Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas


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Cambridge and ChelmsfordTaught coursesCambridge and ChelmsfordTaught coursesManagement: Diplomain Management Studies (DMS)(<strong>PG</strong>Dip)Length of courseFT 1 yearStart dateSeptemberEntry requirements• A Postgraduate Certificate in Management from<strong>Anglia</strong> <strong>Ruskin</strong>, a regional partner institution,or from other comparable UK institutions.• Holders of other awards, including those fromnon-UK universities, will be considered onthe equivalence of their qualifications.• Those applicants for whom English is not afirst language will be expected to demonstratea certified level of proficiency of at leastIELTS 6.5 or equivalent.• Candidates who do not meet any ofthese entry criteria, but can demonstrateappropriate relevant experience in a postof management or professional responsibility,may be admitted if, in the opinion of theadmissions tutor, they are capable of profitingfrom and contributing to the programme.• Applicants who apply for admission withadvanced standing will be directed to theUniversity’s standard procedures for APEL.FeesFind out how much your course will cost byvisiting our online course fees calculator atwww.anglia.ac.uk/coursefees or for moreinformation call one of our Contact CentreAdvisers on 0845 271 3333.For further informationCall our Contact Centre on 0845 271 3333or email: answers@anglia.ac.ukor visit: www.anglia.ac.ukHow to applyApplication details are available from ourContact Centre.The programme builds onthe foundations in generalmanagement set down in thecertificate stage. As such, itsfocus is much more integrativein nature in terms of theprogramme’s modules and givesmore emphasis to tactical andstrategic roles and functions.Course contentThe course is most likely to suit people who areaged 26 or over, and who have a minimum oftwo-three years’ management-related experience,ideally at the middle management level.Typically, course participants are able to drawfrom their real world experience to be able totackle a range of current work-related problemsand investigations, and to develop new ideas,concepts and models as aids to problemsolving and performance improvement.The course focuses on the functional andstrategic aspects of general management andtheir integration, building on modules deliveredat the certificate stage. A key integrative themeof the programme for both public and privatesector participants is business planning andfinance. As with the certificate-level programme,participants are encouraged to demonstratethe ability to generate real practical solutions towork-related issues, and to exercise managerialand ethical judgement in increasingly complexand integrated scenarios.Methods of teaching and learningA variety of contemporary learning andteaching strategies are used that involve youin current management problems and issues.Learning from and through real-life case studiesis used to build on your own experiences,as well as to broaden horizons as to the roleand function of a general manager operatingwithin an organisational context.Proactive teaching strategies enable you tothink critically about real-world managementproblems and to develop strategies for morecomplex problems encountered at moresenior managerial levels.60 Call our Contact Centre 0845 271 3333 for more informationAssessmentAssessment strategies are designed to enableyou to develop and evidence practical andcognitive skills that are essential to long-termcareer progression. Particular emphasis atdiploma level is placed on more in-depthproblem analysis and on the synthesis ofsolutions to a variety of operational, tacticaland strategic planning and delivery-relatedproblems. The methods used for assessmentinclude both written and oral forms of submission/presentation. Media used range from individualand group management reports to presentations.Benefits to youThe course enables you to build up a body ofpractical and theoretical/best practice knowledgewith respect to general management which canbe applied to your own professional practiceand development. Furthermore, the philosophyof the programme, which is embedded within areflective practitioner model, both supports andencourages the transfer of learning back to theorganisational context. As such, DMS-level studyis a vehicle for personal development and futurecareer progression as well as preparation formasters-level study.Benefits to your organisationThe course has been specifically designed toenable you to integrate diploma-level study intoyour working life while remaining a productiveand contributing member of a management team.You are able to apply your learning directly toa range of work-based situations and contextspotentially adding significant value to theorganisation with respect to its mission andpurpose, and more importantly with respect tomaking a stronger and more visible contributionto performance related business development.Management: PostgraduateCertificate in Management(<strong>PG</strong>Cert)Length of courseFT 1 yearStart dateSeptemberEntry requirements• A degree from a UK university, normally ata minimum of lower second-class honours.• Holders of other awards, including those fromnon-UK universities, will be considered onthe equivalence of their qualifications.