckily I won.The good thing about yesterday were, the weather was good, and the house chants were greatand I won all my track events but the best thing about yesterday was that my mum and brotherwere there.I felt great yesterday because I love sport and sport is the best!The sad thing about yesterday was that Atherstone won the 2013 athletics not McKie!William Stebbing 3SAt the carnival I was caring when I saw Jonno fall over and I helped him get up.At the carnival I was a risk taker when I jumped 3 metres in the long jump. I felt proud!I was a team good member when I was passing the baton in the 100 metre relay.I think I had a great performance. I came first in long jump and ran quite fast.I encouraged everyone at the sports and in their races.The things that were good were. . . .I came 1st in long jump.I got my dog.I tried as hard as I could.I felt . . . .I felt excitement when I was running the 100 metre sprint.I felt happy when I jumped 3 metre in long jump.I felt surprised when I got my dog.New ideas for the carnival are:Lower hurdles, longer running races, get a dog every time I come home from a carnival!

Aidan 3SOn the 8th of August Years 3 to 6 had an Athletics Carnival. We had to do track and field events.When I did hurdles I was being a risk taker to jump over the wooden hurdles and I didn’t knockany over. When other people were doing their races I was encouraging and cheering them on.I felt proud when I came 2nd in 100 metre sprints and 3rd in hurdles. I felt happy whenAtherstone won both trophies.The positive things about the carnival were Atherstone winning, learning the chants, and runningin the races. It was funny when mum had to run the parent race. I felt sad when we had to leave.I think it was the best Athletics Carnival ever.Brendon 3SOn Thursday, it was the athletics carnival. I believe I was reflective because in every race Iremembered what to do and how to do it. Also I believe I was balanced when I used my energywisely and ate my food and drank my water. Also I was a risk taker when I did all my eventsespecially the two hundred metres sprint which were hard and long.At the athletics carnival my performance was pretty good. I was doing my events, encouragingand taking part with the chants.Mathilda 3SThe good things with the carnival was when my events were all over and when the carnival wasfinished.My feelings about the carnival was that it was quite boring when you had to wait and I wasnervous when I was about to race. New ideas for the carnival would be a tennis event wherethere are singles and doubles and a parent versus captain versus teacher hockey event.Caring - I was caring when Will O fell over and I and I asked if he was ok. I also calmed downAlessia when she was crying because she couldn’t run.Ristaker -I was a risktaker before the hurdles race, but I finished and came 3rd.Encourage - When I wasn’t in a race I was encouraging others and telling them to take a deepbreath and relax.Congratulate- I was congratulating them when they had finished their races and saying theywere great even when they had come last.Overall the day was great. There was no rain and the sun was shining. There were lots ofparents and and all the kids did a fantastic job.Students in Year 3W have many opportunities to write for a variety of reasons. Included belowis a thank you letter written by Grace Dymond; a reflection by Alex Holman; a recount by IsaacRadeka and narratives by Callum Couper and Christian Paice.Dear Mr McTierThank you for coming to tell us some things about role models. I hope you keep up yourvolunteering and woodwork. I think you are a lovely man because you help out so much. You area good role model to everyone. I found out that you don’t have to be older than the person thatyou are role modelling towards. You were also great at Puffing Billy.From GraceOn the holidays I mostly stayed home. I did these following things: eat, play games, do somedrawings, drink and breathe. (Also watch T.V.) My parents still had to work so my babysitterlooked after me and my sister Sophie. (This happened nearly every day! Thanks to my parents’days off work) My babysitter bought me something that makes a bridge, football ground and ahouse out of paddle pop sticks. Finally my mum said “Were going out!” “Finally!” I said.The end by me, Isaac!P.S I did this work on my own. It was hard work; a lot and a lot of hard work. The end!!!

