Job Evaluation Good Practice Guide - The Civil Service

Job Evaluation Good Practice Guide - The Civil Service

Job Evaluation Good Practice Guide - The Civil Service


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Practitioners” on page 5).5. Convene a panel of people representative of the workforce (this couldbe the original steering/working group) to rank the roles according totheir relative value to business delivery. This is known as a “Felt FairPanel”. Guidance on how to set up and run a “Felt Fair Panel” shouldbe obtained from the Cabinet Office.6. Compare the rank order of the “Felt Fair Panel” to that produced by theJEGS evaluations. If there is a close match, it will provide assurancethat JEGS is reflecting your organisation’s core business values. Ifthere is no close match and you are satisfied that the panel’sjudgements and the JEGS evaluations are sound, you may need toamend JEGS to fit your needs or, in extreme cases, seek an alternativemethodology.NB. Advice on amending JEGS can be sought from the Cabinet Office, butany ultimate requirement to amend the software will need the input of TowersPerrin.7. Once the Steering Group is satisfied that JEGS fits the organisation’sbusiness needs it can be adopted, or continue to be used, as theapproved method of job evaluation.MaintenanceOnce a structure has been designed and implemented it is important tomaintain it and to periodically ensure it and the pay system it underpins, stillserves the needs of the organisation – especially if there have been anysignificant changes to the business – such as machinery of governmentchanges or any organisational structure changes.It is also useful to develop some in-house grading guidance to inform noncontentiousgrading judgements, to maintain the relativities betweengrades/bands and help to maintain grading standards..4

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