• Those applicants for whom English is not afirst language will be expected to demonstratea certified level of proficiency of at leastIELTS 6.5 or equivalent.• Candidates who do not meet any of theseentry criteria, but can demonstrate appropriaterelevant experience in a post of managementor professional responsibility, may be admittedif, in the opinion of the Admissions Tutor,they are capable of profiting from andcontributing to the programme.• Applicants who apply for admission withadvanced standing will be directed to theUniversity`s standard procedures for APEL.FeesFind out how much your course will cost byvisiting our online course fees calculator atwww.anglia.ac.uk/coursefees or for moreinformation call one of our Contact CentreAdvisers on 0845 271 3333.For further informationCall our Contact Centre on 0845 271 3333or email: answers@anglia.ac.ukor visit: www.anglia.ac.ukHow to applyApplication details are available from ourContact Centre.The programme providesa foundation in generalmanagement. It focuses initiallyon the individual and theirpersonal development in thecontext of the organisation andthe wider external environment.The course is most likely to suit peoplewho are aged 25 or over, already have somemanagement-related experience, and who havehad some limited exposure to the managementof resources, budgets or projects. Typically courseparticipants are able to draw on this experienceto be able to tackle current work-relatedinvestigations, and to take on new ideasand concepts in management that arisefrom theory and current professional practice.Course contentThe course concentrates on the operationalaspects of general management and offersa grounding in disciplines that provide thebasis for progressive management practice,in finance, operations, marketing, peopledevelopment, communications, and incognitive, practical and transferablemanagement skills.Participants are encouraged to demonstratethe ability to generate real practical solutions towork-related issues, and to exercise managerialand ethical judgement in increasingly complexand integrated scenarios.Methods of teaching and learningA variety of contemporary learning and teachingstrategies are used that involve students in currentmanagement problems and issues. Learning fromand through real-life case studies can extendmanagerial experience, helping to build the student’ssensitivity to the complexities of management.Proactive teaching strategies enable studentsto think critically about real-world managementproblems and to develop strategies for tacklingroutine and more complex indeterminate solutions.AssessmentAssessment strategies have been designed toallow students to evidence practical skills of datamanagement and manipulation, synthesis of ideasin application, and communication of outcomesto others in different management situations.The methods used for assessment will include bothwritten and oral forms of submission/presentation.Media used will range from group and individualmanagement reports, presentations, both formaland informal, model solution disseminations,including self-evaluation and reflective elements,with each module having its own form ofassessment, which will vary according to thesubject matter and the stated learning objectives.Benefits to youThe course will enable participants to build up abody of practical and theoretical knowledge regardingthe management of organisations and apply this inthe context of their own professional practice as wellas developing a critical awareness of contemporaryissues that impact on organisational change, andbe proactive in problem examination and solutiongeneration. A variety of management tools andtechniques will be acquired that facilitate themanipulation of data as an aid to decision-making.Benefits to your organisationThe course has been designed to enable participantsto integrate study into their working lives whileremaining a productive and contributing member ofthe management team by taking individuals awayfor only a limited time. Participants are able to applytheir learning directly, adding significant value to theorganisation from the very first week.Professional links/accreditationAshcroft International Business School (AIBS),as a practice-based business school, has links,through its academic staff, with an extensivenumber of professional organisations and deliversaccredited professional programmes on behalf ofthe Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development(CIPD), the Chartered Institute of Public Financeand Accountancy (CIPFA), the Chartered Institute ofMarketing (CIM), the Institute of Business Consulting(IBC), and the Chartered Management Institute.International linksStudents from many countries choose to study withthe Faculty and AIBS programmes are delivered ina number of countries including the Czech Republic,Cyprus, France, Germany, Hungary, Malaysia,The Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, and Trinidad.International students and links continue to be animportant part of the Faculty’s portfolio of activities,and are likely to become more so in the future.CareersThe programme is intended to develop personalcompetences for reflection, critical analysis,problem definition, synthesis and conflictresolution leading to enhanced career prospectsin an increasingly competitive global world.web www.anglia.ac.ukemail answers@anglia.ac.uk 61

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