Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas


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ChelmsfordChelmsfordTaught coursesTaught coursesEducation, Secondary(<strong>PG</strong>CE) Initial Teacher Training in Art and Design, English, History withCitizenship, ICT, Mathematics, Modern Foreign Languages, and ScienceEngineering Management(MSc)Length of courseFT 1 yearStart dateSeptemberEntry requirements• An Honours Degree (2:2 or equivalent),at least half of which should be in thesubject you wish to teach.• A GCSE grade C or above for mathematicsand English language.• Satisfactory references, an Enhanced CRBDisclosure, occupational health clearance,and documentary evidence of educationqualifications are required.• For ICT, the degree may be in any relevantdiscipline where ICT has been an integralpart of your degree, or you may have relevantcommercial experience.• For Modern Foreign Languages, you can applyif you are a graduate and a native speaker ofFrench, Spanish or German.• For science and mathematics, we welcomeapplicants who have significant work experiencein science and mathematics-related industries.• We are happy to consider applications fromthose who have taken Training and DevelopmentAgency for Schools (TDA) subject enhancementor extension courses. We offer fully fundedFrench and German extension courses.FeesFind out how much your course will cost byvisiting our online course fees calculator atwww.anglia.ac.uk/coursefees or for moreinformation call one of our Contact CentreAdvisers on 0845 271 3333.For further informationCall our Contact Centre on 0845 271 3333or email: answers@anglia.ac.ukor visit: www.anglia.ac.ukOur <strong>PG</strong>CE is offered atprofessional graduateand postgraduate level.Successful applicants for allcourses will initially be registeredon the professional graduateroute and will be offered theopportunity to be considered fortransfer onto the postgraduateroute which includes 60 creditsat masters-level.These courses will prepare you to teach thesecondary age range (11-16) in art and design,English, history with citizenship, ICT, mathematics,modern foreign languages or science.Course contentTrainees will spend approximately 12 weeksat University and 24 weeks practical trainingin two different schools (Partnership schoolsare spread throughout the Eastern region).Trainees will have a professional tutor and a subjectmentor in each school. The professional tutor hasoverall responsibility within the school for preparingyou to become an effective and successfulclassroom teacher; your mentor will have day-to-dayresponsibility for your training and subject teaching.University tutors work closely with schoolstaff to ensure you become familiar with theNational Curriculum and with the wide varietyof resources and strategies which enableeffective teaching and assessment to take place.Your University-based workshops and lectureswill foster your professional development,understanding of subject-related methodology,and your understanding of effective teaching.Those students who undertake the masters-levelmodules, within the postgraduate route, willengage in research where the emphasis is ondeveloping teaching and learning, related toprofessional development for teachers.Methods of teaching and learningLinks are clearly developed between school-basedactivities and university lectures and workshops.At the University you will work extensivelywith others pursuing the same subjectspecialism, and these workshops are led bya subject-specialist tutor. In addition you willhave the opportunity to work in cross-curriculargroups for general professional studies.AssessmentYou will be assessed on your practical teachingability through a series of formal observationsthroughout the year. These are carried out by theschool and are moderated by University tutors.Academic assignments enable you to developyour own subject knowledge, become familiarwith the literature and research about teaching yoursubject. In addition you will keep a ProfessionalDevelopment Portfolio to provide evidence that youhave met the Standards for Qualifying to Teach.Benefits to you<strong>Anglia</strong> <strong>Ruskin</strong> University has been involved inteacher education over four decades and worksin partnership with schools across the region:in Essex, Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Norfolk,and London boroughs. We have a provenrecord of training teachers who are soughtby local and national education employers.You may study the Professional Graduate Certificateof Education or the Postgraduate Certificate ofEducation. Opportunities to develop your leadershippotential through research on the PostgraduateCertificate of Education may be particularly attractive.CareersFollowing on from this course you will be ideallyequipped to enter into the teaching profession.Your language training will prepare you for themany new opportunities for language teachersin primary schools.Professional qualifications/exemptionsThis award includes recommendation for QualifiedTeacher Status for those who successfully meetthe requirements. You are then able to apply toteach in a state primary school.Links with industry/businessWe work in close partnership with schools acrossthe region to ensure the best possible training forour students. Our Partnership schools employ themajority of our trainees. Our University staff includesseconded teachers from our Partnership schools.Length of courseFT 1 yearStart dateSeptemberEntry requirements• An Honours Degree in a suitable technicalsubject from a recognised university or aqualification or experience judged to beequivalent by <strong>Anglia</strong> <strong>Ruskin</strong> University.FeesFind out how much your course will cost byvisiting our online course fees calculator atwww.anglia.ac.uk/coursefees or for moreinformation call one of our Contact CentreAdvisers on 0845 271 3333.For further informationCall our Contact Centre on 0845 271 3333or email: answers@anglia.ac.ukor visit: www.anglia.ac.ukHow to applyApplication details are available from ourContact Centre.It is widely understood todaythat technical competence isnot enough for the successfuloperation of engineeringcompanies. Management skillsare essential for all professionalengineers to enable them tomake a full contribution to thesuccess of their organisations.There is an increasing global demand forcontinuing professional development atmasters-level and this course will be of particularinterest to those engineers who wish to expandtheir careers into the management arena -irrespective of their area of technical expertise.The course is designed to enable practisingengineers to develop their intellectualcapabilities and their performance with respectto their wider professional roles. It is aimed atprofessional engineers who aspire to managementpositions in their organisations and who needto further develop their skills and knowledgeof current management techniques.Course contentThe course has a modular structure andconsists of modules from the Faculty of Science& Technology and the Ashcroft InternationalBusiness School. The final part of the coursewill include a major individual dissertation.The overall aim of the course is to providethe wide range of management tools andtechniques required to control and managecomplex technical organisations. These skillsinclude: Managing People; Controlling Finances;Managing Operations; Making Optimum Useof all Resources; Ensuring Quality in itsWidest Sense; and a Study of Contract Law.Methods of teaching and learningThe teaching will be an innovative mixture oflectures, tutorials, and case studies, supported byextensive study guide material. Computer simulationwill form an essential element of the course.AssessmentAssessment is by assignment andsome examinations.Benefits to youTypical example profiles of potentialcandidates for the programme could include:• Practicing engineers or designers who wishto undertake personal development in orderto widen personal horizons. You may haverecently completed undergraduate studyand be in the process of applying theskills and knowledge to the workplace.Alternatively you may be a well-experiencedindividual who has extensive workplaceexperience, and who now wishes to undertakecareer development to a more senior level.• Middle or senior managers who wish toundertake personal development to satisfypersonal and company aspirations. You willbe totally proficient in the workplace eitherthrough qualifications or experience and willhave significant management responsibilitiesfor others.• Other professional staff who wish toexpand their personal qualification levels.Benefits to your organisationThis course will enhance the knowledge andunderstanding of the students in a wide areaof management subjects. Perhaps, the mostcritical undertaking from many companies isthe negotiation of new contracts and ensuringthat they are legal and can be enforced in thecourts as a last resort. This aspect is givenprominence in the course.CareersThis course should enhance the promotionpotential of the student in their chosen career.How to applyApplication details are available from ourContact Centre.40 Call our Contact Centre 0845 271 3333 for more informationweb www.anglia.ac.ukemail answers@anglia.ac.uk 41

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