India - Constitution - Directorate General of Mines Safety

India - Constitution - Directorate General of Mines Safety India - Constitution - Directorate General of Mines Safety


44. The Madras Occupants of Kudiyiruppu (Protection from Eviction)Act, 1961 (Madras Act XXXVIII of 1961).45. The Madras Public Trust (Regulation of Administration ofAgricultural Lands) Act, 1961 (Madras Act LVII of 1961).46. The Madras Land Reforms (Fixation of Ceiling on Land) Act,1961 (Madras Act LVIII of 1961).47. The Mysore Tenancy Act, 1952 (Mysore Act XII of 1952).48. The Coorg Tenants Act, 1957 (Mysore Act XIV of 1957).49. The Mysore Village Offices Abolition Act, 1961 (Mysore ActXIV of 1961).50. The Hyderabad Tenancy and Agricultural Lands (Validation) Act,1961 (Mysore Act XXXVI of 1961).51. The Mysore Land Reforms Act, 1961 (Mysore Act X of 1962).52. The Orissa Land Reforms Act, 1960 (Orissa Act XVI of 1960).53. The Orissa Merged Territories (Village Offices Abolition) Act,1963 (Orissa Act X of 1963).54. The Punjab Security of Land Tenures Act, 1953 (Punjab Act X of1953).55. The Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955 (Rajasthan Act III of 1955).56. The Rajasthan Zamindari and Biswedari Abolition Act,1959 (Rajasthan Act VIII of 1959).57. The Kumaun and Uttarakhand Zamindari Abolition and LandReforms Act, 1960 (Utar Pradesh Act XVII of 1960).58. The Uttar Pradesh Imposition of Ceiling on Land Holdings Act,1960 (Uttar Pradesh Act I of 1961).59. The West Bengal Estates Acquisition Act, 1953 (West Bengal ActI of 1954).60. The West Bengal Land Reforms Act, 1955 (West Bengal Act X of1956).61. Then Delhi Land Reforms Act, 1954 (Delhi Act VIII of 1954).62. The Delhi Land Holdings (Ceiling) Act, 1960 (Central Act 24 of1960).63. The Manipur Land Revenue and Land Reforms Act,1960 (Central Act 33 of 1960).64. The Tripura Land Revenue and Land Reforms Act, 1960 (CentralAct 43 of 1960).65. The Kerala Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1969 (Kerala Act 35of 1969).66. The Kerala Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1971 (Kerala Act 25of 1971).67. The Andhra Pradesh Land Reforms (Ceiling on AgriculturalHoldings) Act, 1973 (Andhra Pradesh Act I of 1973).68. The Bihar Land Reforms (Fixation of Ceiling Aea and Acquisitionof Surplus Land) (Amendment) Act, 1972 (Bihar Act 1 of 1973).69. The Bihar Land Reforms (Fixation of Ceiling Area andAcquisition of Surplus Land) (Amendment) Act, 1973 (Bihar Act IXof 1973).70. The Bihar Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1972 (Bihar Act V of1972).71. The Gujarat Agricultural Lands Ceiling (Amendment) Act,1972 (Gujarat Act 2 of 1974).72. The Haryana Ceiling on Land Holdings Act, 1972 (Haryana Act26 of 1972).73. The Himachal Pradesh Ceiling on Land Holdings Act,1972 (Himachal Pradesh Act 19 or 1973).74. The Kerala Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1972 (Kerala Act 17of 1972).75. The Madhya Pradesh Ceiling on AgriculturalHoldings (Amendment) Act, 1972 (Madhya Pradesh Act 12 of 1974).

76. The Madhya Pradesh Ceiling on Agricultural Holdings (SecondAmendment) Act, 1972 (Madhya Pradesh Act 13 of 1974).77. The Mysore Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1973 (KarnatakaAct 1 of 1974).78. The Punjab Land Reforms Act, 1072 (Punjab) Act 10 of 1973).79. The Rajasthan Imposition of Ceiling on Agricultural HoldingsAct, 1973 (Rajasthan Act 11 of 1973).80. The Gudalur Janmam Estates (Abolition and Conversion intoRyotwari) Act, 1969 (Tamil Nadu Act 24 of 1969).81. The West Bengal Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1972 (WestBengal Act XII of 1972).82. The West Bengal Estates Acquisition (Amendment) Act,1964 (West Bengal Act XXII of 1964).83. The West Bengal Estates Acquisition (Second Amendment) Act,1973 (West Bengal Act XXXIII of 1973).84. The Bombay Tenancy and Agricultural Lands (GujaratAmendment) Act, 1972 (Gujarat Act 5 of 1973).85. The Orissa Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1974 (Orissa Act 9of 1974).86. The Tripura Land Revenue and Land Reforms (SecondAmendment) Act, 1974 (Tripura Act 7 of 1974).87. {...}88. The Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951 (CentralAct 65 of 1951).89. The Requisitioning and Acquisition of Immovable Property Act,1952 (Central Act 30 of 1952).90. The Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act,1957 (Central Act 67 of 1957).91. The Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act,1969 (Central Act 54 of 1969).92. {...}93. The Coking Coal Mines (Emergency Provisions) Act,1971 (Central Act 64 of 1971).94. The Coking Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act, 1972 (Central Act36 of 1972).95. The General Insurance Business (Nationalisation) Act,1972 (Central Act 57 of 1972).96. The Indian Copper Corporation (Acquisition of Undertaking) Act,1972 (Central Act 58 of 1972).97. The Sick Textile Undertakings (Taking Over of Management)Act, 1972 (Central Act 72 of 1972).98. The Coal Mines (Taking Over of Management) Act, 1973 (CentralAct 15 of 1973).99. The Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act, 1973 (Central Act 26 of1973).100. The Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973 (Central Act 46 of1973).101. The Alcock Ashdown Company Limited (Acquisition ofUndertakings) Act, 1973 (Central Act 56 of 1973).102. The Coal Mines (Conservation and Development) Act,1974 (Central Act 28 of 1974).103. The Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act,1974 (Central Act 37 of 1974).104. The Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention ofSmuggling Activities Act, 1974 (Central Act 52 of 1974).105. The Sick Textile Undertakings (Nationalisation) Act,1974 (Cental Act 57 of 1974).106. The Maharashtra Agricultural Lands (Ceiling onHoldings) (Amendment) Act, 1964 (Maharashtra Act XVI of 1965).

