Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas


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Cambridgeshire* and ChelmsfordProfessional coursesCambridge and ChelmsfordProfessional coursesSpecialist Community PublicHealth Nursing(<strong>PG</strong>Dip)Length of courseFT 1 year (52 weeks)Start dateSeptemberEntry requirements• A UK Honours Degree.• First Level registration with the NMC with atleast one year’s post registration experience.• Candidates will also need to havesecured an organised placement withina Primary Care Trust.Fees and fundingFor more information on fees and funding forthe Faculty of Health & Social Care please callthe Contact Centre on 0845 271 3333.For further informationCall our Contact Centre on 0845 271 3333or email: answers@anglia.ac.ukor visit: www.anglia.ac.ukHow to applyApplication details are available from ourContact Centre.*The Faculty of Health & Social Care operatesout of the Fulbourn and Peterborough regionalsites in Cambridgeshire.The Specialist Community PublicHealth Nursing programme isa new and innovative academicprogramme for the education ofthose nurses wishing to enterpart 3 of the NMC ProfessionalRegister (Health Visiting orSchool Nursing).The context in which Specialist CommunityPublic Health Nurses will deliver healthcare is arapidly changing one, both socio-politically andideologically. The development of partnershipworking across agencies and the implementationof National Service Frameworks demands newways of applying Public Health knowledge.The NHS Plan (2000) affirmed Public Health asthe mainstream activity for the NHS and requiredservices to be integrated around the needs ofclients and communities.The SCPHN programme has been establishedto ensure that practitioners are ready andable to proactively work with this new agenda.The emphasis in this SCPHN programmeis around holistic approaches to practice,reflective practice within a changing publichealth arena, risk management, clinicalgovernance, partnership working, andinter-professional service delivery.Course contentModules studied within the Postgraduate Diplomain Specialist Community Public Health Nursingare as follows: Needs Assessment in PublicHealth; Promoting Positive Mental Healthin Children, Adolescents and their Families;Developing Practice Through Policy;Specialist Community Public Health Nursing –Integrated Theory and Practice (Health Visitingor School Nursing); Community PractitionerNurse Prescribing; Leadership in Primary CareDevelopment; and Critical Policy Review.Methods of teaching and learningModules have been developed to offer a flexibleapproach to study incorporating a mixture of onlineactivities and face-to-face teaching. Workshopsin Practice facilitated by Practice Teachers arealso a key element of the programme.AssessmentA range of innovative assessment strategieshave been utilised within the programme whichinclude, case study, patchwork text, practiceportfolios, exams, and a negotiated innovation.These ensure that the NMC requirements are met.Benefits to youThis programme will enable you to develop aproactive and innovative approach to the deliveryof Specialist Community Public Health Nursing.It will provide you with the knowledge andskills to help deliver the Government’s PublicHealth and Social Exclusion agendas within theever-changing health and social care context.Benefits to your organisationThe programme will provide highly skilledand knowledgeable practitioners who canwork both with individuals and communitieswithin a public health context. They will haveskills in leadership and management andbe ready to innovatively and proactivelylead multidisciplinary/multi-agency teams,addressing the challenges related to currentpublic health issues.Awards and competitionsOn successful completion of the programmestudents will be awarded a Postgraduate Diplomain Specialist Community Public Health Nursing(Health Visiting or School Nursing) and will enterPart 3 of the NMC Professional Register.Special featuresThe programme is based on a 50% theory, 50%practice model which is a requirement of the NMC.CareersThis academic and professional qualification offersthe opportunity for successful students to developtheir careers in Public Health Nursing practice.Social Work(MA)Length of courseFT 2 yearsStart dateSeptemberEntry requirements• Second-class Honours Degree.• GCSE passes at grade C or above in Englishand maths.• Satisfactory enhanced CRB disclosureand occupational health clearance.• A minimum of 6 months’ experience of socialwork or social care, including the opportunityto observe and shadow qualified socialworkers, that allows for the successfulcompletion of a pre-interview written taskdesigned to evidence a satisfactory levelof preparation for assessed practice.FeesFor more information on fees and funding forthe Faculty of Health & Social Care please callthe Contact Centre on 0845 271 3333.For further informationCall our Contact Centre on 0845 271 3333or email: answers@anglia.ac.ukor visit: www.anglia.ac.ukHow to applyApplication details are available from ourContact Centre.The aim of the MA Social Workis to develop reflective andcompetent social workerswho can practise effectivelyin complex circumstancesand who, in the longerterm, recognise the needfor continuing professionaldevelopment throughout theircareers. Learning and teachingis founded on the concept ofthe masters-level student asan autonomous, self-motivated,and self-directed learner.Course contentEach of the six modules earns 30 creditstowards the full 180 credits required forthe degree to be awarded. These are:Human Growth and Behaviour across the Lifespan;Communicating with Individuals, Groups andCommunities; Principles of Assessment andIntervention; Accountability and Responsibility inProfessional Practice; Contexts of Social Welfare;and Postgraduate Dissertation.Three modules are undertaken in the first yearand three in the second. The academic learningsits alongside the practice learning experience,which comprises 100 days in two contrastingplacement settings in each year. Two days perweek are university-based and the remainingthree are placement days. Within each modulethe academic assessment is accompaniedby the assessment of competence in practice(evidenced in a practice portfolio).Methods of teaching and learningThe teaching strategies that support learninginclude practice debrief sessions, actionlearning sets, workshops, lectures, tutorials,WebCT, practice placements, and self-directedstudy and research.AssessmentA variety of assessment tools are used,including assignments, portfolios, andpresentations. All work for assessment issubmitted at the end of each academic year.Special featuresThe Department of Health funds, and theNHS Business Services Authority administers,a bursary scheme for postgraduate social workstudents who meet LEA residence eligibilitycriteria. Details of the scheme are availableat www.ppa.org.uk/swbProfessional qualifications/exemptionsThe MA Social Work is validated by theGeneral Social Care Council as a professionalqualification in social work.80 Call our Contact Centre 0845 271 3333 for more informationweb www.anglia.ac.ukemail answers@anglia.ac.uk 81

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