What it was like to be class captain.It started really hard. I was reading my speech and I was a nervous wreck. “I’m so scared. I’mso scared. I’m so scared’’. The voting is over. They’re announcing the Class Captain. ThenMrs Whittle says, Alex Holman. I’m mind blown. I am so happy I can’t believe it. Yes, yes, yes, Ithink in my head. Then she announces the Vice Captain. I still can’t believe it and then she saysGrace Dymond. I think she is so happy too. A few weeks later I go to the meeting. Yes, it is sointeresting. Wow, hall passes, idea boxes and sun safe, but then I think again and I think howmuch work it is going to be. But it was fun meeting everyone at the meeting. It was really nice.It was going to be really good and it was after all. THE END Alex HolmanA Space Story by Callum CouperChapter 1One day there were three boys and their names were Tom, Bob and Frank. One night they werein bed and they heard a strange noise. “What do we do?” They went outside and they found abig hole. They quietly crept closer and a little red head popped out. They froze until it said “Hi.I come in peace. My name is Peter and I come from the planet Red. Our enemies have takencontrol of our planet. Here is a picture of our enemies. Can you help? Okay. We can go on ourdad’s space shuttle. Five minutes later, “I found space suits. There it is, let’s go!”A Space Story by Christian PaiceManiac Martians from Mars invade planets and they’re green, ugly, bad guys. They found Earthand landed a rocket on it. Ten Martians jumped onto the ground and started to jump on trees.They went back into their rocket and went back to Mars.Two weeks later they sent 8 rockets and they landed on Earth. 55 Martians invaded half of theworld. The humans were angry so they started a war. The humans won and the Martians wentback to Mars.YEAR 5The Grade Five students have been working really hard to complete their Maths Talent Questprojects. At the start of the year they decided on a topic to investigate in their chosen groups.An example of this is ‘Race-Track’ or ‘Speedy Maths’. This group investigated all the mathsassociated with race tracks and race cars…for example, the average speed of a race car andhow many students equal the weight of a race car. In their groups, the students had to createa maths learning journal. In this was the aim for the project, all of the mathematical working outand a conclusion of what they achieved at the end of each session. Other students investigatedthe maths associated with airlines and aviation, Luna Park, Phillip Island and MSAC. There waslots of interesting maths discovered. Now their projects and maths journals have been enteredinto the competition for judging - good luck!Students have also been working on their inquiries into a chosen culture. This has been a reallyinteresting inquiry so far as students have been formulating their own questions to research. Weare hoping to learn lots about cultures all around the world, as this will contribute to us beinginternationally minded citizens.Insert photos ‘ grade 5 ‘ENVIRONMENT NEWSEnvironment UpdateFor those not aware, Year 6 Environment Captain Sal has recently left our school to relocateback to Europe. It has been decided that our two Year 5 Environment Captains will take over therole as co-captains. They would like to introduce themselves to our community.Hello, my name is Blake Allan, I am the 5B Environment Captain for semester 2. I am extremelypassionate about the environment. I care for our planet, as well as the animals that inhabit ourworld. I am compelled to take action and help the world in its “hypercritical” situation. I recentlymade the decision of becoming a pescetarian, which means to not eat any meat but seafood.I was shocked to hear what the livestock industry was doing to our environment. Being apescetarian or vegetarian makes a colossal difference because the livestock industry producesmore greenhouse gases than all the planes, trains, cars and buses in the world. Also, the

