Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas


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Student supportStudentsupportYou may find balancing the demands of study andother commitments a challenge. At <strong>Anglia</strong> <strong>Ruskin</strong>,we’re committed to providing a sympathetic and supportiveenvironment for all of our students. We provide you withas much practical help and advice as we can, helpingyou make the most of your learning experience.Personal TutorsYou’ll be assigned a member of academic staff as your Personal Tutorand it is a good idea to keep in touch. You can talk to him or herabout anything – from your academic progress to personal issues.Student AdvisersThe Student Adviser team is integral to <strong>Anglia</strong> <strong>Ruskin</strong>’s mission todeliver a high-quality student experience. All students can accessspecially trained, friendly and informative professionals, in order tohelp alleviate any worries or stress with academic life. Our StudentAdvisers have a comprehensive knowledge of the support structuresavailable at <strong>Anglia</strong> <strong>Ruskin</strong>, along with wide-ranging knowledge ofthe academic regulations. Student Advisers’ priority is to help youget the most out of life at <strong>Anglia</strong> <strong>Ruskin</strong>.Specialist advice for international students is available fromour International Student Advisers and covers issues from feestatus to immigration.International OfficeThe International Office has a team of specially trained adviserswho can provide information on a range of issues from immigrationrequirements and tuition fees to health and working entitlementswhile studying in the UK.Personal Development Planning (PDP)As part of your course, you’ll be encouraged to engage in personaldevelopment planning, to help you get the most out of your course.Your course tutors will explain the precise form that this will takeon your course, but it is likely to include aspects such as: personaldevelopment; monitoring your progress against a range of subjectand generic/transferable skills; updating your CV.Engagement in this process will help you feel more in control ofyour development and also to become more focused about yourfuture plans. It should also encourage you to take full advantageof the wide range of opportunities, initiatives, and support on offerto you, to help maximise your learning and earning potential.CounsellingAt times anyone can find things get on top of them. We understandthat, so we provide a free confidential counselling service in arelaxed, friendly setting. Here, you can talk freely to an experienced,professionally qualified counsellor, in a way not always possiblewith friends or family and share thoughts with someone wholistens without passing judgement.Childcare facilitiesWe recognise that childcare arrangements are vitally important ifyou wish to study effectively. You can benefit from using nurserysessions from our in-house <strong>Anglia</strong> <strong>Ruskin</strong> Nursery, based on theCambridge Campus, or from the Kiddi Caru private nursery locateda few hundred metres from our Rivermead Campus in Chelmsford.In some cases, financial hardship grants or a bursary towardsthe cost of childcare fees may be available. Our Student Adviser(Children and Families), who is based at Chelmsford, is happy tohelp you plan your childcare by providing information about localproviders and the sources of financial support that may beavailable to you.HealthWe’ll make sure your health is well cared for too. In Cambridge wehave a Medical Centre on-site, staffed by GPs and Practice Nurses.The Centre provides a general practice service for students andstaff who register as patients. In Chelmsford students are ableto benefit from the services of a local GP Practice based on ourRivermead campus. Students can also consult our Campus Nurse,who is based in Student Support Services. The Nurse organisesa range of health promotion activities and offers a comprehensive,confidential range of personal health advice services, includingfinding dental and optical treatment for students.Equality and diversityWe take a proactive approach to promoting equality of opportunity.We aim to provide an environment which values diversity andsupports students effectively, whatever their background or personalcircumstances. Our policy states our commitment to eliminate allforms of unlawful discrimination, direct, indirect, or institutional.We require all students and staff to behave in a non-discriminatoryway. We ask them to help us identify and change institutionalprocesses and practices which deny, or limit equality of opportunity.Harassment on any grounds is unacceptable and will be dealtwith swiftly when it is brought to our attention.The University has a suite of equality policies that apply to allstudents and staff which are published on our website. Theoverarching Valuing Diversity and Promoting Equality Policy isalso in staff and student handbooks. For further information,please contact the HR Consultant – Diversity or visit the Equalityand Diversity webpages at www.anglia.ac.uk/equalopsSupporting your faithThe Chaplaincy offers opportunities for exploring issues of faith,whatever your starting point, and a place where spiritual andpersonal issues can be discussed in confidence. Chaplains ofdifferent denominations work together to help with many aspectsof student life. Our Chaplaincy offers a range of social eventson-campus throughout the academic year. It offers practical supportand advice, and where necessary, will represent your interests orconcerns to other departments and individuals within the University.The decision to return to education is not an easyone and we can provide you with clear, professional,and impartial advice.Postgraduate students<strong>Anglia</strong> <strong>Ruskin</strong> offers help to postgraduate students who areconsidering higher education, either to continue their studies,or as a return to education. The decision to return to education isnot an easy one and we can provide you with clear, professional,and impartial advice. Our advisers will help you make informeddecisions by making you aware of the wide range of opportunitiesin education and training and helping you to assess theimplications of the various options. Advisers are availablethroughout the year, on both the Cambridge and ChelmsfordCampuses. We can also arrange for you to discuss any financialconcerns you may have about entry into higher education withour Student Money Adviser.Once you decide to come to <strong>Anglia</strong> <strong>Ruskin</strong>, we can offersupport and guidance if you want to change your course, if yourcircumstances change or even if you want to postpone your studyfor a while. We can also offer specific careers advice at any timeduring your course, and help you to identify areas where yourskills are more likely to be in demand.10 Call our Contact Centre 0845 271 3333 for more informationweb www.anglia.ac.ukemail answers@anglia.ac.uk 11

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