Employee's Report of Work-Related Injury - University of Maryland ...

Employee's Report of Work-Related Injury - University of Maryland ... Employee's Report of Work-Related Injury - University of Maryland ...


Employee’s Report of Work-Related InjuryUniversity of MarylandTo be completed immediately after the accident or initial treatmentand submitted to your supervisorEmployee Name: ______________________ U_ID: ________________ Male 9( First) (Last) Female 9Date of Birth:_________ Marital Status: __________ No. of Dependents: _________________Home Address: ______________________________________________________Street City Zip CodePhone No. _______________Employment Status (check one): Contingent I 9 Contingent II 9 Hourly 9Faculty 9 Non-exempt FT/ PT 9 Exempt FT/PT 9 Research/Grad Assistant 9Job Title: ___________________ Employment Start Date: _______ Time workday began: ________Department: ______________ Work Phone No.Gross wages (biweekly): $__________Date of Accident: ________Location of Accident: ________________________________________________Bldg,Area (hall way, office, etc)Describe in detail how the accident occurred: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(describe the work-process you were engaged in, give the purpose of the function or task,describe how the injury occurred, and explain the cause)Part of body injured: _______________________Type of injury: _______________________(be specific - example: right middle finger, left ankle, upper back) (example: sprain, burn {degree of burn}, contusion, sutured)Was medical treatment sought? If so: _________________________________________________________________Name of medical providerPhone NumberNo. of days missed from work: ______Type of leave used: ____________Return to work date (as stated by physician): ___________No. of days worked with restrictions: __________________Name of witness (es): ________________________________________ Phone No. ____________Was safety equipment provided? Yes ___ No__Was safety equipment used? Yes ___ No ___Signature of employee: _____________________________ Date: __________________Questions? Call 301-405-5466see also www.des.umd.edu/ 4/03

Employee’s <strong>Report</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Work</strong>-<strong>Related</strong> <strong>Injury</strong><strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Maryland</strong>To be completed immediately after the accident or initial treatmentand submitted to your supervisorEmployee Name: ______________________ U_ID: ________________ Male 9( First) (Last) Female 9Date <strong>of</strong> Birth:_________ Marital Status: __________ No. <strong>of</strong> Dependents: _________________Home Address: ______________________________________________________Street City Zip CodePhone No. _______________Employment Status (check one): Contingent I 9 Contingent II 9 Hourly 9Faculty 9 Non-exempt FT/ PT 9 Exempt FT/PT 9 Research/Grad Assistant 9Job Title: ___________________ Employment Start Date: _______ Time workday began: ________Department: ______________ <strong>Work</strong> Phone No.Gross wages (biweekly): $__________Date <strong>of</strong> Accident: ________Location <strong>of</strong> Accident: ________________________________________________Bldg,Area (hall way, <strong>of</strong>fice, etc)Describe in detail how the accident occurred: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(describe the work-process you were engaged in, give the purpose <strong>of</strong> the function or task,describe how the injury occurred, and explain the cause)Part <strong>of</strong> body injured: _______________________Type <strong>of</strong> injury: _______________________(be specific - example: right middle finger, left ankle, upper back) (example: sprain, burn {degree <strong>of</strong> burn}, contusion, sutured)Was medical treatment sought? If so: _________________________________________________________________Name <strong>of</strong> medical providerPhone NumberNo. <strong>of</strong> days missed from work: ______Type <strong>of</strong> leave used: ____________Return to work date (as stated by physician): ___________No. <strong>of</strong> days worked with restrictions: __________________Name <strong>of</strong> witness (es): ________________________________________ Phone No. ____________Was safety equipment provided? Yes ___ No__Was safety equipment used? Yes ___ No ___Signature <strong>of</strong> employee: _____________________________ Date: __________________Questions? Call 301-405-5466see also www.des.umd.edu/ 4/03

