Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas


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CambridgeTaught coursesCambridgeTaught coursesInternational Business Economics(MA, <strong>PG</strong>Cert, <strong>PG</strong>Dip)Length of courseFT 1 yearStart dateSeptember and FebruaryEntry requirements• Entrants will normally be expected to holda degree from a UK university in a relevantdiscipline. Usually this will be at a minimumof lower second-class honours.• Holders of other awards, including those fromnon-UK universities, will be considered onthe equivalence of their qualifications.• Those applicants for whom English is not afirst language will be expected to demonstratea certificated level of proficiency of at leastIELTS 6.5 or equivalent.• Requests for admission via APEL will bemanaged via usual University procedures.FeesFind out how much your course will cost byvisiting our online course fees calculator atwww.anglia.ac.uk/coursefees or for moreinformation call one of our Contact CentreAdvisers on 0845 271 3333.For further informationCall our Contact Centre on 0845 271 3333or email: answers@anglia.ac.ukor visit: www.anglia.ac.ukHow to applyApplication details are available from ourContact Centre.This postgraduate programmeaims to enhance job prospectsin strategic management andinternational business. It isdesigned to enhance analyticalskills in applied areas ofeconomics and interrelateddisciplines. The course has aninternational focus to developcorporate and economicdecision-making skills.Course contentFor the certificate, areas of study will include:International Business Environment and Strategy;International Management Decision Making;and Research Methods for Managers inan International Context.For the diploma, areas of study willinclude: Economics of Global Trade;International Micro Policy; and an elective.At masters stage, students write a dissertationon a business economics related subject ormatter, up to a maximum of 25,000 words.Methods of teaching and learningThe teaching is delivered by means of lecturesand tutorials. The programme team organisesvarious study visits to a number of financialinstitutions including the London Metal Exchange,Treasury, Lloyds of London, and the Bank ofEngland. These tours strengthen understanding ofthe workings of organisations which operate in theinternational arena and provide a more practicaland dynamic element to the programme.AssessmentKnowledge, understanding, and key skills areassessed either through a written assignment orportfolio, a presentation, an examination or anycombination of these. These assessments canbe completed either as part of a group or onan individual basis.Benefits to youYou will acquire a high level of skills ineconomics, outside the scope of usualpostgraduate programmes. This will enhanceyour career either as a professional businesseconomist or in general management.Benefits to your organisationThe programme has an explicitly internationalfocus, with emphasis on operational tools andteamwork. Students are able to demonstratein-depth research capability through asubstantial dissertation.Special featuresThis programme provides an opportunityfor students to liaise with researchers andpractitioners within the field of business andeconomics. Students are invited to share theirexperiences and culture with other mastersstudents in an informal supportive environment.CareersStudents with an economics and businessfinance background can consider a career in manycountries with a variety of business disciplines egeconomics, business analysis, and consultancy.International andEuropean Business Law(LLM, <strong>PG</strong>Dip)Length of courseFT 1 yearStart dateSeptember and FebruaryEntry requirements• A 2:2 degree in law or a degree with asubstantial amount of law eg businessstudies or accountancy.• Language requirement of IELTS 6.5.FeesFind out how much your course will cost byvisiting our online course fees calculator atwww.anglia.ac.uk/coursefees or for moreinformation call one of our Contact CentreAdvisers on 0845 271 3333.For further informationCall our Contact Centre on 0845 271 3333or email: answers@anglia.ac.ukor visit: www.anglia.ac.ukHow to applyApplication details are available from ourContact Centre.The LLM programme is basedon the University’s CambridgeCampus and addresses theneeds of students from variedbackgrounds who wish tospecialise in the area ofInternational or Europeanlaw and business. The LLMoffers a combination of theoryand practical application thatis relevant to international legalpractice and business.Course contentThe programme is organised on asemester basis. During semester one,two compulsory 30-credit modules are taught:International and European Trade Law andPolicy; and Commercial Dispute Resolution.During the second semester, two optionalmodules may be selected from the following30-credit modules: Comparative CompetitionLaw; International Environmental Law;Issues in International Tax and Company Law;and Trans-national Intellectual Property Law.It is also possible to select modules from the<strong>Anglia</strong> Language Programme. English languagesupport for overseas students is integral to theprogramme. On completion of the taught modulesstudents work towards their major research project,a 22,000-word supervised dissertation for themasters award.A Postgraduate Diploma in International andEuropean Business Law is available for thosestudents wishing to acquire specialist expertisein those subject areas within the taught partof the course but who do not wish to undertakethe major research project.Methods of teaching and learningThree hours per week contact time are scheduledfor each module with additional practicalworkshops as appropriate. The team provideslectures, seminars and workshops. The aim ofthe course team is to provide a structured, directedframework within which students can developan understanding and knowledge of their subjects.All students are required to contribute toclasses through formal presentations andthrough less formal discussion, debate,and identification of problems.AssessmentStudents will be assessed each semester.All modules are assessed by coursework ofa variety of forms. The method of assessmentis explained at the start of each module.Assessment may be by a term paper, seminarperformance, unseen problems, a timedpaper or oral presentation. Each assessmentis marked as a percentage. The final awardwill be distinction/pass/fail in accordancewith the University’s regulations.Benefits to youThe programme prepares students for careersin international law and business. The coursemethod develops confidence in the handlingand presentation of complex legal materialsorally and in writing. The language supportthat international students receive encouragesconfidence in their English language skills.Benefits to your organisationThe modular programme aims to meetthe needs of employment in fields whereInternational and European business and lawmeet. Students from a wide range of countriesoften work collaboratively and become skilledin effective communication and understandingof their different legal/business cultures. This isan essential attribute in a global economy.Special featuresSpecialist practitioners are invited to presentseminars. The commercial dispute resolutionworkshops are led by a commercial arbitrator whohas been appointed a judge at the InternationalCourt of Sports Arbitration. During the secondsemester students visit the European institutions.CareersOur students have entered careers in theinternational departments of law firms,international business, and international aspects ofgovernment service or with international agencies.Links with industry or businessWe have links with the University of Burgundyat Dijon.54 Call our Contact Centre 0845 271 3333 for more informationweb www.anglia.ac.ukemail answers@anglia.ac.uk 55

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