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Noise emission diagram created with assistance of simulation softwareEvery square represents anarea 43 m x 43 m, whichcorresponds to the wind enginediameter of 600 kW.Squares marked in strong reddenote the areas where thesound emission is more than,55 dB.It would be preferable thatresidential buildings aresituated in the squares whichshow noise emissions below 45dB.As shown in the diagram, thesurroundings affected by noiseemissions cover only fewdiameters of the wheel.

SOURCES AND PROTECTION AGAINST SHADING EFFECTOne environmental impact is called the shading effect. This is generally notstipulated by legislative, but it should be taken into consideration, that windengines, like any other high structure, cast a shadow over neighboring areasduring daytime. This shading effect presents an annoyance to persons livingnearby the wind engine. In the underlying case this is not important as the windengine is located in an uninhabited area. Regardless of all is the effect existsand it will be further on presented.VESTASWheel shadingarea

Bird species habitant in Fauna protection areas adjacent toTopolog village:- Dorobantu hills and Casimcea steppe -Rapacious bird species:Aquila pomarina (Lesser Spotted Eagle)Aquila heliaca (Imperial Eagle)Hieraaetus pennatus (Booted Eagle)Falco cherrug (Saker Falco)Falco vespertinus (Red-footed Falcon) Buteo rufinus (Long-leggedBuzzard)Circaetus gallicus (Short-toed Eagle)Circus cyaneus (Northern Harrier)Steppe bird speciesBurhinus oedicnemus (Stone(Curlew)Crex crex (Corncrake)Melanocorypha calandra (Calandra Lark)Calandrella brachydactyla (Short-toed Lark)

IMPACT ON <strong>THE</strong> ENVIRONMENTENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ON <strong>THE</strong> WATERIn this case at hand no exist accidental leaks of pollutant substances into thewater column exist.ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ON <strong>THE</strong> AIRAfter construction the objective will not represent an air pollutant source.ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ON <strong>THE</strong> SOIL AND SUBSOILConsidering the impact which could be brought onto the soil and subsoil by theactivity during its construction: this will be temporary. To accomplish this projectminimum excavations without impact on the environment are possible.ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ON <strong>THE</strong> HUMAN HABITATIONThe objective is located at the village limits of Luminita and Topolog. Thus we canspeak about an impact on the surrounding loaclities. For example: the touristicalinterest increases in the areas where the Aeolian Power Plants are already built.As a result, the number of tourists in the area will increase and this is of course, apositive impact for the surrounding communities.

POTENTIAL IMPACT ON RESDIENTS’ LIVING CONDITIONS(CHANGES IN <strong>THE</strong> ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, NOISE POLLUTION,FOOD QUALITY DECREASE)As an impact resulting from this objective, from the point of view of the quality of life,only the noise produced by the Aeolian can be seriously considered.However, Aeolian power plants produce little noise and have became more andmore silent with the advance in technology. Sound pressure at a distance of 40 metersfrom a usual power plant is between 50- 60 dB (A). This is about on the same noise levellike a conversation. For a residential area at a distance of 500 meters from the turbine,considering the wind blowing from the Aeolian towards that area, the sound pressure willbe 35 dB (A), equal with the normal background noise in a residential house.IMPACT PRODUCED ON <strong>THE</strong> FLORA AND FAUNAThe main impact on the environment (earth and vegetation) during the constructionof the project will be that of road improvements and civil works for turbines and towersinstallation. Ground displacement has only a moderate impact on the environment.Turbine installation and the road improvements will be subdued with re-vegetationmeasures after finishing the construction. As a result, the total impact on the environmentis considered very limited.The character of the activity and the limited execution length, exclude the possibilityto affect the terrestrial fauna in any way .

<strong>FOR</strong>ECASTED IMPACT ON <strong>THE</strong> LANDSCAPEWe consider the Aeolian powerplants as having a positive impact on the landscape. Inplaces where these installations are already present they have even attracted anincreased number of visitors.ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCEThis is connected to the possible disturbance caused by the Aeolian powerplant on TVreception,radio signals, radar, or any other electromagnetic signals transmitted via theair. Although there is no guarantee that the project could not cause electromagneticinterference, comparable Aeolian projects in the USA have not caused this kind ofproblem.POSSIBLE RISKS RELATED TO <strong>THE</strong> ENVIRONMENTPossible risks to the environment caused by the Aeolian turbine, as evaluated in thisparagraph, could contain the following aspects:• Work safety for the employees• Safety for residents nearby and people living in the neighborhoodThe environmental risk is maintained as low as possible by a combination of theAeolian powerplants safety and quality assurances. Additionally the risks areminimized by procedures put into effect not only during the construction but alsoduring the Aeolian turbine operation.

CONCLUSION WITHOUT TECHNICAL CHARACTERConsidering the lands’ current condition (untouched by this human activity) andthe irreversible changes brought upon it by the project, a quality index with amarking system on a scale from “1” to “10” will rate the effect on theenvironment.The calculated Pi values are:-for environmental agent water:Pi =0 mark 10,00for environmental agent air:Pi =0,2 mark 9- for environmental agent soil-subsoil:Pi =0,5 mark 8- for environmental agent flora-fauna:Pi =0,<strong>25</strong> mark 9- for environmental agent humanhabitation:Pi =0,<strong>25</strong> mark 9In adherence to the “Quality index” for IPG = 1,<strong>25</strong>, the effect is, that bythe accomplishment of the projected objective the environmentgoverns the admissible limits to the human activity.

FINAL CONSIDERATIONAfter studying the area where the Aeolian Power Plantwill be build, statistic dates, consulting literature etc., theconclusions are:C. The Aeolian powerplant has a positive impact on the landscape• The Aeolian powerplant does not bring any kind of pollution on theenvironmental agents during the production cycle• The beneficial effect of electricity production through non pollutantsources can not be denied• The layout does not affect the fauna or the vegetation and does nothave an impact on the protected areas (parks, natural reservationsetc.).E. The Aeolian powerplants location close to a neighboring area ofhuman agglomerations is recommended in the specialized literaturebecause migratory birds usually avoid these areas. Their nesting andfeeding areas are picked away from inhabited areas.

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