Wembley Sports Park Integrated Access, Traffic and Car Parking Plan

Wembley Sports Park Integrated Access, Traffic and Car Parking Plan

Wembley Sports Park Integrated Access, Traffic and Car Parking Plan


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AECOM<strong>Wembley</strong> <strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Integrated</strong> <strong>Access</strong>, <strong>Traffic</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Car</strong> <strong>Park</strong>ing <strong>Plan</strong>467.0 Conclusion <strong>and</strong> RecommendationsThis transport study generally supports the approved <strong>Wembley</strong> <strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Park</strong> Development Master <strong>Plan</strong>. While thestudy identified that traffic <strong>and</strong> parking dem<strong>and</strong> may exceed capacity during the peak Winter Saturday events,these events are anticipated to be relatively short <strong>and</strong> their impacts are considered to be acceptable. For the vastmajority of its operations, the Master <strong>Plan</strong> provides ample capacity. It is therefore considered to be unreasonable<strong>and</strong> unsustainable to provide more car parking capacity than currently planned. Rather than providing for allparking dem<strong>and</strong>s at all times, it is recognised that alternative measures are required to manage the short dem<strong>and</strong>peaks on Winter Saturdays.Subject to the recommendations outlined below, it is expected that the following traffic solutions will provideadequate access, car parking <strong>and</strong> traffic management facilities for the assumed operations of the <strong>Wembley</strong><strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Park</strong>:- The following access points should be provided: one on Salvado Road (Northern <strong>Access</strong>), one on SelbyStreet opposite Alderbury Street (Main <strong>Access</strong>) <strong>and</strong> the existing left-in / left-out accesses on Selby Street;- The Northern <strong>Access</strong> should be an un-signalised three way intersection with a short left turn lane at the endof the North-South Road;- The Main <strong>Access</strong> at Selby Street / Alderbury Street is proposed to be a four way signalised intersection witha 120m right turn pocket on the southern approach <strong>and</strong> a 35m left turn pocket on the northern approach.Pedestrian <strong>and</strong> cycle crossing facilities are to be provided at this crossing. It is recognised that support fromMain Roads will need to be sought for a traffic signal;- The entire East-West <strong>and</strong> North-South Links are to be provided in Stage 1 to ensure effective internalcirculation during the peak Winter Saturday events. This internal road is to be connected via a roundaboutwhich will give access to car parks <strong>and</strong> accommodate u-turns;- The North-South Road may require speed humps for traffic calming;- Two raised pedestrian crossings are to be provided on the East-West Link on either side of the drop-offfacilities. A barrier is required on the median between the two crossings to prevent pedestrians fromcrossing in the drop-off zone;- A new junction should be provided on the East-West Link into the south western car park. For safetyreasons the right turn movement into the car park should be banned. The kerb line design should indicatethis restriction to drivers. The design should include appropriate pavement markings <strong>and</strong> signs forregulatory <strong>and</strong> enforcement purposes;- One easy access bay (within reasonable distance) should be provided for every 50 regular car parkingspaces;- To reduce the parking dem<strong>and</strong> during the peak Winter Saturday events, Green Travel initiatives should beimplemented for the site, including a development of a TravelSmart plan for the PNA <strong>and</strong> other users of thesite;- Review of the PNA game schedule in consultation with a traffic engineer to spread out the arrival <strong>and</strong>departure traffic or alternatively competitions could be considered spread out on Saturday <strong>and</strong> Sunday;- The traffic <strong>and</strong> people movement plans in this report are to be presented to the various users, they are to berefined if required, <strong>and</strong> they are to be agreed upon with the users of the facilities to control their operations;- Proposed end of trip facilities (including secure cycle parking <strong>and</strong> lockers) should be provided in the StateNetball Centre <strong>and</strong> PNA buildings; <strong>and</strong>- The geometric design of all accesses to the site should include safe <strong>and</strong> efficient connections to the cycle<strong>and</strong> pedestrian paths.T:\60218676 - <strong>Wembley</strong> PK TA\8 Issued Docs\8.1 Reports\Comprehensive <strong>Integrated</strong> <strong>Access</strong> RevF.docxRevision F - 8 February 2012

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