Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas

Anglia Ruskin PG Prospectus - Navitas


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ChelmsfordTaught coursesEducation, Primary withModern Foreign Languages(<strong>PG</strong>CE) Initial Teacher Training Age range 5-11 French, German or SpanishLength of courseFT 1 yearStart dateSeptemberEntry requirements• An Honours Degree from a recogniseduniversity, or equivalent, with a 2:2classification (or higher).• A GCSE pass at Grade C, or higher, inEnglish language, mathematics and science.We currently offer a GCSE science equivalencytest for those applicants without sciencequalifications. We do not offer equivalencytests in English and mathematics.• At least two weeks’ recent successfulexperience of working in a primary schoolat the point of application.• Satisfactory references, an Enhanced CRBDisclosure, occupational health clearance,and documentary evidence of educationalqualifications are required.• A Level in the language of choice(French, German or Spanish) or equivalentdemonstration of linguistic ability(for example foreign nationals, thosewho have lived abroad or are bilingual).FeesFind out how much your course will cost byvisiting our online course fees calculator atwww.anglia.ac.uk/coursefees or for moreinformation call one of our Contact CentreAdvisers on 0845 271 3333.Our <strong>PG</strong>CE is offered atprofessional graduate andpostgraduate level. Successfulapplicants for all courses willinitially be registered on theprofessional graduate route andwill be offered the opportunityto be considered for transferonto the postgraduate routewhich includes 60 credits atmasters-level. The programmeprepares students to teachchildren aged 5-11,across Key Stage 1 andKey Stage 2. Students willadditionally specialise inmodern language teaching.Course contentThe <strong>PG</strong>CE is a full-time programme,which runs for 38 weeks and integratesprofessional practice with academic enquiry.You will develop your knowledge andunderstanding of the primary National Curriculumand primary strategies, study effective teachingand learning methodology, and gain the skillsof a successful primary practitioner.You will have school experience totalling18 weeks and covering the full age range youare training to teach. The taught part of theprogramme and the school experience runconcurrently. You will be attached to twodifferent Partnership schools, one each semester,where you will have opportunities to developyour teaching in a supportive environment. Youwill be supported by a named mentor in theschool and a link tutor from the University.You will spend four weeks teaching in France,Germany or Spain and will be supported indeveloping both your own linguistic abilityand your understanding of teaching languageat primary level.Those students who undertake the masters-levelmodules, within the postgraduate route,will engage in research where the emphasisis on developing teaching and learning,related to professional development for teachers.Methods of teaching and learningThe taught modules will prepare you toteach the whole primary curriculum andreligious education. Students are introducedto creativity, communication, English,mathematics, modern language teaching,science, foundation subjects and professionalvalues through a variety of approachesincluding workshops, lectures, online activities,seminars, and classroom-based activities.AssessmentA variety of modes of assessment areused, including group presentations,written assignments, a language examination,and profiles. You will have the opportunity toassess your own progress through subject auditsand to undertake supported independent study.During each block of school experience you willbe assessed against the government standardsfor the award of Qualified Teacher Status.Benefits to you<strong>Anglia</strong> <strong>Ruskin</strong> has a long and distinguishedtradition of training primary school teachersthrough the <strong>PG</strong>CE route. We work in awell-established partnership with schools acrossthe region: in Essex, Cambridgeshire, Suffolk,Norfolk, and London boroughs. Graduates fromour courses are well respected and achievesuccess in the employment market, many inlocal schools. A recent OFSTED inspection of ourtraining confirmed the quality of our work andidentified a number of outstanding features.This course is specifically designed todevelop teachers who can support thePrimary Languages Initiative and weexpect our graduates to be in demand.Special featuresYou may study the Professional GraduateCertificate of Education or the PostgraduateCertificate of Education. Opportunities todevelop your leadership potential throughthe Postgraduate Certificate of Educationmay be particularly attractive.Study abroadOpportunities to teach abroad, for four weeks,are available to those taking the <strong>PG</strong>CE PrimaryEducation with Modern Foreign Languages(Initial Teacher Training) Degree. This is fullyfunded and contributes directly to your InitialTeacher Training.CareersFollowing on from this course you will be ideallyequipped to enter into the teaching profession.Your language training will prepare you for themany new opportunities for language teachersin primary schools.Professional qualifications/exemptionsThis award includes recommendationfor Qualified Teacher Status for thosewho successfully meet the requirements.You are then able to apply to teach ina state primary school.Links with industry/businessWe work in close partnership with schoolsacross the region to ensure the best possibletraining for our students. Our Partnershipschools employ the majority of our trainees.Our University staff includes seconded teachersfrom our Partnership schools.For further informationCall our Contact Centre on 0845 271 3333or email: answers@anglia.ac.ukor visit: www.anglia.ac.ukHow to applyApplication details are available from ourContact Centre.38 Call our Contact Centre 0845 271 3333 for more informationweb www.anglia.ac.ukemail answers@anglia.ac.uk 39

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