Bulletin 9 – August 23rd - Drouin Secondary College

Bulletin 9 – August 23rd - Drouin Secondary College

Bulletin 9 – August 23rd - Drouin Secondary College


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Year 7, 9 & 10 GippslandRegion NetballOn Thursday 25th July, 27 girls who had already won our localnetball competitions headed down to Traralgon to compete againstother Gippsland Schools. The Year 7 ‘B’ team, and both theIntermediate ‘A’ and ‘B’ teams were involved. We had a lovely day inthe sunshine, playing on outdoor courts. Unfortunately we didn’t winoverall, but each team had at least one win <strong>–</strong> and played some tough(and tall) opponents. Well done to all the girls involved!7B TeamIntermediate BEmily Rogers, Courtney Bartlett, Aimee Wright, Meg Warner, EmmaJuratowitch, Emily Salan, Lisa Graham, Taylah Roberts and MollyPowerIntermediate AThiana Broadway, Katrina Guy, Ella Henderson, Kym Diston, RachaelArdlt, Maddie Larsen, Molly Larsen, Karly Bow, Jess Earl and AshOldham-Barr.Also thanks to Ebony Axford and Taylah Bott for their awesomecoaching efforts on the day!Sarah Salan, Steph Glasscock, Jess Murphy, Georgia Kane,Cheyenne Mason, Darcy Boskell, Bridie Farrar, Taylah Stephens andChloe Werner7DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS

FROM THEGENERAL OFFICE:A few reminders:• Parents and Friends Fundraiserof slices and cookies forms at the officeneed to be returned with money by 2 ndSeptember to the General Office.• All fees and charges are due andpayable now. If you need to discussa payment plan please contact JosieOConnor, Business Manager.Mobile French-stylecrêperie comingMr Thorpe’s VET Hospitality class had a fantastic experience whilepreparing canapés for the Fashion show on Thursday, 1st <strong>August</strong>. Theydesigned and produced a variety of hot, cold and dessert canapés whichwere a crowd pleaser on the night of the fashion show, raising money forthis year’s school production.• If your child needs to be collectedearly from school please organise anote stating what time the student is toleave class as they will not be allowedto leave the class without a note signedby you. If the student is walking andnot being collected by you they alsoneed the note signed by the LCCarea. We cannot interrupt classes withannouncements and if the child doesnot have a note the office staff have tofind and collect them which is quite timeconsuming for our busy office staff. Thiswould be greatly appreciated.Thank youThe students had extra pressure on the day as they were also preparinga luncheon menu for the shire to be served at the <strong>Drouin</strong> Golf & CountryClub, which by all accounts, was a huge hit.Little Shop of Horrors<strong>Drouin</strong> <strong>Secondary</strong> <strong>College</strong>’s 2013 musical production opened onSaturday, 17th <strong>August</strong> at 8pm at the school’s auditorium. Over 30students are involved in the production which runs over two weekends.Little Shop of Horrors is a spoof on 1950’s horror films and tells the storyof Seymour and his “rare and interesting” plant, Audrey II, who happensto be from outer space. The plant brings Seymour and his workplacemuch success and fame. Seymour goes to great lengths to keep AudreyII alive, all in an attempt to win over the love of his life, and the womanhe named the plant after, Audrey. Much humour is involved, despite theplant’s love for blood.<strong>Drouin</strong> <strong>Secondary</strong> <strong>College</strong> is proud to have so many enthusiastic andtalented students involved and taking on responsibility, such as productioncast and band, stage management, sound, lighting and ushers.Show times: Friday <strong>23rd</strong> and Saturday 24th<strong>August</strong> at 8pm.Tickets on sale at www.trybooking.com/DGWVor at the <strong>College</strong> Tuesday-Friday 1.30-2pm(Adults $15, Concession $10, Family $45).8DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS

