Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas


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CambridgeCambridge and ChelmsfordTaught coursesTaught coursesForensic Science(MSc)Human Resource Management(MA, <strong>PG</strong>Dip)Length of courseFT 1 yearStart dateSeptemberEntry requirements• Good BSc (Hons) or BA (Hons) degree orequivalent in Forensic Science, a relatedscience subject or other cognate oracceptable subject.• Applications from experienced practitionerslacking a formal degree qualification will alsobe considered.FeesFind out how much your course will cost byvisiting our online course fees calculator atwww.anglia.ac.uk/coursefees or for moreinformation call one of our Contact CentreAdvisers on 0845 271 3333.For further informationCall our Contact Centre on 0845 271 3333or email: answers@anglia.ac.ukor visit: www.anglia.ac.ukHow to applyApplication details are available from ourContact Centre.The subject matter includedin the programme has beenchosen to reflect the probableprofessional needs of potentialstudents (and their potentialemployers) and the expertise of<strong>Anglia</strong> <strong>Ruskin</strong> staff. The course isheavily biased towards analyticalscience in the broad sense sincesuch skills appear to be thosemost in demand from both thespecialist forensic scienceindustry and the wider science/technology-based market.Course contentIn trimester one, all students take Masteringthe Crime Scene. Non-forensic sciencegraduates also take Laboratory Methodologiesin Forensic Science, whilst Forensic Sciencegraduates take Mastering Forensic Science.In trimester two, students take Preparingfor Work and Research in Forensic Science(which may include an element of workplacement) and one of either AdvancedChemical Criminalistics or AdvancedBiological Criminalistics.The third trimester is taken up by theMasters Research Project.Methods of teaching and learningA diverse array of lectures, laboratory classes,mini-project work, tutorials, and group workis used in the delivery of the subject material.Students will be expected to work unsupervised,on their own initiative, outside of formalscheduled contact time.AssessmentThis is mostly a combination of laboratoryand court reports (witness statements),oral presentations and closed examinations.Some essay and report writing is required.Research project is by submission ofdissertation and oral presentation.Benefits to youThe course will permit students to develop arange of analytical skills focused on and withparticular relevance to the needs of forensicscience. Students will develop these skillsin an explicitly forensic environment.A good grounding in the design andimplementation of a programme ofresearch will also be obtained.Benefits to your organisationEmployers will benefit from graduates witha highly developed skill-base in specialisedanalytical methodologies. Graduates from thisprogramme will also have a very good groundingin the theory and practice of good laboratorypractice, valid analytical measurement andother quality assurance and management issues.Special featuresAll the lecturers on the course are experiencedforensic practitioners and most are activelyengaged with casework. The equipment baseis new (less than 3 years old) and housed inrecently refurbished laboratories. State-of-the-artfacilities in gene sequencing, drug analysis andforensic spectroscopy are particularly noteworthy.CareersIn addition to employment in specialist forensicscience laboratories, a wide range of careersin the chemical, biological, environment,pharmaceutical, and law-enforcementindustries would be available to thosesuccessfully completing this course.Links with industry or businessLecturing staff have extensive experienceof forensic science provision, educationand training in many countries, includingthose of the EU, the USA, the Middle East,and South East Asia.Length of courseFT 1 yearStart dateOctoberEntry requirements• A degree from a UK university, normally ata minimum of lower second-class honours.• Graduate membership of the CIPD, for entryat Stage 3.• Holders of other awards, including thosefrom non-UK universities, will be consideredon the equivalence of their qualifications.• Those applicants for whom English is not thefirst language will be expected to demonstratea certified level of proficiency of at leastIELTS 6.5 or equivalent.• Candidates who do not possess any of theseentry criteria, but can demonstrate appropriaterelevant experience in a post of managementor professional responsibility, may be admittedif, in the opinion of the Admissions Tutor, theyare capable of profiting from and contributingto the programme.Locations of studyIt is possible to study the <strong>PG</strong>Dip at bothCambridge and Chelmsford. The MA istaught only at Chelmsford.FeesFind out how much your course will cost byvisiting our online course fees calculator atwww.anglia.ac.uk/coursefees or for moreinformation call one of our Contact CentreAdvisers on 0845 271 3333.For further informationCall our Contact Centre on 0845 271 3333or email: answers@anglia.ac.ukor visit: www.anglia.ac.ukHow to applyApplication details are available from ourContact Centre.The HR Manager of the futurewill be concerned with thewider issues of organisationaleffectiveness in increasinglyglobalised markets, where theimpact of managerial decisionshas major ramifications for theeffectiveness of the organisation.In a world which is changing rapidly and wherestability is a thing of the past, the HR Managerwill be central to the proactive managementof the workforce, operating from a strategicviewpoint in terms of the future structureand functioning of the organisation.Course contentThe course content depends on the specificstudent’s entry level and method of study.There are three stages in this pathway as follows:Stage one:This aims to introduce the student to theoperational level of management and introducethem to a number of key management areasand skills required by those engaged in HRM.Stage two: Postgraduate Diploma in HumanResource ManagementThis stage is specific to individuals wishing tofollow a career and gain a qualification in HRM.Stages one and two closely follow theCIPD modules.Stage three: MA Human Resource ManagementThis is the final stage of the pathway,where students are encouraged to approachHRM from a strategic view. They use theirorganisational practice as a mechanism forcritical evaluation of the abstruse conceptsinvolved in the management of theemployment relationship.Methods of teaching and learningUnderlying our approach is a strongconviction that managers learn with andfrom each other in the pursuit of finding solutionsto real live problems at work. We, therefore,encourage participative learning methodsand work-based assignments so that not onlythe individual managers benefit from personaldevelopment, but their employing organisationsalso obtain significant benefits.AssessmentThe course is assessed formally through writtenwork or group and individual presentationscomprising the following as appropriate for eachmodule: dissertation; case study; oral presentation;examination; individual/group presentation;and knowledge/work-based assignments.Benefits to youThe course will benefit those HR Managerswho are preparing themselves for senior rolesand are seeking to develop their strategic andinternational perspectives and establish HR asa major influence in the formation of companypolicy. Specifically, students will gain exposureto a range of cutting-edge HR concepts,increased managerial effectiveness andenhanced process and implementation skills.Benefits to your organisationThe organisational benefits are in havinghighly educated managers, able to viewissues operationally and strategically and whoapply leading-edge solutions to organisationalproblems. Specifically, your organisation will gainmanagers who understand and can implementorganisational change, HR practitioners whocan ‘think outside the box’, offering pragmaticsolutions to organisational issues.Special featuresThe format of the programme will be amixture of theory presentation, discussion,and practical skill development based on casestudies, simulations and structured experiences,which reflect typical HRM issues.CareersThe programme is designed to be academicallyrigorous whilst maintaining a focus on the skillsand knowledge you need for a successful careerin HRM. Thus, the MA in Human ResourceManagement will benefit those individualswho are preparing themselves for strategic andinternational roles in HRM as a business partner.48 Call our Contact Centre 0845 271 3333 for more informationweb www.anglia.ac.ukemail answers@anglia.ac.uk 49

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