Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas


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ChelmsfordProfessional coursesCambridgeshire* and ChelmsfordProfessional coursesChartered Institute of PublicFinance and Accounting(CIPFA)Length of courseCertificate: FT 1 semesterDiploma: FT 2 semestersFinal Test of Professional Competence:FT 1 semesterStart dateSeptember and FebruaryEntry requirementsCertificate:• Non-relevant degree, AAT.• Registration with CIPFA required.• Entry based upon experience seeCIPFA website.Diploma:• See CIPFA website www.cipfa.orgFinal Test:• See CIPFA website www.cipfa.orgFeesFind out how much your course will cost byvisiting our online course fees calculator atwww.anglia.ac.uk/coursefees or for moreinformation call one of our Contact CentreAdvisers on 0845 271 3333.For further informationCall our Contact Centre on 0845 271 3333or email: answers@anglia.ac.ukor visit: www.anglia.ac.ukHow to applyApplication details are available from ourContact Centre.Membership of the CharteredInstitute of Public Financeand Accountancy is anexternally awarded qualification.CIPFA is the leading publicservices accountancyqualification, and is ideal forstudents who wish to strategicallylead public services into thefuture. Registration with CIPFAis required, and more detailsare available at: www.cipfa.orgCourse contentCertificateThe certificate comprises four modules:Financial Accounting; Management Accounting;Financial Reporting; and Financial ManagementSystems and Techniques. The certificate stage isdesigned to give students the accountants’ toolkitwhich is present in all chartered accountancyqualifications. Full-time mode of study is fourmodules per semester, with attainment of thecertificate in 12 months.DiplomaThe diploma comprises five whole modulesand two half modules. The whole modulesare: Leadership and Management; Audit andAssurance; Financial and Performance Reporting;Accounting for Decision Making; and Governanceand Public Policy. The two half modules are:Public Finance; and Taxation. Once again,study mode is three or four modules per semester,with completion of the diploma normally in12 months. The diploma stage explores the keyaspects of public service finance and management.Final Test of Professional CompetenceThe Final Test (FTPC) comprises a largein-tray test or case study, a strategic businessmanagement module and submission of aportfolio of initial professional development.The Final Test assesses ability to synthesiselearning and apply it in realistic scenarios,and it is the level which differentiates CIPFAfrom other chartered bodies.Methods of teaching and learningThe course is delivered by day release,containing a mixture of lectures, workshops,case studies, and discussion. Full-time studentswill join part-time groups and be supportedby additional tutorials.AssessmentThe course is assessed by CIPFA.Benefits to youMost senior finance managers in publicservices are members of the Chartered Institute.Membership gives access to the higher-levelmanagement posts and chartered status.The CIPFA qualification is recognised throughoutthe world as the foremost public service financequalification in the world and the only worldwidefull-time tuition provider is <strong>Anglia</strong> <strong>Ruskin</strong> University.Benefits to your organisationStaff are educated to the highest appliedlevel, with the skills and confidence to driveorganisations forward, both tactically andstrategically. They will be able to offeradvanced finance theory.Special featuresYou will have the opportunity to attend nationalconferences and a management in action week.You will also have access to specialist alumniand links to the national associations.CareersThere are a wealth of career opportunities infinance and management in public services.Alumni include chief executives and financemanagers in local authorities, health trusts,private consultancies, audit commissions,police authorities, fire authorities, and centralgovernment agencies.Links with industry or businessCIPFA has links across the globe includingCanada, Ghana, Eastern Europe, and Hong Kong.Community Specialist Practice(<strong>PG</strong>Dip)Length of courseFT 1 yearStart dateSeptemberEntry requirements• A UK Honours Degree.• First Level registration with the NMCand relevant post registration experience.• Candidates will also need to havesecured an organised placement withina Primary Care Trust.Fees and FundingFor more information on fees and funding forthe Faculty of Health & Social Care please callthe Contact Centre on 0845 271 3333.For further informationCall our Contact Centre on 0845 271 3333or email: answers@anglia.ac.ukor visit: www.anglia.ac.ukHow to applyApplication details are available from ourContact Centre.*The Faculty of Health & Social Care operatesout of the Fulbourn and Peterborough regionalsites in Cambridgeshire.Community Nurses playa central role in providingindividuals, families andcommunities with care in thecommunity setting and willneed to contribute to theplanning of services in newways, of developing clinicalroles and securing better care.Course contentUKCC 2001 standards for Specialist educationand Practice (adopted by NMC in 2002) statethat there is a clear difference between practicingwithin a specialty and holding the UKCCrecordable qualification of Specialist Practice(UKCC 2001). Nurses who successfully completethe course are eligible to record the qualificationof Specialist Practice with the Nursing andMidwifery Council in either Community Children’sNursing, Community Learning DisabilitiesNursing or District Nursing.Our health, our care, our say: a new directionfor community services 2006 sets out a visionof community services taking centre stage inthe health and social care systems of the future.Services need to be developed to includepreventative approaches and supportingpatients in making healthy choices.The course aims to prepare SpecialistPractitioners with the ability to support thecurrent health agenda, lead teams and workin partnership with patients, other agenciesand professionals.Modules studied within the course are as follows:Needs Assessment in Public Health;Leading and Managing in a Healthcare Setting;Developing Practice Through Policy; CommunityPractitioner Nurse Prescribing; Critical PolicyReview; Applying Theory to Practice -(Community Children’s Nursing or CommunityLearning Disabilities Nursing or District Nursing);Assimilating Practice - (Community Children’sNursing or Community Learning DisabilitiesNursing or District Nursing).Methods of teaching and learningModules have been developed to offer aflexible approach to study incorporating amixture of online activities and face to faceteaching. Workshops in Practice facilitatedby Practice Teachers are also a key elementof the programme.AssessmentA range of innovative assessment strategieshave been utilised within the programme whichinclude, case study, patchwork text, practiceportfolios, exams and a negotiated innovation.These ensure that the NMC requirements are met.Benefits to your organisationThe programme will provide highly skilled andknowledgeable practitioners who can work tomeet the needs of patients/clients and theirfamilies/carers in the community. They willhave skills in leadership and managementand be ready to innovatively and pro-activelylead multi-disciplinary/multi-agency teams,addressing the challenges in healthcare practice.Benefits to youThis programme will enable you to developa pro-active and innovative approach to specialistCommunity Nursing. It will provide you with theknowledge and skills to deliver care to specificpatient/client groups within the ever changing healthand social care context. It will also enable you toaddress challenges in healthcare practice, identifyinginnovative and pro-active ways of working.Awards and competitionsOn successful completion of the programmestudents will be awarded a Postgraduate Diplomain Specialist Community Practice - communitychildren’s nursing or Community LearningDisabilities Nursing or District Nursing andwill be able to record the qualification ofSpecialist Practitioner with the Nursing andMidwifery Council.Special featuresThe programme is based on a 50% theory50% practice which enables students to applytheory to practice.CareersThis academic and professional qualificationoffers the opportunity for successful studentsto further develop their careers in communitychildren’s nursing.78 Call our Contact Centre 0845 271 3333 for more informationweb www.anglia.ac.ukemail answers@anglia.ac.uk 79

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