Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas


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Welcome to <strong>Anglia</strong> <strong>Ruskin</strong>Welcomefrom theVice Chancellor<strong>Anglia</strong> <strong>Ruskin</strong> University’s proudhistory goes back to 1858 whenJohn <strong>Ruskin</strong> founded the CambridgeSchool of Art, now part of ourCambridge campus. Much hasbeen written about John <strong>Ruskin</strong>whose interests ranged frompainting to innovative architecture,and building construction tophilosophy. The common themesin his work included an insatiablethirst for enquiry, and creativeand unconventional thought.I would like to welcome you to <strong>Anglia</strong> <strong>Ruskin</strong> Universityas a postgraduate or professional student. I very muchhope and believe that your studies with us will find these<strong>Ruskin</strong> themes embedded in the progressive learning weoffer. Certainly we value our postgraduate and professionalstudent community for the rich contribution they make toboth the academic life and the culture of <strong>Anglia</strong> <strong>Ruskin</strong>.You will find our expertise, like John <strong>Ruskin</strong>’s, is prettybroadly based. We are the leading postgraduate providerof Business Education programmes in the East of England.Many of our postgraduate students in English and Historyhave gone on to write their own books quite soon aftercompleting their studies with us.We have a clear vision for the future and researchwill play an even greater part in that future. We wantto increase our postgraduate and professional studentbody as well as encouraging the best of our postgraduateresearchers to join our academic staff – as indeed manyhave done in the past. It has also been a personal delightto witness more and more overseas students choosing tostudy with us – not least because Cambridge is such aninspirational learning environment. I very much hope youwill consider joining us – we are ambitious and determinedthat <strong>Anglia</strong> <strong>Ruskin</strong> University shall occupy a special placeamong UK universities, and you can help us get there.Professor Michael ThorneVice ChancellorThe UniversityAs an ambitious and progressive university, <strong>Anglia</strong> <strong>Ruskin</strong> offersyou a vibrant and stimulating environment in which to studyas a postgraduate or a professional student. Whether you aspireto further your career prospects, develop a specialist area ofinterest, or undertake a research project, you will benefit,both personally and professionally, from the highest qualityteaching standards, excellent resources and exciting and creativeatmosphere on both our Cambridge and Chelmsford Campuses.Our heritageJohn <strong>Ruskin</strong> (1819–1900) was, without question, the leadingart critic of the 19th century. But he was far more than that.He was passionately concerned with social reform, as wellas the relationship between human beings and society, nature,architecture, craftsmanship and ideas.<strong>Ruskin</strong>’s ideas continue to shape our society, providing thesocial philosophical underpinnings for such features as freeschools, free libraries and museums, free hospitals, a minimumwage, and care for the elderly. One of <strong>Ruskin</strong>’s best known worksUnto This Last (1860–62) has been described as a book whichchanged history, inspiring the minds of politicians, philosophers,and authors, including such luminaries as Gandhi, Tolstoy,Proust, and Oscar Wilde.In 1858, John <strong>Ruskin</strong> opened the School of Art in Sidney Street,Cambridge, laying the foundation for the institution which hasgrown to become the modern <strong>Anglia</strong> <strong>Ruskin</strong> University. Some 150years later, the School of Art still forms part of the University, nowmuch expanded beyond its original confines to include not only itsother major campus in Chelmsford but a number of developingpartnerships with colleges throughout the East of England.Whether you aspire to furtheryour career prospects, developa specialist area of interest, orundertake a research project,you will benefit, both personallyand professionally, from thehighest quality teaching standards,excellent resources and excitingand creative atmosphere.Call our Contact Centre 0845 271 3333 for more informationweb www.anglia.ac.ukemail answers@anglia.ac.uk

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