Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas


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Cambridge and ChelmsfordCambridge and ChelmsfordTaught coursesTaught coursesTourism Managementand Sustainability(MA, <strong>PG</strong>Dip)Town Planning(MSc)Length of courseFT 1 yearStart dateSeptemberEntry requirements• Honours Degree at 2:2.• Mature students (aged 21 years or over)and holders of other awards will beconsidered on their equivalence.• Relevant current or previous work experiencefor mature students.• Applicants for whom English is not a firstlanguage will be expected to demonstratea certificated level of proficiency of at leastIELTS 6.5 or equivalent.FeesFind out how much your course will cost byvisiting our online course fees calculator atwww.anglia.ac.uk/coursefees or for moreinformation call one of our Contact CentreAdvisers on 0845 271 3333.For further informationCall our Contact Centre on 0845 271 3333or email: answers@anglia.ac.ukor visit: www.anglia.ac.ukHow to applyApplication details are available from ourContact Centre.The MA covers the essentialcore skills required to managetourism organisations and touristplaces in more sustainableways for the 21st century.The programme is aimed atthose who are wishing to entera career, or further an existingcareer, in the tourism industry,or those wishing to developtourism expertise in otherareas such as conservationmanagement, urban and ruralplanning, and other areas.Course contentKey topics include: Ecotourism and Nature BasedTourism; Cultures of Tourism; Sustainability andTourism Management; Research Skills & Methodsin Tourism; Consultancy Skills; and a choice of aselection of Business and Management modules.Methods of teaching and learningMost teaching will be delivered through lecturesand seminars, which will draw upon a numberof different sources and take a variety of forms,including problem solving, presentations,and site visits.AssessmentModules are assessed by assignment, groupor individual presentations, and project work.Benefits to youDeveloping skills to improve your employmentprospects in what is a very diverse andexpanding industry. Having acquired learningand knowledge through academic study/research, you should be able to pose appropriatesolutions to some of the problems that thetourism industry, individual and communitypractitioners face in differing places andcontexts in the 21st century.Benefits to your organisationThe course equips students with essentialcurrent practical and organisational skills,the knowledge and understanding of thepotential benefits of tourism as well as findingsolutions to practical problems raised by it.Special featuresThe course will be seeking to make a numberof short-term placements available to studentsin the tourism sector, as well as encouragestudents to develop research projects in tandemwith external tourism-based organisations.International linksThe course has links with internationalpractitioners, researchers, local tourismorganisations, and conservation groups.CareersThis course provides access to tourismmanagement careers throughout a varietyof organisations from large and small privatecompanies, to local government, conservation,and tourism authorities.Length of courseFT 1 yearStart dateSeptemberEntry requirements• A first degree at second-class honours or abovein a subject that is cognate to the field of townplanning. It should, for example, incorporatestudy elements in some aspect of space,environment, design social/urban analysis andpublic policy. Examples of subjects that areconsidered to be cognate are: EnvironmentalStudies; Architecture; Urban Studies;Geography; Economics; Politics; Surveying.• In exceptional circumstances, substantialand appropriate experience. Clear evidence(at interview) of ability to cope with an intensiveacademic programme will be required.• Students will benefit from recent experiencein a relevant field of work.• Those whose first language is not Englishwill be required to show English proficiencyof IELTS 6.5 or equivalent. They will beexpected to enrol on a 10-credit Englishlanguage module.FeesFind out how much your course will cost byvisiting our online course fees calculator atwww.anglia.ac.uk/coursefees or for moreinformation call one of our Contact CentreAdvisers on 0845 271 3333.For further informationCall our Contact Centre on 0845 271 3333or email: answers@anglia.ac.ukor visit: www.anglia.ac.ukThis masters-level programmeprepares students fully forprofessional practice in townplanning. It is concerned withthe relationship of contemporarylifestyles and the spaces welive in.It focuses on the sustainability and regenerationagendas, and the role of planners in thedevelopment of space and place, and inthe context of a region experiencing majordevelopment pressures, environmental challengesand opportunities. The course develops notonly students’ professional knowledge and skills,but also their ability to analyse complex issues,make sound judgments, solve problems andcommunicate, and act autonomously.Course contentThe course covers core aspects of planningactivity ranging from development controland Local Development Frameworks throughto European spatial strategy, developmentfeasibility, and urban design. This iscomplemented by theoretical insights into thesocial and economic context of planning andits impact on society. Development of thepractical and capacity-building skills identifiedin the Egan Review of skills for sustainablecommunities accompanies the research,evaluative and reflective skills culminating ina research project based on a specialist studyarea. Currently, students choose from specialismsin Urban Design, Housing and Planning, andWaste, Minerals, and Environment.Methods of teaching and learningThese are diverse and designed to encourageactive participation in the learning process,including, practical exercises, seminars, tutorials,role-play and group work. Students undertake amajor project in a specialist area of study of theirchoice, demonstrating their ability to structure aclear, concise, reasoned argument and analysis.AssessmentAssessment uses a range of methods,for example, coursework, oral presentation,examination, to demonstrate achievementof the programme’s learning outcomes.Each method is designed to encouragestudents to gain confidence and experiencein different methods of presentation ofsubject matter using different styles fordifferent purposes and audiences.Benefits to youThis course is professionally accredited bythe Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI),and provides the knowledge and skills neededfor professional practice in town planning.Successful completion of the MSc, plus twoyears’ professional planning experience,enables you to apply for membership of theRTPI, highly regarded in Britain and overseas.Benefits to your organisationYour organisation can be confident that youhave followed a course of study which isrecognised by the RTPI as equipping studentswith the range of specialist professional andgeneric skills required to work in this challenging,creative, and fast-changing profession.Special featuresThe course is an intensive MSc running overone year in full-time mode, with three termseach of 15 weeks. Students who cannot entirelysatisfy the entry requirements may be eligible toenrol on a 30-credit ‘bridging course’ to preparethemselves for entry to the MSc Town Planning.Professional qualifications/exemptionsThe course is accredited by the Royal TownPlanning Institute (RTPI).CareersThe course is designed for those who wishto follow a career in spatial planning or anassociated discipline.How to applyApplication details are available from ourContact Centre.76 Call our Contact Centre 0845 271 3333 for more informationweb www.anglia.ac.ukemail answers@anglia.ac.uk 77

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