Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas


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esearch opportunitiesresearch opportunitiesEngineering AnalysisSimulation &Tribology GroupDepartment of Design & Technology,Faculty of Science & TechnologyThe Group focuses on providing a strongimpact-oriented research programme thatembraces the core disciplines of thermodynamics,fluid dynamics, and heat transfer.Research on energy and the environment isfocused on modelling of energy supply anddemand and associated environmental pollution.Tribological life cycle (wear and scuffing)analysis; and “clean technology” aspects ofinternal combustion (IC) engines and advancedvehicle energy studies. Fluid flow and convectiveheat transfer research is being conducted on:theory of convection in tube bundle cross flowoptimization and jet-flows. IC engines researchconcentrates on CFD and finite element (FE)studies, of induction system models andpredictive simulation tools. The group also carriesout research in Engineering Analysis Simulation& Tribology Group: Structures and StructuralAnalysis, a sub-area within the EngineeringAnalysis and Tribology Group, focuses on researchin structures, in particular, the study of non-linearproblems as applied to mechanical energyabsorbers, from localised shell and panelbuckling to simplified models with modifiedmaterial cards.EnglishDepartment of English,Communication, Film & Media,Faculty of Arts, Law & Social SciencesThe Department of English has a very strongresearch culture and was rated 5 in theResearch Assessment Exercise of 2001 tocomplement its rating of ‘Excellent’ in teaching.The Department offers a wide range ofresearch interests and has particular strengths inRenaissance Literature, Shakespeare, Romanticand Victorian Studies, Modernism, Women’sWriting, Creative Writing, Science and the CreativeImagination (including Science Fiction), ClassicalReception, Film and Theatre, and Popular Culture.The staff are committed to creating an excellentresearch environment and to making the most ofthe advantages offered by Cambridge as a centreof research excellence. There are many formaland informal exchanges between staff andstudents from our Department and from theCambridge University English Faculty.Postgraduate students normally come to uswith at least a good upper-second class HonoursDegree. But we welcome applications from thosewith equivalent qualifications, and from thosewho have been out of the education systemfor some time. The Department has a largecommunity of part-time students, particularly inthe PhD programme, and hosts a well-attendedresearch seminar, which meets regularly to givestudents an opportunity to present papers ina supportive setting. This group providesan informal context for postgraduate trainingand support, but there is also a more formaltraining programme which operates within theDepartment and aims to offer subject-specificsupport and training for all postgraduates asan addition to the generic training offered by<strong>Anglia</strong> <strong>Ruskin</strong> University. The Departmentallocates a substantial sum each year towardsthe support of postgraduates in the form ofbursaries and travel or conference expenses.Departmental staff are highly active researcherswhose publications are deemed to be ofinternational standing. The Department hashosted a large number of international researchconferences in recent years on Mary Shelley,Shakespeare and his Contemporaries inPerformance, Sylvia Townsend Warner, andothers. The biannual Skinner Young lectureon Shakespeare and Renaissance literatureattracts distinguished speakers. The Departmenthas also been the venue for a regular one-dayconference ‘Postgraduate Futures’, a popularevent which considers career issues forpostgraduates, professional training,and doctoral research.Environmental SciencesDepartment of Life Sciences,Environmental SciencesResearch Centre, Faculty of Science& TechnologyInsect and aquatic ecology; plant populationecology; behavioural ecology of Africanmammals; tropical ecology and conservation;avian ecology and physiology; cellular slimemoulds; plant biochemistry and physiology(photosynthesis, photomorphogenesis andchlorophyll fluorescence); population genetics;stable isotope analysis (for climaticreconstruction); chemical communicationbetween mammals; equine managementand behaviour.Film & TelevisionCambridge School of Artand Department of English,Communication, Film & Media,Faculty of Arts, Law & Social SciencesStudents may undertake programmes ofresearch in a wide variety of aspects of filmand television, from international topics infilm and media studies to particular facetsof production in the television industry.According to the nature and purpose of theinvestigation, researchers undertakingMPhil/PdD study may present their findingseither exclusively in written form, or partiallyby means of submitted artefacts (sometimescalled ‘PhD by practice’). For those wishing toincorporate practical work, our University hastwo advanced television studies, a full rangeof equipment for external location and interiorsingle-camera shoots on 16mm or DV, andextensive editing suites.For those wishing to incorporate practicalwork, our University has two advancedtelevision studies, a full range ofequipment for external and interiorshoots, and extensive editing suites.Forensic Science& ChemistryDepartment of Forensic Science& Chemistry, Faculty of Science& TechnologyResearch degrees can be obtained in a numberof areas of forensic science and chemistry.These include identification and profilingof drugs of abuse; toxicology (including drugidentification by hair); DNA analysis;examination and chemical analysis ofhistorical artefacts; chemical criminalistics(including glass, paint, explosives,arson accelerants); fire investigation;environmental analysis.Departmental staff are highly active researchers whosepublications are deemed to be of international standing.88 Call our Contact Centre 0845 271 3333 for more informationweb www.anglia.ac.ukemail answers@anglia.ac.uk 89

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