Executive Director Report - Gateway PGA

Executive Director Report - Gateway PGA Executive Director Report - Gateway PGA

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Brought To You by Optimal Lifestyles, Inc.Golf requires a certain level of energy, but it’sdifficult to maintain energy throughout theday. The problem is compounded when you’replanning an after-work golf game (ever feelthat 3 p.m. energy slump?). With minimaltweaking to your daily routines, however,you’ll be able to both work hard and play hard.Keep your energy flowing by following thesesimple, but effective tips:* Sweet Dreams – Call it a day at a reasonablehour and get a good night’s sleep. Resist thatnext cup of coffee or caffeinated soda duringthe day if it keeps you awake.* Fuel Up at Breakfast – Going withoutbreakfast is like pulling out of the garage withno gas in your car. Oatmeal with fresh fruit is agood choice, or whole-grain bread with peanutbutter and banana.* Stay Hydrated – Although this is difficult toremember when you’re busy at work, drinkingplenty of water during the day is essential. Ifyou feel that afternoon slump coming on, itcould be dehydration setting in, which affectsmental alertness, as well as energy levels. Youalready know drinking liquids during a golfgame is smart – make it a daylong habit.* Avoid Large Meals – Try eating smallermeals and snacks four to six times a day, ratherthan the typical three large meals. Eatingthroughout the day helps maintain more consistentenergy levels. Have energy-rich snackson hand such as bananas, apples, grapes, carrots,celery sticks or whole grain crackers withpeanut butter or cheese.* Keep Moving – Get up from your desk andmove around during the day. Take a walkdown the hall (or better yet, up and down thestairs). A short break can recharge your batteriesand leave you feeling refreshed by the timeyou return to the tasks at hand.* Take a Stretch Break – Whether you canget up and walk around or not, it is helpful totake a stretch break. Stretch both sides of yourbody, do some seated cat/dog movements,move your neck from side to side and do lightside twisting. These movements get bloodflowing, which sends energy throughout yourbody. Be cognizant of your posture, too. Situp tall, starting with your tailbone and movingup your back.* Clear Your Mind – Every now and then,take a couple of minutes or more to clear yourmind: Assume a comfortable position; closeyour eyes; focus on your breathing; breathe inand out of your nose (if possible) slow, longbreaths. If any thoughts come in let them flowthrough and come back to your breathing. Justlike in golf, this mental exercise helps you focusand stay in the present moment.* Avoid the Vending Machine – When youfall into an afternoon slump, indulge in freshfruit, or better yet, peanut butter or cheese on awhole grain cracker or roll. Stay away fromthe vending machine that may be filled withoverly salty or sweet snacks.Following these eight simple tips, you shouldfeel more energized for those late afternoonrounds of golf. For extended fitness information,contact Barb at Optimal Lifestyles.Email: barb@optimallifestylesinc.comwww.optimallifestylesinc.com(314) 984-0592Optimal Lifestyles, Inc is a health and fitness consulting company and fitness education sponsor for the Gateway PGA. Optimal Lifestyles, Inc.provides personal training, golf fitness and yoga for golfers. The information provided by Optimal Lifestyles is for educational purposes andshould not replace care or advice of a physician. Please check with a physician if you are starting an exercise program or suspect you are ill.Gateway Section | 17269 Wild Horse Creek Rd, Ste 110 | Chesterfield, MO 63005-1360 | gateway@pgahq.com | www.gatewaypga.org8

