All the fun of the Circus - Cerebral Palsy League

All the fun of the Circus - Cerebral Palsy League All the fun of the Circus - Cerebral Palsy League


WIN! $500 bybecoming aLeague MemberIn response to requests for additional therapy services, the CerebralPalsy League established Capability Queensland Private TherapyService to allow access to additional services on a user-pays basis.Therapists providing these services are employed by the Leagueand are registered with the Health Insurance Commission to enableclients to claim services from their private health insurers. Servicesavailable are:PhysiotherapyOccupational therapySpeech pathologyPsychologyAdults and children can access Capability Queensland PrivateTherapy Service. Therapy sessions can take place at the clinic or athome. However, travel expenses will be incurred for home visits.Appointments will vary depending on the service being provided.Specific costing for your service will be provided once your needshave been identified during the initial visit. For further information,or a Schedule of Fees, contact Capability Queensland PrivateTherapy Service.Capability QueenslandPrivate Therapy ServiceBrisbane - Ph: 07 3347 7200Wide Bay Burnett - Ph: 07 4124 8000Gold Coast - Ph: 07 5532 2088Toowoomba - Ph: 07 4688 9400BEING a member of the CerebralPalsy League of Queensland givesyou a powerful voice in the futuredirection of the organisation andif you join before the end of June2008 you will go into the draw towin a $500 gift voucher.There are two types of leaguemembership. Ordinary membershipthat gives you the opportunity tovote (not CPLQ staff) on importantissues, contribute to debates,participate in League activities,access to expertise and resources,and special discounts.Corporate members are entitled tounique promotional opportunitiesincluding logo placement and alink on our website, the opportunityto quote as a preferred supplier,priority sponsorship opportunitiesand an advertisement in LeagueNews.To enter the draw simply becomea League Member by June 2008.You will go into the draw to win a$500 gift voucher to spend at anEFTPOS facility of your choice.The draw will take place on Friday4 July 2008. Existing members willbe automatically included in thedraw.For more information aboutLeague Membership log or phone1800 819 086.Page 6 - League News Volume 31 Edition 4, 2007

Trusts and foundations fill the gapIT is said cerebral palsy is one of the most expensivedisabilities to manage. There is no ‘one size fi ts all’solution and equipment is customised to the individual.As a child grows, their equipment must be modifi ed orreplaced.League therapists provide families assessment,prescription and assistance to obtain assistiveequipment such as wheelchairs, bath trolleys, computerswitches and communication devices designed toadapt everyday items so people with limited physicalabilities can function more independently.Assistive technology makes it possible for childrento interact with peers on and off the playground,engage in the curriculum by reading books, preparingassignments, and contributing to discussions andinitiating conversation. It assists adults to engage inthe community, seek employment and retain jobs.The gap between state subsidy funds and the actualcost of equipment can run into thousands of dollarsthat families need to unearth. Yet these tools arevital for their children’s optimum physical, social, andacademic growth and development.The League applauds the actions of several trusts andfoundations that made dreams come true for familiesover the past quarter. These include:• St George Foundation: Approvals of individualequipment needs for children $72,890• Honda Foundation: Equipment Loans Pool Itemsfor Adults $22,948• Townsville City Council: Equipment Loans PoolItems for Children $1,000Tim says “Thank You” HBOSLEAGUE Client, Tim Pearce now has no diffi cultysaying “thank you”, thanks to a generous donation of$11,300 from the HBOS Australia Foundation.Tim has diffi culty communicating as a result of hisCerebral Palsy. Of the funds donated $9,000 willbe allocated to the purchase of a Dynavox DVRcommunication device to assist Tim communicate.The remaining $2,300 has been allocated towardsanother League Client for the purchase of a wheelchairmounted communication deviceCommittee Member, Lydia O’Brien and Asset FinanceSpecialist, Danika Harrison from the HBOS AustraliaFoundation presented the funds to Tim’s motherCathy Pearce and League Speech Pathologist,Wendy Webster on Wednesday, 26 September.“With the aid of Tim’s new communication device hewill now have the opportunity to communicate andexpress himself like never before”, Wendy said.• Gambling Community Benefi t Fund: Ceiling Hoistsfor Sevenoaks $30,000The League offers letters of support to individualsapplying directly to trusts and foundations.Acknowledgment is made in appreciation to theapproval of funds to the following organisations:••••Aussie Kidz CharityVariety ClubEliza and Walter Hall TrustMcDonalds Foundation, Greater BrisbaneVarious service clubs of Rotary, Lions•Filling the gap has allowed people with limited physicalabilities to become more active members in theircommunities.Pictured above: The team from’ St GeorgeFoundation’ Mt Gravatt Manager, Peter Newman;Regional Executive, Ros Hawkanson; League Client,Elliott Erzetic; and State Manager, Rhyll Gardener– present a cheque for $72,890 to the League.Pictured: League Speech Pathologist, WendyWebster (from left); Mother, Cathy Pearce;HBOS Asset Finance Specialist, DanikaHarrison, League Client, Tim Pearce (front).The HBOS Australia Foundation operates as anindependent company and works with charitableand not-for–profit organisations across Australia,supporting people and their local communities.League News Volume 31 Edition 4, 2007 - Page 7