livestock industry produces 130 times the waste of the ENTIRE human population! Even if youdo not want to become a vegetarian or pescetarian, you can cut down on meat and help theenvironment.Water Fact: If you become a vegetarian or pescetarian you can save approximately 5 millionlitres of water per year!Yours sincerely,BlakeHi, I’m Keirath and I’m the new Co-Environment Captain. I am delighted to take over this roleand will constantly strive to make <strong>Sandringham</strong> House’s environment the best it can be. Someof the simplest ways of living are harmful to the environment, and can increase the impact ofenvironmental problems such as, climate change, loss of biodiversity, energy efficiency andwater conserving. At Sandy House we need to change the way we think and go about theenvironment. Things we hear over again, such as recycling, saving water and being energyefficient really make a difference in our school and the world. As Australia is one of the driestinhabited continents and I am always looking at ways to conserve water. At the moment thereare 780 million people without access to clean water and the water and sanitation crisis claimsmore lives than any war ever has. An effective way to save water is to collect rain water andthen water your garden with it. Only 2% of the world’s water is drinkable and now we need totake action. Being Environment Captain I will always try my best to be a great role model andwill address some of the problems with our environment. Like I said before I am delighted to bethe Co-Environment Captain and I will definitely enjoy it.Yours sincerely,KeirathSHPA NEWSArdoch Youth FoundationPlease bring in your donations for the Ardoch Youth Foundation. The Social Service team arecoordinating the collection of healthy snacks and toiletries to help disadvantaged children.Collection boxes are in every classroom until week 8. Please see the flyer for more info onthe types of items needed. Thank you for your support for this much needed charity. Moreinformation available at https://www.ardoch.asn.au/” . See eNews for more information.80s nightThe dance floor was pumping, the costumes outrageous and the venue perfect – an absolutelyterrific night had by all last Saturday night at our 80’s disco.A very special thanks to our incredible Prep Mums, Ann-Marie Biggar and Laura Shannon forall their hard work in putting on this fabulous parents event – it really was wonderful to see ourcommunity come together, laugh at themselves, let their hair down and bust some incrediblemoves!Thanks also to the very generous donation of the wonderful prize hampers by Soula andAnthony Hrysoudis (ELC3) filled to the brim with lots of goodies from their HealthsmartPharmacies at both The Royal Women’s and The Royal Children’s hospital.Also thanks to the very generous donation of the slab of Peroni from The Honey’s – very wellreceived and much appreciated by the winner!Art showThank you to all the helpers who have assisted in the set up (and pull down) of our Art showthis week. It promises to be a great event not only showcasing all our children’s work but also afirst glimpse at our stunning new building!Fathers Day Stall – Friday 30 AugustYear 5’s under the coordination of Bernadette Durkan will be hosting the Fathers day Stall onFriday 30th August – another fantastic array of surprise treats for Dad’s awaiting!

SCIENCE TALENT SEARCHAgain this year we have had some enthusiastic and committed students who entered theScience Talent Search which is run by Science Teachers Association of Victoria.This competition is designed to encourage independent self-motivated project work amongststudents with an interest in Science. It also gives students the opportunity to communicate theirachievements to a wider audience. Thirteen <strong>Sandringham</strong> House students have participated inthe completion this year and we are now eagerly awaiting their results.Congratulations to the following students for all of their hard work;Jonathan PascuzziAneirin Galloway McLeanBrendon AllanQasim BaderBlake AllanZeeshan BaderDanielle RoodeKaitlin RoodeJonathan ComanNatalie ComanZali ReynoldsLeon CoppaKeirath SinghBeth Watson and Laura Sheffield.LIBRARYPARADEOn Friday 23rd August we will hold our annual Book Week Parade.The theme this year is ‘Read Across the Universe’.Students are to select a book which matches this theme and dress as a character from theirchosen book.Some ideas, for book characters are:• George from George’s Cosmic Treasure Hunt written by Lucy and Stephen Hawking• Laura form Laura’s Star by Klaus Baumgart• Children from the Magic <strong>School</strong> Bus: Space Adventures• Clarice Bean from What Planet Are you From Clarice bean? By Lauren Child• Kip from Space Scout by H.Badger• Zac Power from Mega Mission- Moon Rider by H. I. Larry• OR An Astronaut, Star Wars characters, Star Trek characters.I look forward to seeing your Cosmic Characters.AUTHOR VISITSOliver Phommavanh author of Thai-Riffic and Con-Nerd will be visiting and speaking to studentsYears 3-6 on Friday, 23 August between 9:00am and 10:00am. Books can be pre purchasedfrom the Library for signing.Salli Rippin author of Billie B Brown and Hey Jack will also be visiting and speaking to studentsYears 3-6 on Thursday, 29 August between 10:00am and 11:00am.Jane TweedieLibrarian