Supervisor’s <strong>Report</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Work</strong>-<strong>Related</strong> <strong>Injury</strong><strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Maryland</strong>to be completed by the supervisor or higher authority and submitted with all otherreports to <strong>Work</strong>ers’ Compensation, Environmental Safety, 3115 Chesapeake Bldg.within 24 hours(Claim) IWIF # _______________ (to be completed by DES/WC)Name <strong>of</strong> injured employee: _________________________________________________________Date <strong>of</strong> accident: ____________Date Employer/Supervisor was notified: __________________________Location <strong>of</strong> accident: ________________________________________ Time <strong>of</strong> accident: ______________BldgArea (hallway, <strong>of</strong>fice, parking lot, etc.)Describe in detail how the accident occurred:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(describe the work-process the employee was engaged in, give the purpose <strong>of</strong> the function or task,describe how the injury occurred, and explain the cause)Part <strong>of</strong> body injured: ____________________(please be specific - example: right middle finger, left ankle, upper back)Type <strong>of</strong> <strong>Injury</strong>: __________________________(example: sprain, burn {degree <strong>of</strong> burn}, contusion, sutures)Return to work date (as stated by the physician): _______________ No. <strong>of</strong> days missed from work: __________Type <strong>of</strong> leave used: ____________No. <strong>of</strong> days worked with restrictions: _________________Witnesses to <strong>Injury</strong>:Name Job Title Phone No.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Do you agree with the employee’s description <strong>of</strong> the accident: Yes______ No_______If no, explain: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Was safety equipment provided? Yes ___ No___ Was safety equipment used? Yes ___ No___If no, explain: ________________________________________________________________Recommendation on how to prevent this accident from recurring:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Name <strong>of</strong> supervisor/department: ____________________________ <strong>Work</strong> Phone No: ____________Signature <strong>of</strong> supervisor: _________________________________ Date: ______________________Questions? Call 301-405-5466see also www.des.umd.edu/ 4/03

Supervisor’s Instructions for <strong>Report</strong>ing a <strong>Work</strong>-<strong>Related</strong> <strong>Injury</strong>! Get as many details as possible about the incident from the employee and witness (es)! Collect the completed Employee’s <strong>Report</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Work</strong>-<strong>Related</strong> <strong>Injury</strong> Form and AccidentWitness Statement. Complete the Supervisor’s <strong>Report</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Work</strong>-<strong>Related</strong> <strong>Injury</strong> Formand return all forms within 24 hours to:<strong>Work</strong>ers’ CompensationDepartment <strong>of</strong> Environmental Safety3115 Chesapeake Bldg! <strong>Report</strong> the number <strong>of</strong> days lost from work and/or the number <strong>of</strong> days employee isworking with restrictions. If the information is not available at the time <strong>of</strong> completingthe report, call the <strong>Work</strong>ers’ Compensation Office (301) 405-5466 when the employeereturns to work or is no longer working with restrictions.! When an employee is absent due to a job injury, the supervisor must require medicaldocumentation for this disability. If long term, disability notes are required every twoweeks. This medical documentation should contain:T a diagnosisT current medical managementT restrictionsT a return to work date! If the employee is returned to work in a modified duty capacity, the supervisor shouldmake every effort to accommodate the restrictions.! <strong>University</strong> policy states that an employee is eligible for accident leave immediately forup to 30 days unless otherwise notified. Only employees in “permanent employment”status are eligible for accident leave.Any questions call (301) 405-5466.

Employee Instructions for <strong>Work</strong>-<strong>Related</strong> <strong>Injury</strong> or IllnessThe following information is provided to guide the employee who is injured while at work.It is important that these instructions be followed in order to receive all available benefits.If possible, provide a verbal description <strong>of</strong> the accident to your supervisor, immediatelyafter the accident.Medical Treatment:Injured while on campus:If you are injured while working on campus and need medical attention, it is recommendedthat you go to the Health Center. The Health Center will provide you with all the necessaryforms to report the accident.Injured while <strong>of</strong>f campus:If you are injured while <strong>of</strong>f campus and go to an emergency room or see your privatephysician, the accident report forms are available on the DES web site:http://www.des.umd.edu/ - click on Risk Management/<strong>Work</strong>ers’ Compensationfor more informationImmediately following your initial treatment complete the accident report form andforward it to your supervisor.IMPORTANT: Any medical treatment other than emergency visits, initial treatments, orroutine <strong>of</strong>fice visits must be pre-authorized.Your medical provider will ask you for a “claim number” and insurance information. Callthe <strong>Work</strong>ers’ Compensation <strong>of</strong>fice @ (301) 405-5466 to obtain this number andinformation.The Injured <strong>Work</strong>ers’ Insurance Fund is the workers’compensation carrier for <strong>University</strong>employees. The adjuster may call you to investigate the incident. Provide as many detailsabout the accident as you can. It will aid the adjuster in determining whether your injury iscompensable under the <strong>Maryland</strong> <strong>Work</strong>ers’ Compensation Law.Note: If you do not complete and submit the injury report, the Health Center will bill forservices rendered.You must provide your supervisor with a note from your doctor for any time <strong>of</strong>f due to ajob injury disability - regardless <strong>of</strong> what type <strong>of</strong> leave you are using.

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