Wembley Sports Park Integrated Access, Traffic and Car Parking Plan

Wembley Sports Park Integrated Access, Traffic and Car Parking Plan

Wembley Sports Park Integrated Access, Traffic and Car Parking Plan


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AECOM<strong>Wembley</strong> <strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Integrated</strong> <strong>Access</strong>, <strong>Traffic</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Car</strong> <strong>Park</strong>ing <strong>Plan</strong>27Secondary <strong>Access</strong> via Selby StreetThe Master <strong>Plan</strong> retains the existing left-in <strong>and</strong> left-out accesses along Selby Street. These accesses willsupplement <strong>and</strong> relieve the Main <strong>Access</strong>. They also facilitate a more even traffic distribution <strong>and</strong> give directaccess / egress to <strong>and</strong> from the southern car park.Internal Road NetworkThe internal road layout requires two links: a North-South Link <strong>and</strong> an East-West Link. The North-South Linkconnects the Northern <strong>Access</strong> to the eastern car parks <strong>and</strong> service yard adjacent to the PNA administrationbuilding. A roundabout connects the two internal links to allow efficient flow, u-turn facilities <strong>and</strong> access to all thecar parks. The East-West Link connects the eastern car parks with the south-western <strong>and</strong> middle car park <strong>and</strong>the Main <strong>Access</strong>. The Northern <strong>Access</strong> will be closed unless dem<strong>and</strong> requires its use. Therefore the northernsection of the North-South Road will not be in use for the majority of the time.Drop off facilities are provided along the north <strong>and</strong> south of the East-West Link.For safety reasons full access into the south-western car park from the East-West Link will not be permitted.Right turn movements into the car park will be banned <strong>and</strong> this movement will be accommodated via theroundabout at the end of the East-West Road. The effectiveness of the right turn ban, together with theperformance of the right turn out of the south western car park into the East-West Road, needs to be monitoredduring the operations. Intervention may become necessary if the right turn ban is not properly adhered to.A diagram showing the internal road network <strong>and</strong> movements possible for Stage 1 <strong>and</strong> Stage 2 is shown inFigure 12 <strong>and</strong> Figure 13 respectively.4.7 <strong>Park</strong>ingThe layout provides a total of 1,000 formed parking spaces <strong>and</strong> approximately 200m of drop-off space in Stage 1as shown in Figure 12. The 1,000 bays will consist of:A new hard st<strong>and</strong> car park along Selby Street, consisting of 240 bays (south western car park);A new hard st<strong>and</strong> car park east of the new hard st<strong>and</strong> netball courts, consisting of 70 bays (middle carpark); <strong>and</strong>The 700 existing bays, approximately 10 of which will be lost with the integration with the 240-bay carpark (southern car park).The parking supply will reduce to approximately 870 formed parking spaces in Stage 2. The 870 bays will consistof the new hard st<strong>and</strong> car bays identified above as well as:A new soft st<strong>and</strong> car park in the northeast corner of the site, consisting of 160 bays (north east car park);A new soft st<strong>and</strong> car park next to Halesworth Road, 120 bays (south east car park); <strong>and</strong>The removal of 410 bays in the existing 700 car park (southern car park) to make way for a new oval.The Master <strong>Plan</strong> identifies the potential for a grassed area on the southwest corner of <strong>Wembley</strong> <strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Park</strong>which could be used, with management intervention, for further overflow parking. The number of vehicles thiscould accommodate will depend on how it is laid out or marshalled, but could be in the order of up to 500 vehicles.<strong>Park</strong>ing spaces are provided in separate car parking facilities to enable car parks to be closed during non peakperiods, thus allowing controlled management (refer to Section 6.0 for further details on the proposed <strong>Traffic</strong> <strong>and</strong>People Movement <strong>Plan</strong>s located in Appendix C). Buses accessing the site will utilise part of the drop-off facilitiesto park as shown in Figure 12 <strong>and</strong> Figure 13.In accordance with the Building Code of Australia, one (1) easy access bay should be provided for each 50 formalparking spaces. Based on the st<strong>and</strong>ards, 21 easy access bays will be required in Stage 1, which could bereduced to 18 following the reduction in car parking resulting from the Stage 2 development. Although AustralianSt<strong>and</strong>ards do not specify a distance, in each car park these spaces are located closest to the nearby buildings /facilities.T:\60218676 - <strong>Wembley</strong> PK TA\8 Issued Docs\8.1 Reports\Comprehensive <strong>Integrated</strong> <strong>Access</strong> RevF.docxRevision F - 8 February 2012

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