Job Evaluation Good Practice Guide - The Civil Service

Job Evaluation Good Practice Guide - The Civil Service

Job Evaluation Good Practice Guide - The Civil Service


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APPLYING JEGS<strong>The</strong> key to achieving fairness and consistency in the application of JEGS is inobtaining factual evidence about the full scope and responsibilities of theroles being evaluated. <strong>The</strong> quality of the output from JEGS is reliant on thequality of the input.JEGS PractitionersIt is essential that JEGS practitioners are fully trained in JEGS and that theyhave interviewing and drafting skills in order to collect and present jobevaluation evidence.Although analysts are usually drawn from management consultancy andpersonnel teams it can add value, and help the acceptability of JEGS, toinvolve people from other backgrounds (e.g. from various job families,different locations, trade union representatives, etc.).<strong>The</strong> JEGS process<strong>The</strong> recommended stages for undertaking a JEGS evaluation are as follows:1. Collect Evidence• Role holder completes <strong>Job</strong> Analysis Form• Any background information or research• Interview• Write up and agree with postholder and line manager,evidence that will form the basis of the evaluation2. Analysis• Using the JEGS factor descriptors and software, including theoutputs such as profile challenges and points score3. Quality Assurance• Comparisons for consistency between roles and betweenevaluators<strong>Job</strong> Analysis Form (JAF)Clarify the information that is required on the JAF for role holders. Althoughthe Cabinet Office supply a version of a JAF (see Annex 2) it can beredesigned and/or guidance notes can be added. If a number of people are tobe evaluated it is worth giving presentations on the completion of the JAF.Ensure that role holders are given sufficient notice and adequate time tocomplete the JAF. We would recommend at least a week, but further timemay be required - particularly if role holders want to consult with others (e.g.line managers, trade union representatives, colleagues, etc.). However,deadlines for completion should be set in order to avoid slippage in theevaluation timetable.Apart from the JAF, consider whether any other background information willbe useful before conducting the interview (e.g. anything that will help to put5

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