Trusts and foundations fill <strong>the</strong> gapIT is said cerebral palsy is one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> most expensivedisabilities to manage. There is no ‘one size fi ts all’solution and equipment is customised to <strong>the</strong> individual.As a child grows, <strong>the</strong>ir equipment must be modifi ed orreplaced.<strong>League</strong> <strong>the</strong>rapists provide families assessment,prescription and assistance to obtain assistiveequipment such as wheelchairs, bath trolleys, computerswitches and communication devices designed toadapt everyday items so people with limited physicalabilities can <strong>fun</strong>ction more independently.Assistive technology makes it possible for childrento interact with peers on and <strong>of</strong>f <strong>the</strong> playground,engage in <strong>the</strong> curriculum by reading books, preparingassignments, and contributing to discussions andinitiating conversation. It assists adults to engage in<strong>the</strong> community, seek employment and retain jobs.The gap between state subsidy <strong>fun</strong>ds and <strong>the</strong> actualcost <strong>of</strong> equipment can run into thousands <strong>of</strong> dollarsthat families need to unearth. Yet <strong>the</strong>se tools arevital for <strong>the</strong>ir children’s optimum physical, social, andacademic growth and development.The <strong>League</strong> applauds <strong>the</strong> actions <strong>of</strong> several trusts andfoundations that made dreams come true for familiesover <strong>the</strong> past quarter. These include:• St George Foundation: Approvals <strong>of</strong> individualequipment needs for children $72,890• Honda Foundation: Equipment Loans Pool Itemsfor Adults $22,948• Townsville City Council: Equipment Loans PoolItems for Children $1,000Tim says “Thank You” HBOSLEAGUE Client, Tim Pearce now has no diffi cultysaying “thank you”, thanks to a generous donation <strong>of</strong>$11,300 from <strong>the</strong> HBOS Australia Foundation.Tim has diffi culty communicating as a result <strong>of</strong> his<strong>Cerebral</strong> <strong>Palsy</strong>. Of <strong>the</strong> <strong>fun</strong>ds donated $9,000 willbe allocated to <strong>the</strong> purchase <strong>of</strong> a Dynavox DVRcommunication device to assist Tim communicate.The remaining $2,300 has been allocated towardsano<strong>the</strong>r <strong>League</strong> Client for <strong>the</strong> purchase <strong>of</strong> a wheelchairmounted communication deviceCommittee Member, Lydia O’Brien and Asset FinanceSpecialist, Danika Harrison from <strong>the</strong> HBOS AustraliaFoundation presented <strong>the</strong> <strong>fun</strong>ds to Tim’s mo<strong>the</strong>rCathy Pearce and <strong>League</strong> Speech Pathologist,Wendy Webster on Wednesday, 26 September.“With <strong>the</strong> aid <strong>of</strong> Tim’s new communication device hewill now have <strong>the</strong> opportunity to communicate andexpress himself like never before”, Wendy said.• Gambling Community Benefi t Fund: Ceiling Hoistsfor Sevenoaks $30,000The <strong>League</strong> <strong>of</strong>fers letters <strong>of</strong> support to individualsapplying directly to trusts and foundations.Acknowledgment is made in appreciation to <strong>the</strong>approval <strong>of</strong> <strong>fun</strong>ds to <strong>the</strong> following organisations:••••Aussie Kidz CharityVariety ClubEliza and Walter Hall TrustMcDonalds Foundation, Greater BrisbaneVarious service clubs <strong>of</strong> Rotary, Lions•Filling <strong>the</strong> gap has allowed people with limited physicalabilities to become more active members in <strong>the</strong>ircommunities.Pictured above: The team from’ St GeorgeFoundation’ Mt Gravatt Manager, Peter Newman;Regional Executive, Ros Hawkanson; <strong>League</strong> Client,Elliott Erzetic; and State Manager, Rhyll Gardener– present a cheque for $72,890 to <strong>the</strong> <strong>League</strong>.Pictured: <strong>League</strong> Speech Pathologist, WendyWebster (from left); Mo<strong>the</strong>r, Cathy Pearce;HBOS Asset Finance Specialist, DanikaHarrison, <strong>League</strong> Client, Tim Pearce (front).The HBOS Australia Foundation operates as anindependent company and works with charitableand not-for–pr<strong>of</strong>it organisations across Australia,supporting people and <strong>the</strong>ir local communities.<strong>League</strong> News Volume 31 Edition 4, 2007 - Page 7

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