52 Induction Training Programme{26/11/2012 TO 04/01/2012 ... - ATI

52 Induction Training Programme{26/11/2012 TO 04/01/2012 ... - ATI 52 Induction Training Programme{26/11/2012 TO 04/01/2012 ... - ATI

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Session1-DayTopicSubtopic52 Induction Training Programme{26/11/2012 TO 04/01/2012 For (Newly RecruitedSecurity Guards)Week No 10945:1300 hrs1400:1715 hrs2-Day0945:1300 hrs1400:1715 hrs3-Day0945:1300 hrs1400:1530 hrs1545:1715 hrs4-Day0945:1300 hrs1400:1715 hrs5-Day0945:1115 hrs1130:1300 hrs1400:1715 hrs6-DayInaugurationDAE Organisation & its ActivitiesIndustrial Security ManagementDuties of Security GuardIndustrial Security ManagementCCS (CCA) RulesCCS (Conduct) RulesIndustrial Security ManagementLeave & LTC RulesDepartmental Security InstructionEspionageFire Prevention & Fire FightingWelcome;Course Overview;Key Note address by Guest of Honor;Inaugural Address by IG, Security, DAE,Vote of ThanksOverviewDogs in industrial security; Security of Building - Locking and sealing, KeyManagement; Security of material and stores- Movement of Material, SpecialItems/ Computer/ Media ;Common factors affecting the security of anindustry; Access Control System- System of Identification, Pass System(Employees, Contractors, ;Physical security system - Perimeter wall, Fencing,Gates, Watch Towers, Patrolling & ;Vital Plant / FacilitiesIntroduction, Need for Security, Tasks and Responsibility, Maintenance ofSecurity DiaryDogs in industrial security; Security of Building - Locking and sealing, KeyManagement; Security of material and stores- Movement of Material, SpecialItems/ Computer/ Media ;Common factors affecting the security of anindustry; Access Control System- System of Identification, Pass System(Employees, Contractors, ;Physical security system - Perimeter wall, Fencing,Gates, Watch Towers, Patrolling & ;Vital Plant / FacilitiesOverviewActivities amounting to misconduct, Do's and Don’t's, Actiivities requiringpermission etc.Dogs in industrial security; Security of Building - Locking and sealing, KeyManagement; Security of material and stores- Movement of Material, SpecialItems/ Computer/ Media ;Common factors affecting the security of anindustry; Access Control System- System of Identification, Pass System(Employees, Contractors, ;Physical security system - Perimeter wall, Fencing,Gates, Watch Towers, Patrolling & ;Vital Plant / FacilitiesOverviewClassification of documents, Security of Information, Security of classifieddocuments, Movement of document outside the premises ofcustody,Movement within the building, Despatch of documentsOverviewOverview

Session1-DayTopicSubtopic<strong>52</strong> <strong>Induction</strong> <strong>Training</strong> <strong>Programme</strong>{<strong>26</strong>/<strong>11</strong>/<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> <strong>TO</strong> <strong>04</strong>/<strong>01</strong>/<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> For (Newly RecruitedSecurity Guards)Week No 10945:1300 hrs1400:1715 hrs2-Day0945:1300 hrs1400:1715 hrs3-Day0945:1300 hrs1400:1530 hrs1545:1715 hrs4-Day0945:1300 hrs1400:1715 hrs5-Day0945:<strong>11</strong>15 hrs<strong>11</strong>30:1300 hrs1400:1715 hrs6-DayInaugurationDAE Organisation & its ActivitiesIndustrial Security ManagementDuties of Security GuardIndustrial Security ManagementCCS (CCA) RulesCCS (Conduct) RulesIndustrial Security ManagementLeave & LTC RulesDepartmental Security InstructionEspionageFire Prevention & Fire FightingWelcome;Course Overview;Key Note address by Guest of Honor;Inaugural Address by IG, Security, DAE,Vote of ThanksOverviewDogs in industrial security; Security of Building - Locking and sealing, KeyManagement; Security of material and stores- Movement of Material, SpecialItems/ Computer/ Media ;Common factors affecting the security of anindustry; Access Control System- System of Identification, Pass System(Employees, Contractors, ;Physical security system - Perimeter wall, Fencing,Gates, Watch Towers, Patrolling & ;Vital Plant / FacilitiesIntroduction, Need for Security, Tasks and Responsibility, Maintenance ofSecurity DiaryDogs in industrial security; Security of Building - Locking and sealing, KeyManagement; Security of material and stores- Movement of Material, SpecialItems/ Computer/ Media ;Common factors affecting the security of anindustry; Access Control System- System of Identification, Pass System(Employees, Contractors, ;Physical security system - Perimeter wall, Fencing,Gates, Watch Towers, Patrolling & ;Vital Plant / FacilitiesOverviewActivities amounting to misconduct, Do's and Don’t's, Actiivities requiringpermission etc.Dogs in industrial security; Security of Building - Locking and sealing, KeyManagement; Security of material and stores- Movement of Material, SpecialItems/ Computer/ Media ;Common factors affecting the security of anindustry; Access Control System- System of Identification, Pass System(Employees, Contractors, ;Physical security system - Perimeter wall, Fencing,Gates, Watch Towers, Patrolling & ;Vital Plant / FacilitiesOverviewClassification of documents, Security of Information, Security of classifieddocuments, Movement of document outside the premises ofcustody,Movement within the building, Despatch of documentsOverviewOverview