Victorian Premier’s Reading ChallengeReminderOnly 4 more weeks to go! If you have registered for the Challenge this year, it is time to startreturning your reading records to the library for verification. All Reading lists must be returnedby Thursday, 5th September.Congratulations to all those readers who have already completed the 2013 Challenge!Thank youGina WardlawA WORD FROM L.O.T.E.MANDARINCongratulations to all Chinese mini-teachers in Term 2 and Term 3!Chinese mini-teachers are awards for students who have demonstrated exceptional manners,a great effort and good understandings during Chinese lessons.There is only one mini-teacher awarded for each class from Year 1 to Year 6 every half term.Their certificates and badges are displayed outside the Chinese room.The role of the mini teachers is to consolidate their Chinese understandings through taking onmore responsibilities to help myself and other classmates during Chinese classes.Congratulate to Keirath (5K) who has won a bronze medal in 2013 Language PerfectChampionship in learning Chinese! He had spent 3 weeks to show his commitment to practiseChinese online and tried his best in a 10 days online competition.Language Perfect is the world’s largest online languages competition. The Language PerfectWorld Championships sees over 200,000 students in over 12 countries (including Australia, NZ,USA, UK) to learn a language.All Year 3 to 6 students, let’s get ready for 2014 Language Perfect Championship.I would like to congratulate:1M – Lisa, Larrisa1C – Kaitlin2B – Arthur, Zayne2P – Taran, William P.3W – Alessia, Ashleigh, Aidan W.3S – Carlos, Alexander H, Jonathan4M – Olivia, Alex, Lily4S – Imogen, Oliver, Harriet5K – Francesca, Ruby5B – Claire, James6D – Carien, ArcherMiss YehChinese TeacherPHYSICAL EDUCATION & SPORTATHLETICS CARNIVAL 8/07/2013On Thursday the 8th of September, the children in Years 3-6 of Sandy House went down tothe <strong>Sandringham</strong> Athletics Track to run, jump, throw and cheer their way through a day ofathletic spirit and effort. We were blessed with a glorious winter sunshine which set the tonefor an amazing day. The staff did a fantastic job keeping the children on track with their eventsand a group of ten Year 8 girls from Senior <strong>School</strong> were terrific in running our field events. Ahuge thank you to the parents who came along to support the children and especially thosewho helped out behind the scenes. We value this help that contributes to the success of thesecarnivals.Congratulations to ATHERSTONE for their efforts in winning both the House Athletics andSandy Spirit Trophies –WELL DONE!Tanya Brookes

Assembly Friday, 30 August 2013 – Award PresentationSANDY HOUSE ATHLETICS CARNIVAL 2013ATHERSTONE MCKIE TRENTHAMTRACK 1465 1055 1210FIELD 695 535 770SANDY SPIRIT 300 50 150TOTAL 2460 1635 2130Congratulations to Atherstone for winning both the Sandy Spirit and House AthleticsTrophies for 2013YEAR LEVEL CHAMPIONSYEAR 31stAlex Holman2nd Callum Couper Ashleigh Horton3rd Qasim Bader Jessie ZhengYEAR 41ST Brodie Moller Olivia Rundle2nd Liam Deville De-arne Baker3rd Lloyd MacMillan Zali ReynoldsOliver DisneyYEAR 51st Remus Reynolds Madison Bodey2nd Cameron Ng Claire Barber3rd Eddy Faulkner Katerina ArvanitakisYEAR 61st Archer Disney Ava Hales2nd Archie Hynes Carien Boshoff3rd Campbell Tweedie Indigo Brighton-KnightCongratulations to Archer Disney and Ava Hales for winning the Sandy House AthleticsChampions Trophies for 2013VISUAL ARTSThank you to the parents who assisted in the setting up and the packing up of the art show. Thestudents and I appreciate your support.The art show is a wonderful way for the children to show off their talents and share their workwith the school community. The enthusiasm shown while taking friends and family around, wasdelightful to watch. Many of the older students had the opportunity to walk around with theiryoung buddies and learn about what they had done during the year.The raffle was supported by SHPPA and raised $481.85. It will be drawn next assembly andresults will be in the following newsletter.Mrs Wendy FletcherBOOK FAIR 2013Tuesday 27 August – Thursday 29 August – Social CentreThe <strong>Sandringham</strong> House Book Fair will be open to parents and families from Tuesday 27thAugust to Thursday 29th August.All students will be shown through the fair and given the opportunity to make a “wish list” ofbooks they would like to buy. Parents, families and friends are then encouraged to purchasesome or all of the selected books.This is a fund raising event for the school. Beaumaris Books generously donates 15% of salesback to the school. We are then able to purchase new non-fiction and fiction books for our

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