TOURNAMENT UPDATESAt the end of each tournament season we send out the annual tournament survey to get your feedback on theGateway PGA Tournament Program. Each year we receive several responses of why people can’t participate andthe top reasons are consistently family obligations and work schedule. Unfortunately, those are out of our controlwhen it comes to creating more participation at our events. We did receive comments last year that if we offeredtournaments on a day other than Monday some individuals would be more likely to get out and participate.This year the Tournament Committee has added a ‘Thursday Game Series’. So far we have two dates scheduledwith a third still in the works. The first event was scheduled on April 26 at The Golf Club of Pevely Farms. Unfortunately,we did not garner enough participation so this event was canceled. We will try again on May 17 atGateway National Golf Links. These 18-hole individual stroke play events will use tee time blocks in the earlymorning and early afternoon for schedule convenience. Individuals who choose to play in the morning will simplyturn their scorecard into the Golf Shop and the scoring and results will be finalized after the afternoon wave hasfinished play. The entry fee for these events will be $40 cash, half of our usual Pro-Open entry fees. If you choose toride you will also be responsible for paying the facility cart fee as well. The events will be administered by amember of the Tournament Committee to eliminate administrative fees and keep the entry fee dollars in the purse.A big thank you to our host professionals for opening up their tee sheets for these events. I hope this will give moresection members and apprentices the opportunity to get out and compete, network and socialize with their peers. Asalways, I am available for questions about our tournament program. I know myself and the rest of the TournamentCommittee is glad competition has begun! Congrats to Bob Gaus for taking the first major of the 2012 season atAnnbriar. I look forward to seeing everyone this season on the links.Brett Moomey, PGAGateway PGA Tournament ChairmanAnnual Gateway Cup Matches RecapThe Gateway PGA and Metropolitan AmateurGolf Association squared off at Old HickoryCC for the Annual Gateway Cup Matches onApril 1-2nd. With the Gateway PGA teamhaving edged the Amateurs the last 2 years,both teams knew it would be a battle for the2012 bragging rights. The Gateway PGAteam played tough down the stretch and cameaway with an 18-10 victory over theMetropolitan Amateurs. Special thanks to EdSchwent and Old Hickory CC for their hospitalityand course conditions as well as CurtRohe and his staff at the MAGA for puttingon a great event.CLICK HERE FOR FULL RESULTSGateway Section | 17269 Wild Horse Creek Rd, Ste 110 | Chesterfield, MO 63005-1360 | gateway@pgahq.com | www.gatewaypga.org9

TOURNAMENT UPDATESAt the end of each tournament season we send out the annual tournament survey to get your feedback on the<strong>Gateway</strong> <strong>PGA</strong> Tournament Program. Each year we receive several responses of why people can’t participate andthe top reasons are consistently family obligations and work schedule. Unfortunately, those are out of our controlwhen it comes to creating more participation at our events. We did receive comments last year that if we offeredtournaments on a day other than Monday some individuals would be more likely to get out and participate.This year the Tournament Committee has added a ‘Thursday Game Series’. So far we have two dates scheduledwith a third still in the works. The first event was scheduled on April 26 at The Golf Club of Pevely Farms. Unfortunately,we did not garner enough participation so this event was canceled. We will try again on May 17 at<strong>Gateway</strong> National Golf Links. These 18-hole individual stroke play events will use tee time blocks in the earlymorning and early afternoon for schedule convenience. Individuals who choose to play in the morning will simplyturn their scorecard into the Golf Shop and the scoring and results will be finalized after the afternoon wave hasfinished play. The entry fee for these events will be $40 cash, half of our usual Pro-Open entry fees. If you choose toride you will also be responsible for paying the facility cart fee as well. The events will be administered by amember of the Tournament Committee to eliminate administrative fees and keep the entry fee dollars in the purse.A big thank you to our host professionals for opening up their tee sheets for these events. I hope this will give moresection members and apprentices the opportunity to get out and compete, network and socialize with their peers. Asalways, I am available for questions about our tournament program. I know myself and the rest of the TournamentCommittee is glad competition has begun! Congrats to Bob Gaus for taking the first major of the 2012 season atAnnbriar. I look forward to seeing everyone this season on the links.Brett Moomey, <strong>PGA</strong><strong>Gateway</strong> <strong>PGA</strong> Tournament ChairmanAnnual <strong>Gateway</strong> Cup Matches RecapThe <strong>Gateway</strong> <strong>PGA</strong> and Metropolitan AmateurGolf Association squared off at Old HickoryCC for the Annual <strong>Gateway</strong> Cup Matches onApril 1-2nd. With the <strong>Gateway</strong> <strong>PGA</strong> teamhaving edged the Amateurs the last 2 years,both teams knew it would be a battle for the2012 bragging rights. The <strong>Gateway</strong> <strong>PGA</strong>team played tough down the stretch and cameaway with an 18-10 victory over theMetropolitan Amateurs. Special thanks to EdSchwent and Old Hickory CC for their hospitalityand course conditions as well as CurtRohe and his staff at the MAGA for puttingon a great event.CLICK HERE FOR FULL RESULTS<strong>Gateway</strong> Section | 17269 Wild Horse Creek Rd, Ste 110 | Chesterfield, MO 63005-1360 | gateway@pgahq.com | www.gatewaypga.org9

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