Session3-Day0945:1715hrs4-Day0945:1715hrs5-Day0945:1715hrs6-Day0945:1715hrs1-DayWeek No 30945:<strong>11</strong>15 hrs<strong>11</strong>30:1300 hrs1400:1715 hrs2-Day0945:1715hrs3-Day0945:1300 hrs1400:1715 hrs4-Day0945:1715hrs5-Day0945:1715hrs6-Day0945:1715hrs7-Day0945:1715hrs1-DayWeek No 40945:1715hrs2-DayTopicVisit to TarapurBehavioural SkillsBehavioural SkillsStudy LeaveOfficial Secret ActRight to Information ActScience and Technology in IndustrialSecurityRadiation Detection, equipment &Nuclear/ Radiological Emergency.ExaminationStudy TourStudy TourStudy TourStudy TourStudy TourStudy TourSubtopicVisit to NPCIL and BARC FacilitiesTeam Building, Motivation etc.Communication Skills, Personality etc.Not ApplicableOverviewOverviewScience and Technology in Basic alarm system, Function and Utility;Electromechanic, Sonic, Infra Red (IR), Magnetic, Microwave & Other systems;Devicesfor open area protection;Devices for close area protection;Devices forsurveillance & CCTV, X-ray Scanner, Metal detectors, Explosive detector .Radiation Detection, equipment & Nuclear fuel cycle, Nuclear power & Nuclearfacilities;Atom, Element;Stable & Unstable nuclides, Radioactivity;Natural &man made radiation sources;Radiation Protection;Internal radiation exposure& personnel protective clothing;Radiation dose limits;Biological effects ofradiation;PART-I;Transport of Radioactive materials;Detection &Measurement;Use of radioactivity & radiation techniques in daily life;PART-II;Preparedness & Response for radiation emergency in DAE Facilities.;PART-III;Response to Malicious use of radioactive material and nuclear terrorismsafety and security;Illicit trafficking of radioactive materials;Nuclear weapons,Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD), Improvised Nuclear Devices (INDs)&;Contamination & decontamination;Introduction to exposure, dose &dosimetrySyllabus already coveredVisit to UnitsVisit to UnitsVisit to UnitsVisit to UnitsVisit to UnitsVisit to Units

Session1400:1530 hrs1545:1715 hrs0945:1715hrs3-Day0945:1715hrs4-Day0945:1300 hrs0945:1300 hrs1400:1715 hrs6-Day0945:1300 hrs1400:1715 hrs1-DayWeek No 50945:<strong>11</strong>15 hrs<strong>11</strong>30:1300 hrs1400:1715 hrs2-Day0945:1715hrs3-Day0945:1715hrs4-Day0945:1715hrs5-Day0945:1300 hrs1400:1715 hrs6-Day0945:1715hrs1-DayWeek No 60945:1715hrs2-Day0945:1715hrs3-Day0945:1715hrs4-DayTopicProtection of Human Rights ActSabotage & SubversionStudy TourStudy TourStudy TourDealing With Bomb ThreatStudy Tour Report PreparationMock Exercise (Security)Holiday (half day)National Flag CodeSecurity of DAE TownshipComputersComputersComputersComputersStudy LeaveExaminationPassing Out Parade PreparationPassing Out Parade PreparationPassing Out Parade PreparationPassing Out Parade PreparationSubtopicOverview;Section-1 & 2. Short Title & Definition -30. Human Rights Courts;Section-3. Constitution of National human right commission; Section-4.Appointment Chairperson and other members; Section-14. Investigation;Section-13. Powers relating to inquires; Section-12. Functions of theCommissionIntroduction; Definition, Sabotage Saboteur; Targets of saboteur; Methods ofsabotage; Preventive measuresVisit to UnitsVisit to UnitsVisit to UnitsIntroduction, Identification, Threat Assessment, Response, Evacuation,Guidance For Telephone Operator / Checklist, Preventive measuresStudy Tour ReportDealing with emergency situationNot ApplicableOverviewSecurity Survey of Residential Colonies;Security Plan oftownship;Perimeter;Streets;Bungalows & Apartment Houses;VitalInstallation;Security Procedures;Preventive Measures;VisitMS WordMS PowerPointMS WordMS ExcelNot ApplicableSyllabus already coveredPracticePracticePracticePractice

Session0945:1715hrs5-Day0945:1300 hrs1400:1715 hrsTopicPassing Out Parade PreparationPassing Out ParadeValediction & Cultural <strong>Programme</strong>SubtopicPracticeParadeWecome;Course Summary;Certificate Distribution;Key Note Address by Guest of Honor;Valedictory address by IG, Security;Vote of Thanks

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