Meet DSC’sresident ArcheryChampionMeet Eliza Humphrey of Year 7. She is <strong>Drouin</strong> <strong>Secondary</strong><strong>College</strong>’s latest Archery Champion. Her most prizedpossessions are her Bow (pictured) and of course her 90+Progress Score card.From the West Gippsland Field Archers Club, Eliza haspreviously broken the Australian record for her age group.Last Sunday, in emphatic style, she also won the StateChampionships at the Boola Archery Club in Morwell. Welldone, Eliza!Eliza must now wait until she turns 13 to be eligible tocompete in National competitions.SOUTHERN CROSS CULTURAL EXCHANGELearn About Yourself!As Marcel Proust, a late 19th century novelist wrote: “The realvoyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapesbut in having new eyes.” Volunteer to host an internationalhigh school student arriving into Australia in February 2014through Southern Cross Cultural Exchange and prepare to beamazed at the way this unique and rewarding opportunityhelps your family to become closer, to understand themselvesbetter and to see the world in a new light.Carefully selected students will arrive in February for one term,one semester or two semesters from France, Italy, Germany,Austria, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, the U.S.A,South America and Japan. They will attend a localsecondary school, arrive with their own spending money andcomprehensive insurance cover <strong>–</strong> all arranged by SouthernCross Cultural Exchange.Visit us at our website www.scce.com.au, email scceaust@scce.com.au or call us toll free on 1800 500 501, request ourinternational student profiles and capture the spirit of familyand friendship.Year 12 ‘Life of Galileo’ IncursionOn Thursday 8th <strong>August</strong>, the Year 12VCE English students had the privilegeof watching a performance of BertoltBrecht’s ‘Life of Galileo’ performed byThe Complete Works Theatre Company<strong>–</strong> who travelled all the way fromMelbourne on a very wet and cold day!We were joined by the Year 12 studentsfrom Chairo Christian <strong>College</strong>, andwe filled out the Auditorium! It was anenlightening performance <strong>–</strong> except whenthe lights went out. Some comments fromthe students are below.“It was very interesting because itprovided insight into a whole newtime period, and highlighted our ownignorance.” Sean Smith“They made the play a lot easier tounderstand.” Brit Beca“It was good as they pointed out all thekey quotes.” Travis Ainsworth“Using a $10 Officeworks Telescopeas the original invention was somewhathumerous.” Josh Gibson

The Big Read InThe Big Read In provided many avidreaders the opportunity to enjoy avariety of activities based on favouritetitles and authors. Based in the <strong>Drouin</strong><strong>Secondary</strong> Library on 24 th June, studentsmade bookmarks and posters, visitedYA reading and authors’ websites,browsed books, talked about booksand read books.

SuzanneConnelly fromVTACOn Wednesday 24 th July, <strong>Drouin</strong> <strong>Secondary</strong> <strong>College</strong>’sYear 12 students were visited by Suzanne Connellyfrom VTAC who presented much relevant informationabout the ATAR and applying for University coursesnext year. This discussion was very informative andengaging, with useful and necessary information. Therewas audience involvement and free gifts were handedout for participation in the session. For me personally,the session was exactly what I needed to prepare for myfuture decisions and clarified a lot of questions that I had.I would recommend this session to all future Year 12s.Emily Taylor 12A.Year 10 Motivational Talk<strong>–</strong> Live Out Loud Two Student ReviewsOn Monday 29th July all Year 10 studentsattended an enlightening session titled LiveOut Loud presented by Steve and Julianin the auditorium. They taught us aboutexpanding our comfort zones, taking risks,having fun and listening actively. Therewere several fun activities and everyonelearnt some valuable lessons.When we expanded our comfort zoneswe were taking risks by speaking in frontof about 200 people, doing activitiessuch as juggling and playing SimonSays, which also involved listening andparticipation. Everyone did differentthings, some of us sat back and watchedthe more daring students talk aboutsomething they were passionate aboutwhile others put aside their feelings andtook that leap of faith and expandedtheir comfort zones, thus achieving whatSteve and Julian were trying to teach us.Crazy dancing was another thing wedid, well most people, and that madeus see that what people say and think ofyou doesn’t matter because in the endall we can do is do and be our best,and if we can achieve that we havelearned the morals Steve and Julian wereteaching us.I would say that the lessons I learnedfrom Steve and Julian are to always trymy best and not worry about others andto seize every opportunity in life that Ican because who knows where it cantake you or if you will ever get anotherchance like it.Jordyn Presley 10EOn Monday 29 th July, a company calledLive Out Loud came to <strong>Drouin</strong> <strong>Secondary</strong><strong>College</strong> and a duo put on a show forthe Year 10s. Steve and Julian were thenames of the duo that entertained andinspired the Year 10s. Their purposefor coming to <strong>Drouin</strong> <strong>Secondary</strong> wasto change the state of mind of the Year10s and introduce them to a wholenew world that is full of exciting risks,opportunities and happiness. Theyshowed them how to be themselvesand not care what anyone thought ofthem. One of the games they playedwas called “The Passion Game”, wherefive people got up onto stage in front ofeveryone and stood on a chair to voicetheir opinion on a topic that they weretruly passionate about. A lot of the Year10s benefitted from that experience ofseeing all these people have the courageto stand up in front of a fairly big crowdof their peers , voicing their opinions. Itwas also very heart touching, bringingmany people to tears. The duo toldstories of their own lives and some ofthe mistakes they made, how they turnedthe bad into the good and why they areso grateful for what they have today. Itwas incredibly relatable by the Year 10sand a very big eye opener for them all.They all appreciated the time that Julianand Steve gave up to come to <strong>Drouin</strong><strong>Secondary</strong> and inspire them.Jason Singleton 10B

