Wembley Sports Park Integrated Access, Traffic and Car Parking Plan

Wembley Sports Park Integrated Access, Traffic and Car Parking Plan

Wembley Sports Park Integrated Access, Traffic and Car Parking Plan


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AECOM<strong>Wembley</strong> <strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Integrated</strong> <strong>Access</strong>, <strong>Traffic</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Car</strong> <strong>Park</strong>ing <strong>Plan</strong>32Table 4<strong>Wembley</strong> <strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Park</strong> Event Assumptions (continued)DaySunday(Summer)Sunday (Winter)EventStartTimeGameTime(mins)No.GamesPeopleper team(incl.coaches<strong>and</strong>subs)OtherPeople(incl.umpires)Peopleper eventArchery 8:45 1 22 1 45Netball WA 9:00 420 4 12 4 112Baseball AAA 9:30 150 1 10 2 22Baseball Under 19 9:30 120 1 10 2 22Baseball AAA 12:00 150 1 10 2 22Baseball A Grade 12:00 120 1 10 2 22Baseball State League 15:15 120 1 10 2 22Netball WA 16:00 120 4 12 4 112Netball WA 18:00 240 4 12 4 112SOCCER 13s 8:30 67.5 1 15 4 34SOCCER 11s 8:30 67.5 1 13 4 30Aust. Rules F/ball 11s 8:45 60 1 24 13 61Aust. Rules F/ball Year 4s 8:45 60 1 24 13 61Archery 8:45 1 22 1 45Netball WA 9:00 420 4 12 4 112SOCCER Under 9s 9:00 55 1 11 4 26SOCCER Under 8s 9:00 45 1 11 4 26SOCCER 12s 9:40 67.5 1 15 4 34SOCCER 15s 9:40 67.5 1 15 4 34SOCCER 13s 9:45 67.5 1 15 4 34Aust. Rules F/ball Year 5s 10:00 60 1 24 13 61Aust. Rules F/ball 12s 10:00 60 1 24 13 61SOCCER Under 8s 10:00 45 2 11 4 52SOCCER Under 8s 11:00 45 1 11 4 26SOCCER Under 9s 11:00 55 1 11 4 26SOCCER 16s 11:10 67.5 1 15 4 34Aust. Rules F/ball 13s 11:30 60 1 24 13 61Netball WA 16:00 120 4 12 4 112Netball WA 18:00 240 4 12 4 112The assumptions outlined above tend to be conservative in order not to underestimate the traffic impacts of thevarious events. Practical measures could be employed to reduce the actual impacts.Hockey, archery <strong>and</strong> other ad hoc uses will not result in material changes to peak dem<strong>and</strong>s, due to limitations inplaying fields.The State Netball Centre will be used by Netball WA <strong>and</strong> VenuesWest as well as the PNA to host events. TheNetball WA events will be regular <strong>and</strong> thus have been included in the model.VenuesWest events will be irregular <strong>and</strong> thus have not been included in the model. However, a discussion of theimpact a VenuesWest event may have on parking has been included in Section 5.2.Should there be a significant increase in activities on-site (such as more than 41 games of netball at any one timeor any other change that will increase overall vehicle trips to site) then a new study may be required to assess thetraffic impact <strong>and</strong> parking dem<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> identify management <strong>and</strong> mitigation measures.<strong>Car</strong> Usage <strong>and</strong> Linked TripsTo convert the forecast number of people to trips, assumptions were made in regard to car usage (cars perperson) <strong>and</strong> the proportions of linked trips. Linked trips are trips where different people travel in the same car orwhere the same people attend different events. The analysis was first run assuming 100% car usage <strong>and</strong> 0%linked trips. This assumption was tested <strong>and</strong> adjusted as required to reflect the observed number of cars. This isfurther discussed in Section 5.2.Arrival <strong>and</strong> Departure PatternsIn order to assess the impact of the forecast car trips a frequency distribution had to be assumed to forecast thearrival <strong>and</strong> departure patterns. From the video survey (Saturday, 6 August 2011) it seems as if the arrivals <strong>and</strong>T:\60218676 - <strong>Wembley</strong> PK TA\8 Issued Docs\8.1 Reports\Comprehensive <strong>Integrated</strong> <strong>Access</strong> RevF.docxRevision F - 8 February 2012

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