Wembley Sports Park Integrated Access, Traffic and Car Parking Plan

Wembley Sports Park Integrated Access, Traffic and Car Parking Plan

Wembley Sports Park Integrated Access, Traffic and Car Parking Plan


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AECOM<strong>Wembley</strong> <strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Integrated</strong> <strong>Access</strong>, <strong>Traffic</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Car</strong> <strong>Park</strong>ing <strong>Plan</strong>295.0 Transport AnalysisThis section of the report analyses the predicted impact of the development on the transport infrastructure in theproposed Master <strong>Plan</strong>.5.1 AssumptionsA spreadsheet model was developed using Microsoft Excel to forecast the traffic generation <strong>and</strong> estimate the carparking dem<strong>and</strong>s for each day of the week. The model was developed based on information:- Collected through discussions with key stakeholders (such as PNA <strong>and</strong> VenuesWest);- Provided by the Town of Cambridge on the future use of the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>and</strong> event arrival times;- Available on the internet on the current club schedules <strong>and</strong> teams (this was used to derive the number <strong>and</strong>times of vehicles entering <strong>and</strong> exiting the site); <strong>and</strong>- Observed patterns from the video surveys conducted on Saturday, 6 August 2011.Event / Operational TimetableTable 5 shows the list of events compiled for the purposes of this transport assessment. The list is grouped byday of the week (<strong>and</strong> season, where relevant) <strong>and</strong> includes all events that are currently being planned for. Thistransport assessment assumed that all events will occur on their respective days <strong>and</strong> that they will attract as manypeople as indicated in Table 4. People include participants, substitutes, coaches <strong>and</strong> umpires as indicated.Allowance was made to utilise the facilities to their estimated capacity in order to estimate the worst trafficimpacts.Two scenarios were considered:Scenario 1 – refers to Stage 1 of the Master <strong>Plan</strong>, where PNA matches <strong>and</strong> Netball WA activity runconcurrently with one football match (Advice indicated that up to 41 netball games may be played at anyone time during various time slots in the netball season on Winter Saturdays, therefore the schedule isbased on this).Scenario 2 – refers to Stage 2 of the Master <strong>Plan</strong>, where PNA matches run concurrently with twofootball matches.Table 4 details the assumptions in the trip generation for scenarios 1 <strong>and</strong> 2, referred to as Stage 1 <strong>and</strong> Stage 2.The only difference between the two scenarios occurs on Saturday (winter) where two football matches occur at14:30 in Stage 2 compared to one match in Stage 1. If there is any expansion in sporting activity beyond theanticipated dem<strong>and</strong> from Scenario 2, a new traffic, access <strong>and</strong> parking study is necessary <strong>and</strong> should beundertaken before Town of Cambridge approves any further expansion in sporting activity.In the subsequent analysis Scenario 2 has only been analysed for the worst case winter Saturday time period.Additional Future ConsiderationsThere is potential to convert the existing 11 grass courts to hard courts in the future potentially allowing 52 gamesto be played concurrently on a Winter Saturday. This could potentially increase traffic <strong>and</strong> parking dem<strong>and</strong> by25% during peak periods. This potential dem<strong>and</strong> has not been analysed, however should such a significantincrease in activity be desired in the future, further transport analysis should be undertaken to indentify thepotential impact on the surrounding infrastructure <strong>and</strong> parking capacity.As well as an increase in courts, there is also the possibility that a major State Netball event could be scheduledduring a peak Winter Saturday. This would significantly increase parking dem<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> traffic on the surroundingroads. At this time it is assumed that such events would not be scheduled concurrent with PNA events, however ifthis should be considered in the future further analysis <strong>and</strong> a new traffic assessment should be prepared toassess the impact <strong>and</strong> identify mitigation <strong>and</strong> management measures.T:\60218676 - <strong>Wembley</strong> PK TA\8 Issued Docs\8.1 Reports\Comprehensive <strong>Integrated</strong> <strong>Access</strong> RevF.docxRevision F - 8 February 2012

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