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<strong>Warsaw</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong><strong>Business</strong> SchoolExecutiveMBA<strong>Warsaw</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong> <strong>Business</strong> School

Executive MBAKnowledge for <strong>Business</strong>EconomicsAccountingOperations ManagementMarketing■■The block covers the mostimportant aspects <strong>of</strong> microeconomicsand macroeconomics.Special attention is devoted tothe global financial situationand to the practice <strong>of</strong> economicpolicy making.What you get■■An understanding <strong>of</strong> the economicenvironment in whichfirms operate, complexity <strong>of</strong> theglobal economy and finance.■■The block covers the mostimportant aspects <strong>of</strong> the mainroles and uses <strong>of</strong> accountinginformation in management:business decisions, businessevaluation and managementcontrol.What you getAn understanding <strong>of</strong> the fundamentals<strong>of</strong> managerial accountingand the clever utilization <strong>of</strong> thediscipline’s tool kit.■■The block covers the mostimportant aspects <strong>of</strong> operationalexcellence as source <strong>of</strong> sustainedcompetitive advantage.Special attention is devoted tocreation and verification <strong>of</strong> businessmodels for how to sell andmarket an entrepreneurial idea.What you get■■An understanding <strong>of</strong> the processfor taking an idea, findinga high-potential commercial opportunityand developing a newventure with excellence, and anoperational performance system.■■The block covers the mostimportant aspects <strong>of</strong> the role <strong>of</strong>marketing, especially customerdevelopment in <strong>of</strong>f and onlineenvironments. Special attentionis devoted to formulatinga strategy oriented on customerportfolio growth.What you get■■An understanding <strong>of</strong> the role<strong>of</strong> customer development ina company’s business model.Finance■■The block covers comprehensiveknowledge about the role <strong>of</strong>finance in supporting differentfunctional areas <strong>of</strong> the firm, whilealso fostering an understanding<strong>of</strong> how financial decisionsthemselves can create value.What you get■■An understanding <strong>of</strong> principlesand concepts <strong>of</strong> an operationaland corporate finance and theirinterrelations with the firm’ssustainable growth and competitiveness.Strategy■■The block covers the comprehensiveknowledge about theprocess <strong>of</strong> value creation andvalue capture, with relatedconcepts that are used toanalyze the competitive globalenvironment.What you get■■An understanding <strong>of</strong> an internationalapproach to formulatinga strategy for a business thatwill shape the future environment<strong>of</strong> the firm.HRM■■The Human Resources Managementblock is focused ona wide range <strong>of</strong> issues from legalto recruitment and selectionto developing others by meansor coaching and mentoring.What you get■■Students acquire practicalknowledge and skills necessaryto manage and effectivelydevelop individuals and inorganizations.Management Control& Information Systems■■The block covers a wide spectrum<strong>of</strong> management control problemsthat occur in any organization, andexplores ways to mitigate themwith two approaches: managementcontrol structure and managementcontrol process.What you get■■An understanding <strong>of</strong> the role <strong>of</strong>management control from an emphasison control to an emphasison measurement and information.<strong>Business</strong> in ActionConsolidation DaysEnterprise ProjectConsultancy ProjectFinal Project■■Innovative sessions, aimed atconsolidating the knowledgeand skills that students derivefrom various blocks. Mainly inthe form <strong>of</strong> interactive workshops.What you get■■The ability to combine expertisefrom various fields in solvingcomplex business problems.■■An exercise in creating highlyinnovative business projects– a hypothetical start-up company.Students must shapethe project, create a feasiblebusiness plan, and convincethe investors to finance it.What you get■■An understanding <strong>of</strong> the role<strong>of</strong> the entrepreneurship andinnovations.■■Solving real-life problems <strong>of</strong>existing companies. Studentsexamine the problem, makea fact-finding trip, and delivera consultancy report for thefirm. The exercise has an internationaldimension.What you get■■The ability to define, analyze,and find solutions to real-life,complex business problems.■■Writing a thesis that shouldanalyze and propose an answerto complex economic/financial/businessquestion. Thestudents must demonstrateknowledge, analytical skills,and academic rigour.What you get■■A test on using all the knowledgeand skills acquired duringthe MBA Programme.Personal Development■■The Personal Development pillar is aimed at developing personal skillsand competencies necessary for an individual to achieve success asa manager, or more broadly speaking, as a responsible and effectiveleader in diverse organizations, not only in a business context.First, the pillar is founded on an assumption that our students needa pr<strong>of</strong>ound and comprehensive knowledge themselves, in terms <strong>of</strong>both strong interpersonal and organizational competencies and areasrequiring further progress. Secondly, Personal Development classesenable better and systematic understanding <strong>of</strong> others in diversecontexts. Finally, it provides several opportunities to use the competencies,including analytical and advocacy skills, improved teamwork,and planning one’s own and other employees’ pr<strong>of</strong>essional careers.

Executive MBAChoose an MBAwith EuropeanAccreditationMaster ClassSEM Forum1 st position inEastern Europein EDUNIVERSALBEST MASTERS RANKINGGet ready for changes. Get an MBA.Amongst other inspirations, the MBA motivated me to try myluck outside Poland. It was one <strong>of</strong> major factors in seekingand accepting challenges abroad. This inspiration came particularlyfrom our case studies, embedded in an internationalcontext, and the experience <strong>of</strong> positive discussions with ourforeign lecturers in relation to them.Robert Działak, EMBA 2003Member <strong>of</strong> Management BoardGetin Holding SAExecutive MBA 2009-11 <strong>of</strong>fered me a great opportunityto learn from well known and experienced tutors and practiseon various case studies. What was even more beneficial wasthat in graduating with distinction from WUTBS I was inspiredto completely change my pr<strong>of</strong>essional career. Since 2011I have run my own s<strong>of</strong>tware outsourcing services company,CodiLime, that I established together with world championsin programming! Now CodiLime employs more than 20 consultants and thefuture seems to be bright.Tomasz Kułakowski, EMBA 2011Chief ExecutiveCodiLime<strong>Warsaw</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong> <strong>Business</strong> Schoolul. Koszykowa 79, 02-008 <strong>Warsaw</strong>, tel. 22 234 70 89, tel. 22 234 70 15, fax: 22 234 70 16e-mail: mba@business.edu.pl, www.business.edu.pl<strong>Warsaw</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong> <strong>Business</strong> School

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