44. The Madras Occupants <strong>of</strong> Kudiyiruppu (Protection from Eviction)Act, 1961 (Madras Act XXXVIII <strong>of</strong> 1961).45. The Madras Public Trust (Regulation <strong>of</strong> Administration <strong>of</strong>Agricultural Lands) Act, 1961 (Madras Act LVII <strong>of</strong> 1961).46. The Madras Land Reforms (Fixation <strong>of</strong> Ceiling on Land) Act,1961 (Madras Act LVIII <strong>of</strong> 1961).47. The Mysore Tenancy Act, 1952 (Mysore Act XII <strong>of</strong> 1952).48. The Coorg Tenants Act, 1957 (Mysore Act XIV <strong>of</strong> 1957).49. The Mysore Village Offices Abolition Act, 1961 (Mysore ActXIV <strong>of</strong> 1961).50. The Hyderabad Tenancy and Agricultural Lands (Validation) Act,1961 (Mysore Act XXXVI <strong>of</strong> 1961).51. The Mysore Land Reforms Act, 1961 (Mysore Act X <strong>of</strong> 1962).52. The Orissa Land Reforms Act, 1960 (Orissa Act XVI <strong>of</strong> 1960).53. The Orissa Merged Territories (Village Offices Abolition) Act,1963 (Orissa Act X <strong>of</strong> 1963).54. The Punjab Security <strong>of</strong> Land Tenures Act, 1953 (Punjab Act X <strong>of</strong>1953).55. The Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955 (Rajasthan Act III <strong>of</strong> 1955).56. The Rajasthan Zamindari and Biswedari Abolition Act,1959 (Rajasthan Act VIII <strong>of</strong> 1959).57. The Kumaun and Uttarakhand Zamindari Abolition and LandReforms Act, 1960 (Utar Pradesh Act XVII <strong>of</strong> 1960).58. The Uttar Pradesh Imposition <strong>of</strong> Ceiling on Land Holdings Act,1960 (Uttar Pradesh Act I <strong>of</strong> 1961).59. The West Bengal Estates Acquisition Act, 1953 (West Bengal ActI <strong>of</strong> 1954).60. The West Bengal Land Reforms Act, 1955 (West Bengal Act X <strong>of</strong>1956).61. Then Delhi Land Reforms Act, 1954 (Delhi Act VIII <strong>of</strong> 1954).62. The Delhi Land Holdings (Ceiling) Act, 1960 (Central Act 24 <strong>of</strong>1960).63. The Manipur Land Revenue and Land Reforms Act,1960 (Central Act 33 <strong>of</strong> 1960).64. The Tripura Land Revenue and Land Reforms Act, 1960 (CentralAct 43 <strong>of</strong> 1960).65. The Kerala Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1969 (Kerala Act 35<strong>of</strong> 1969).66. The Kerala Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1971 (Kerala Act 25<strong>of</strong> 1971).67. The Andhra Pradesh Land Reforms (Ceiling on AgriculturalHoldings) Act, 1973 (Andhra Pradesh Act I <strong>of</strong> 1973).68. The Bihar Land Reforms (Fixation <strong>of</strong> Ceiling Aea and Acquisition<strong>of</strong> Surplus Land) (Amendment) Act, 1972 (Bihar Act 1 <strong>of</strong> 1973).69. The Bihar Land Reforms (Fixation <strong>of</strong> Ceiling Area andAcquisition <strong>of</strong> Surplus Land) (Amendment) Act, 1973 (Bihar Act IX<strong>of</strong> 1973).70. The Bihar Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1972 (Bihar Act V <strong>of</strong>1972).71. The Gujarat Agricultural Lands Ceiling (Amendment) Act,1972 (Gujarat Act 2 <strong>of</strong> 1974).72. The Haryana Ceiling on Land Holdings Act, 1972 (Haryana Act26 <strong>of</strong> 1972).73. The Himachal Pradesh Ceiling on Land Holdings Act,1972 (Himachal Pradesh Act 19 or 1973).74. The Kerala Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1972 (Kerala Act 17<strong>of</strong> 1972).75. The Madhya Pradesh Ceiling on AgriculturalHoldings (Amendment) Act, 1972 (Madhya Pradesh Act 12 <strong>of</strong> 1974).

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