Yr 7 AcceleratedReader ProgressOver four million words were read by Year 7 studentsbetween 27th July - 16th <strong>August</strong> in the Accelerated ReaderProgram. Many students have shown improvement indeveloping a routine of reading regularly.The 139 quiz takers were:Bailey Allan, Matthew Allen, Chelsee Anderson BrodieArdley (8), Stephen Aschenbrenner, Mary Barnett,Brandon Bickle, Jackson Blackledge (2), Liam Blight,Samuel Booth, Darcy Boskell (2), Alexandra Braithwaite(2), Heather Braithwaite, Jeremy Canham, Connor Cardus(3), Megan Carew, Britt Carter, Aidan Chaplin, LaurenCheetham (3), Lochlin Clarke, Samantha Coates, RachelCook (2), Gabriella Crampton, Luke Doolan, Riley Earl,Lateisha Edwards, Lennard Edwards-Hayes (2), HarleyFairbairn, Bridie Farrar, Brittany Forrest (3), Alyssa Fritzlaff,Jacqueline Glasscock, Georgia Henderson (2), AliciaHeywood, Regan Hodge (2), Abbey Honey-Coustley,Chloe Hopkins, Tayla Horwood, Eliza Humptrey, JessicaKeem (2), Rachel King, Finn Langford (3), Jordan Lee(6), Corey Leggett (2), Hannah Lynn, Kayla Marshall(3), Cheyenne Mason, Mye McLean, Joshua McNally,Dominique Mobourne-Sellings, Chelsea Morgan (2),Jessica Murphy, Cameron Newitt, Glenn Nicklen,Maverick O’Donogue-Kent, Bevan Olsen (4), JamesOlsen, Jarrod Pearson, Harrison Phillips, Sarah Portbury,Bailey Quaife, Isabelah Reid (2), Kiana Reid (2), AaronRickards, Alana Rippon (3), Emily Robb, ChristianRobertson-Edgar, Amy Rolls, Kiam Rose, Amelia Runge-Hill (3), Jessica Russell, Ally Sever, Lachlan Shaw, TarynShipway (2), Ashley Siekman, Jake Sikorski, HaydenSmith, Hannah Smithers, Taylah Stephens, Brodie Stokes,Philip Storey, Cameron Swindle-Turpin, Jake Tabone,Alisha Taylor, Lachlan Taylor, Ryan Taylor, Riley Thoonen(2), Kiera TIlling, Mitchell Van'T Hof, Michael Wayman(3), Dylan Wolsgrove, Tasha YoungThe target for each semester is to read at least threebooks in the Accelerated Reader Program and successfullycomplete quizzes on each.Thank you for supporting your child’s reading.DSC English, SURFF and Library Staff.12DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS

COLLEGE DATESFriday 23/08 Little Shop of HorrorsSaturday 24/08 Little Shop of HorrorsXpressions Drama Festival <strong>–</strong> 8/9 Drama - all dayTransition PD <strong>–</strong> all day - ALPolice & Emergency Services Taster <strong>–</strong> selected students <strong>–</strong> all dayTournament of Minds <strong>–</strong> selected studentsMonday 26/08 Yr 11 Uniopoly <strong>–</strong> selected students <strong>–</strong> Period 2Keys Please <strong>–</strong> all year 10 Period 2Tuesday 27/08 Writers Festival excursion <strong>–</strong> selected students <strong>–</strong> all dayCivil Construction Taster <strong>–</strong> selected students <strong>–</strong> all dayThursday 29/08 Year 12 Ag excursion- all dayFriday 30/08 Crepe Day <strong>–</strong> all dayMonday 02/09 Unit 4 Biology incursion <strong>–</strong> 1.30 <strong>–</strong> 3.30pmWednesday 04/09 Education Policy Committee <strong>–</strong> 5.00pm<strong>College</strong> Council 6.30pmYr11 Biology excursion <strong>–</strong> all dayFriday 06/09 Year 11 Formal <strong>–</strong> Lardner Park <strong>–</strong> 7.00pmMonday 09/09 Yr 11 Uniopoly <strong>–</strong> selected studentsWednesday 11/09 Buildings & Grounds Committee - 7.30pm8 HOL Straight Talk Lunch <strong>–</strong> P3 & LunchMonday 16/09 DSC House Cross Country Carnival <strong>–</strong> P4Tuesday 17/09 Parents & Friends 7.30pmWednesday 18/09 New Caledonia Trip leaves 5am <strong>–</strong>selected studentsFinance Committee 5.00pmThursday 19/09 P/T/S Interviews - 4.00pm <strong>–</strong> 9:00pmYr12 Group photo <strong>–</strong> 11.00amFriday 20/09 P/T/S Interviews - 9.00am - 12:00pmU3/4 English Practice ExamEnd Term 3SCHOOL HOLIDAYSWednesday 25/9 New Caledonia Trip returns 7pm<strong>–</strong>selected studentsSECONDARYCOLLEGEAddress:Main South Road<strong>Drouin</strong>, VICPostal Address:P.O. Box 338South Road<strong>Drouin</strong>, Victoria 3818Contact Hrs: 8.15am <strong>–</strong> 4.30pmPh: (03) 5625 1002Fax: (03) 5625 1297Email: drouin.sc@edumail.vic.gov.au

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