The Healthy Management of Reality - Stanford University

The Healthy Management of Reality - Stanford University

The Healthy Management of Reality - Stanford University


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do is done with Him at my side. With Him at my side, everything I do becomesholy. Peeling potatoes is as holy an act as praying in church. <strong>The</strong>re is nothing I door think which is separate from God. And, because I am never away from God, Iam always in His care, never alone, never forgotten. As he practiced thisconsciousness <strong>of</strong> the presence <strong>of</strong> his God, Brother Lawrence learned that, at first, ittook effort to retain this mind state. But, as he reminded himself to do so, theconsciousness <strong>of</strong> being with his God, became second nature to him. And he foundthat this practice resulted in a deep sense <strong>of</strong> peace and happiness. <strong>The</strong> book is acompilation <strong>of</strong> his letters to others who sought to become close to the ChristianGod. <strong>The</strong>y make fascinating reading.Other traditions provide similar spiritual practices, such as the practice <strong>of</strong>mindfulness in the Buddhist tradition, the use <strong>of</strong> communal prayers at certain timesthroughout the day, practiced by Islam and many other religions, and the tradition<strong>of</strong> having conversations with one's God, as in some <strong>of</strong> the Jewish writings and thepractices <strong>of</strong> Christian mystics. Practices such as these are intended to bring theattention <strong>of</strong> the faithful back to what they understand to be the ultimate reality, bethat understood as a person-like entity, a Supreme Being, such as the ChristianGod, or a more ethereal, ineffable reality, inherently incomprehensible by thehuman mind, such as the Tao.My life experiences have led me to have a deep respect for the large variety<strong>of</strong> religious experiences that I have encountered. I was brought up in Perú, acountry in which Catholicism was, for practical purposes, the only religion. As achild, I was a deeply devout Catholic. I believed that only those who had beenbaptized Catholic and who had lived according to the teachings <strong>of</strong> the RomanCatholic Church would be saved. At age 10, my parents immigrated to SanFrancisco. I met many people from a wide variety <strong>of</strong> traditions in the next 10HMOR.July2005.Muñoz.doc 97

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